
This is the time when I'd like to send out the deepest and most sincere apology for those of you who have wanted me to continue this fic. I'm sure many of you have figured that since it has been over a year, I will not be continuing with the story. I had every intention to during the summer before my senior year to finish it before I graduated, but unfortunately things did not work out that way and for all of your patience I want to apologize for not going through with what I had planned. I will continue writing, but they will most likely be one-shots instead of chapter stories since I'm starting my first semester of college in August, which will be a challenging and intense nursing course. Hopefully many of you will enjoy those as much as you enjoyed this story. I appreciated all of your support, and how all of your comments help me grow as a writer. Thank you so much for everything and once again I give all of you my sincerest and deepest apology for not continuing on with this story.

With sincere regards,


P.S. If there is anyone who loved this fic in the beginning as much as I did and does not wish to see it end and would want to take over writing it, I would gladly help as well as hand it over to you. If interested you can e-mail me at AphelionKnight gmail . com I have had about half of chapter eight written.