A/N: It's been awhile hasn't it? I just know at least half of you are wishing me a slow and painful death for not updating sooner. I wanted to post this before school started 'cause I knew I wouldn't have much time to write but no ideas were flowing. Actually most of the reason that this chapter is being posted now is that I got picked up early from school for a doctors appointment, and I got home an hour earlier than I would have from school; so I had time to write. Well, enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, but I do own the plot.

Chapter 8

The closet was for once, silent. Sirius sat on one end leaning against the wall and Sapphire sat across from him. Both had their knees drawn to their chest.

"I wish there was more light in here." Sapphire grumbled.

Sirius looked at her incredulously. "Are you a witch or not!"

Sapphire looked sheepish. "Oh, right. Lumos!"

Sirius muttered "stupid" under his breath. There was no question on who he was referring to.

Sapphire glared at him. "Shut up."

The closet lapsed into silence once more.

"What's your family like?"

Sirius' head snapped up at the spontaneous question. "Why?"

Sapphire shrugged her shoulders. "I was just curious. You never talk about your family at all."

"You wouldn't if your parents were insane idiots who followed an equally insane idiot, and your Slytherin brother is a weakling who just follows what everyone else does. In other words, he's already a deatheater in training." Came the bitter response.

"Ah." Sapphire paused for a second, as if debating on what she was going to say. "Sorry for asking."

"It's fine."

Lily looked surprised. "Sirius hasn't had the best life has he? I mean with both parents and brother deatheaters and him in Gryffindor and loyal to the light side…"

James looked confused. "Wily, what's a death-eater?"

Remus, Arabella, and Lily were painfully reminded of how innocent James was. He was only five! Well, not in reality, but he still currently had no knowledge of the war and there was no point in telling him. What were they supposed to say, there is an evil manic trying to take over the world and we're trying to stop him?

Lily was shaken out of her thoughts by James' voice. "Lily?"


"Are they bad people? Like the joker from Batman?"

Lily was surprised that he knew about the muggle fantasy superhero. "Yes, kind of like that."

James looked happy. "Great! That means the bad people will be defeated by the good side like in Batman!"

A sad look came over the other three faces. "I wish it could be that easy James." Lily whispered. "I really wish it could."

"Ya know, you did ask me about my family right? Sirius said out of the blue.

"Yes. And you answered it."

"Well, they aren't much like family are they? James' parents might as well have adopted me as their second son."

Sapphire looked curious. "What are they like?"

"Elizabeth, that's James' mom, is the sweetest woman you could ever know. But when you get her mad…" Sirius shuddered. "And she's the best cook in the world! James' dad is the one who always plays Quidditch with us and helps us with pranks; not that we need help of course but it's the thought that counts."

Sapphire let a small smile slip onto her face as she listened Sirius ramble on and in. He really seemed to love them, and would probably die for them. She noticed that while he talked, his eyes would light up and project this beautiful ocean/combat blue color. Sapphire didn't even know a shade like that existed. She wondered for a moment if he would ever die for her. Even if she didn't want to admit it to herself, Sapphire knew that deep down, she wished it would be for love, not friendship.

James stared at the screen in shock. "How does he know my mum and dad?"

" Um, well…" Remus looked at the two girls nervously, silently screaming for help.

"He um, met them…in Diagon Ally!" Arabella said. Well, more like screamed.

James however, didn't appear to hear her. "You know, he looks like a friend of mine. And his name is Sirius too!"

Lily went pale. "You didn't tell me they knew each other when they were little!" she hissed at Remus.

"You never asked."

"What's your family like?"

Sapphire looked thoughtful for a moment. "I guess they're just like normal parents. They love me, and would support any decisions I make; whether they agree or not. My dad is kind of cautious when it comes to guys, but he's not overly protective. My mom is the one I could really talk to; you know, about girl stuff."

Sirius looked at her for a second. "When did you get your first period?"

"WHAT!" The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around them.

Lily looked at the screen with disapproval written all over her delicate features. "What an idiot."

Arabella nodded in agreement. Remus resembled a choking tomato.

"Wily, what's a- a period?"

Lily felt it was wise not to answer that question.

"Owww." Sapphire moaned, clutching her hand. "I was right about you having a hard head. That hurt!"

Sirius glared at her while rubbing his sore head. "Think of how I must feel. That was completely uncalled for! All I did was ask an innocent question."

"Innocent indeed." Sapphire muttered. "Pervert."

"You tell him Sapphire!" Arabella cheered.

Remus pouted. "Hey! If you must know, we guys were always curious about that subject! I mean, what's the big deal?"

