Title: The Final Solution

Author: Devilita

Beta-Reader: (Marijn,) BlueMonkeyz8

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: M (R)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters that belong to J.K. Rowling and the background information, the historcal facts, I have read from several different books and sites. The plot and ideas used are mine, though.

Author's note: I have wanted to write a fic like this for ages and one night I got the idea to write down the plotline. I have tried to use information from many sources in order to avoid bias and mistakes. Do not correct my every single little mistake, please.

This chapter contains some background information for the readers. I wanted to make sure you've got some idea what I'm talking about here. This is actually quite an educating fic :)

Warnings (READ THEM):

1. This story contains violence of various kinds but while I do not go into details worth the rating NC-17, certain scenes may be rather gruesome to the most sensitive of readers.

2. I have done a lot of historical research for this fic, namely on the Nazi Germany. If you don't like Alternative Universe, then this is not the story for you.

3. If the events of the Second World War and concentration camps upset you, do not read any further. This fic could never do justice to what happened during those horrible years and I advice you against reading this fic especially if the topic is personal to you.

4. This story contains slash, meaning homosexual relationships and themes.

5. Comments made about different ethnic groups etc do not reflect my own thoughts. This fic is viewed from a Nazi's POV (point of view) and I neither share the same ideas as they did/do nor do I accept their actions.

6. I do not know everything about the Nazi Germany. It's possible that there are some historical errors in the fic in spite of very careful research I've conducted. I have not visited the camp mentioned in the story myself so at times I've had to use my imagination.


The Final Solution


- Prologue –


This story settles itself in the year 1944's Germany.

Adolf Hither had risen to power eleven years earlier, in 1933, and the National Socialist party was the state party. No other parties were allowed in the Third Reich Germany and those who did not obey the strict rules set by the government were to face grave consequences – the Gestapo, or the State Secret Police, who were lead by Heinrich Himmler and who became notorious over the years for their cruelty. Hitler's personal bodyguards, the Schutzstaffel (SS) men, also lead by Himmler, were in charge of the concentration camps and by June 1944 there were altogether over 800,000 SS men in Germany.

Communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, homosexuals, the disabled, the insane, war prisoners, Jews and other anti-social, lesser human beings were freighted to ghettos, areas where living conditions were awful and diseases spread easily, or they could be sent to concentration or extermination camps. The extermination camps' sole purpose was to kill the victims, but in concentration camps they would either get eliminated or cease to exist through what the officials called "natural wastage", whenever people died because of a workload far too heavy for their weakened bodies.

One of the most common ways to kill the victims was to send them into a gas chambers masked as a shower room. However, there were also other methods, such as mass shooting, electrocution, phenol injections, flame-throwers and hand grenades. As a result, around 6 million Jews, 5,000-15,000 homosexuals, thousands of handicapped or disabled people, half a million Gypsies, thousands of Catholic priests and Christian pastors, millions of Poles and other non-Aryans were killed during the Holocaust. Those considered being "political threats", meaning those who dared to doubt or question the Nazi ideology or the State were arrested for their 'anti-social' ideas. Sometimes it was enough for the officials to suspect someone was up to no good; no actual proof was needed.

The blood of these non-Aryan people who were not considered to be human beings at all was too filthy to get mixed with the leader race's blood. They were created to be the slave race and the blond, blue-eyed and generally good-looking Aryans were to be the leaders of humankind.

"The Führer is always right", you could hear the people say. These people lived under the impression that there was an international Jewish conspiracy and that the loss in the First World War had been the Jews' fault. Jews were behind all the misfortune that had happened to the superior German race, after all.

Through literature, art, music, radio, films and newspapers Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment who had been appointed by Hitler himself, was to brainwash people into believing in Nazist ideas and to make sure that no one in Germany could read or see anything that was damaging to the Nazi Party. Schools and youth organisations such as the Hitler Youth were supposed to make the future Nazis to believe in the ideology; sometimes the children even betrayed their own family in order to please the State.

It is not totally agreed whether Hitler had intended to exterminate Jews right from the beginning or not. Some believe it had been his intention even before his rise to power but others think it was only after several failed attempts to force the Jews to emigrate from Germany that the extermination of Jews was put into action. Hitler called this genocide "The Final Solution".


A/N: Alright, class dismissed! See you on the next History lesson!

Reviewing is recommended.

- Devilita.