Lily made a face. Arabella grinned cheekily at Remus. "If you must know, then take sex ed." Then her attention turned back to the screen.

Remus stared at her, mesmerized. Arabella looked beautiful when she smiled. Her whole face lit up and her doe-like brown eyes sparkled. And that teasing smile of hers? Now that almost made him think quite un-Remus like thoughts. He always knew that he had a bit of a crush on her, but when she grinned at him like that? Wow.

"My legs are cramped." Sapphire groaned. She stood up in an attempt to stretch her legs. However, she was not known for her gracefulness; more like lack of coordination. Well, not on a broom of course. Sapphire promptly tripped over a stray bucket in her path and Sirius automatically reached out to stop her fall.

Sapphire fell into Sirius, her face buried in his chest and Sirius' arms ended up around her waist in an attempt to steady her. Sapphire slowly lifted her head only to see Sirius' deep blue eyes peering straight back into hers. Time seemed to stop.

Almost on reflex, her head began to inch up, closing the gap between the two faces. Sirius drew her closer, almost tenderly, and leaned in; meeting her lips with his.

Sapphire felt the warmth flood through her. Her knees were weak and brain fuzzy. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice screamed What are you doing! YOU'RE KISSING Sirius Black! But Sapphire didn't care. This was the kiss only experienced in fairytales, there was no way in hell she was going to pull away now.

Then something clicked in Sapphire's head. This was Sirius Black; the playboy who went through at least 2 girls a week. The boy who wouldn't know the word commitment if is slapped him in the face. The Sirius Black who had a fan club made up of the majority of the female population. The most handsome, sexy, charming guy she was in love with had his pick of any girl. Why would he pick her; the plain tomboy; when he could have a supermodel or Barbie? The only thing that could come out of a relationship with Sirius Black was hurt and betrayal. Of course, she would be the one being hurt and betrayed, not him.

"Lily, what are they doing?" James asked curiously. His mommy and daddy always did that, but whenever he asked, they would laugh and say he would understand when he was older. James wrinkled his nose. Hfp, I'm a mature adult. I understand everything.

"They're kissing." Lily said.


"Because they love each other." Arabella answered.

"Oh. Hey Wily?"

"Yes James?"

"Can you give me a kiss?"

"What!" Lily turned in shock to face James' innocent face.

James was puzzled by Lily's reaction to his question. People kissed when they loved each other right? Didn't Lily love him? He voiced the last thought aloud. "But don't you love me?"

"Of course I do James. I just can't kiss you." Lily looked at James uncomfortably. Oh why couldn't he be matured enough to understand the difference between romantic relationships and other relationships? Then she watched horrified as James' eyes welled up with salty tears.

"You don't love me do you?" James said, the hurt tone in his voice worse than any punishment.

"James…" Lily started.

"No!" James looked at her with furious hazel eyes. "No! You lied to me!"

Lily watched helplessly as the tears began to fall, his accusing stare causing her to overflow with guilt.

"You lied to me…" James whispered in a broken tone. "You don't love me…" He turned around, ready to run up the staircase to the girls' dormitory.

"Wait James!" Lily quickly got up from the couch and embraced him. "You're wrong, I do love you." She whispered in his ear. Lily hesitated for a split second before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "See, I gave you a kiss."

James pulled away from her arms and looked up, his face tear stained, but now filled with happiness.

"Now I have to give you a kiss!" James exclaimed. He leaned forward and clumsily brushed his lips against the smooth skin of Lily's cheek. Lily could feel the blush spreading up her neck and onto her cheeks. Stop! She scolded herself. He's only five!

Arabella and Remus watched the adorable scene with small smiles.

"They look good together don't they?" Arabella said softly.

"Yeah." Remus agreed. But so would we Remus thought. He looked startled. Where did that thought come from?

Arabella looked at him curiously. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Remus muttered. Other than the fact that I'm falling hard for you.

Sapphire reluctantly pulled away and looked at Sirius. She knew this would probably be the hardest thing she would ever have to do in her life.

"What was that?" Sirius' voice broke the tense atmosphere that was building in the room.

Sapphire gave him a small smile and stepped away. "Nothing. I was just curious. I mean those girls always said that you were an awesome kisser…I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about." On the outside, Sapphire looked calm and collected; but on the inside she was trembling with the thought of the intense kiss they had just shared, and Sapphire could feel her heart breaking into pieces with each word that came out of her mouth. Unknowingly, Sirius felt the same pain she did.

He took a deep breath and smiled shakily, putting up his mask to hide the pain of those words cutting through his heart. "Oh. Well you're not such a bad kisser yourself." He put his trademark smirk in place. "Now let's try and find away out of this closet, shall we?"

James didn't quite understand what just happened, but by the look on the other threes faces, their plan didn't work to well.

"We should probably let them out now, shouldn't we?" Lily said softly.

"Yeah, those two will probably need some time apart to think." Arabella agreed.

Remus reached over and pressed the button which was magicked to unlock the closet. They watched as Sirius turned the knob and upon finding it open, his and Sapphire both exited the small confined space they had been in for the past two hours.

Five minutes later, the two enter the portrait hole and silently when up to their respective dormitories.

"Well, my mommy always said when something doesn't work, try, try, and try again!" James said cheerfully, trying to break the gloomy silence in the room.

"No James." Lily said quietly. "Give them time."

A/N: How was it? Worth the wait I hope. Well, I have something fun planned for next chapter, so look out for it! (though it probably won't be out for awhile --;;) I did add some Lily/James and Arabella/Remus interaction here. And I know that almost everything is from Sapphire's point of view but me being a girl, I felt it was easier to write from her POV. I will try and add more Sirius POV next chapter. Now I feel I own a BIG thank you for those of you that gave me suggestions. They were extremely helpful. Even if I didn't use it, they helped me come up with ideas. And for those of you wondering about the favor Sirius owes Sapphire…that probably won't come for a chapter or two :).

Thank you:

pigs can fly: You had very creative suggestions even if I didn't use them. Thank you for taking the time to try thinking of some!

SmartAlek: lol. I was actually going to do that, but I changed it.

Amandinka: It's okay, but thanks for the support!

strwbrrydaquiri: High school is a blast! Well, the work isn't…and I got lost a lot…but other than that it was great!

witch lilly: No I'm not from England. I live in the USA in New York. And my first day was great! Definitely not as bad as I expected.

AnonymousMarauder: You had some good ideas. I especially liked the one about James remembering who he is but keeping it a secret. Sadly, I couldn't make it fit in here… but I might use that idea in the future!

KicKstand: The thing I really liked about your idea was having Lily realize James is very much like his five yr old self, and decides to give him a chance because of that. However, I don't thing I will be using it, but thank you very much for suggesting it because it did make me think!

Mubaki: Thank you. I tried your suggestion and it did work to an extent. I have to keep that idea in mind for the future.

Miss Myrtle360: Your review made my rethink my chapter. You made a very good point, if I make Sirius and Sapphire get together now, I won't have anything to write about them in the future. I have to give you a special thank you for that, because if you didn't review, I would have had Sirius and Sapphire get together this chapter and the story wouldn't have been as interesting. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

purtyinpink71121: I loved the whole closet idea! But unfortunately, I couldn't use it because it would throw the whole story off track for future chapters. I might actually use the Remus/Arabella idea for next chapter, so look out for that!

cec123: Well, I did kinda use the first half of your idea unintentionally… they always say that great minds think alike!

Prongsie4028: I'm glad you wanted to help! It makes me feel all warm n fuzzy :). That was a good idea but it would throw the whole story off track…but thanks for trying!

Prongs76: Chibi means little, in this case a child.

the-power-of-love: Prongs76: luvin'it : Holly-Short-Evans: a thousand pieces: writerchicky1425: King for a day Princess by dawn: Hazel-Hiss: chunky-01: demonic angel23: harrypotterfan52: Procrastinator-starting2moro: mimi: Kristin: Amandinka: lilian: Haruko Higurashi: romancejunkie: Crazy4Cocopuffs (interesting way to describe James): Lady Golden Flower: MariaCachucha: Remus'Fiance: Miss Myrtle360: cec123: Chibs: Joanna Potter: Trapped Rabbit: bav: Agnes1014: silverpheonix2: Emily: J.E.A.R.K.Potter: strwbrrydaquiri: purtyinpink71121: Prongsie4028: Chrissy8887779999: emerldHazel: chikichiki: Miss.Green Hat: HanSolosGal: click here: JillZee

Thank you ALL for reviewing! I love them. They're interesting to read and show me I have support. For those of you that gave suggestions, thank you again! If I left anyone out on this list please tell me and I'll add you in. Review!

Question: What prank would a chibi Remus, chibi Sirius, and chibi James pull? Be creative! (Question asked by moi)

Hint: this has something to do with next chapter!

Please read: I actually updated this yesterday. The only problem is that I said that this chapter will replace the authors note. I tried that, but it still showed up as me updateing 8/31 and not 9/14 and there were still 8 chapters...so nobody knew that I updated. Now I put the authors note back in and added this chapter after. Sorry about the delay!