Death of Batman

all characters owned by DC comics, and not me

Well the Justice League had another group of criminals in custody. Superman and Green Lantern were handing them over to the proper authorities and Batman and Flash were checking their hide out for any evidence that may have been over looked.

"I've zipped through this whole building, Bats. I didn't see anything," said Flash.

"Are you sure you checked everywhere?"


"Did you check the basement?"

"Umm . . . there's a basement?"

"Never mind. I'll check, you help Lantern and Superman."

"Okey-dokey," said Flash and he ran off.

Outside, Lantern and Superman had the group restrained and loaded up in a police van. When Flash arrived Green Lantern asked if he had found anything. Flash replied in the negative and Superman asked where Batman was. One of the criminals started to giggle.

"What's so funny, ugly?" asked Flash.

"Oh nothing, just a little surprise."

"What surprise?" asked Superman.

Superman received his answer in the form of an exploding building. Green Lantern tried to cover the brunt of the explosion by forming a green orb around the building. He didn't get all of it since it took them by surprise, but he minimized the danger. Unfortunately covering the building meant all the debris fell in on itself, on its foundation, on the basement, on Batman. Flash and Superman tried to help as many bystanders as possible until Flash yelled to Superman.

"Supes! Bats is in the basement!"

"You take care of these people. I'll try to get through the rubble," said Superman. Getting through the rubble was easier said than done, even for Superman. If he just crashed through he risked making the situation worse for Batman, not to mention he had yet to locate where Batman was, and his X-ray vision was doing much good in the lead lined former building.

When Batman split up from Flash he headed to the basement, completely unaware that the ceiling of the basement had been built with a rather large bomb inside it. Batman didn't realize the explosion happened until he was flat on his back, underneath rubble and debris with a jagged piece of metal sticking through his abdomen. The pain was searing and it was difficult to breathe. As a matter of fact Batman was coughing up blood and beginning to choke on it.

The human mind works very quickly. That's why in the moment before death, your whole life can flash before your eyes. Batman's mind worked even quicker and he had time to not only see his whole life flash before his eyes, but he managed to contemplate it, and sum his thoughts up into a soliloquy.

This is it. I've been in situations like this before, but this is the end. Strange, I felt strange when I was coming down here. I didn't realize this would be my final hour. Tim was right. He told me I would face super villain after super villain, but would probably die by slipping in the shower on some soap. He was just joking then, and this isn't the shower, but it certainly isn't a bullet from the Joker. And what will happen to Tim? To Dick? Alfred? Was it all worth it? Crime won't end with me. So was it all in vain? Has everything I've done been a mistake? I don't believe in an afterlife, but if there is one, and if I see my parents, would they be proud. I'm sure they would have rather had a son who settled down and gave them grandchildren. I'm the last in the Wayne line. That's a shame. But I was a parent, to Dick and Tim, and therein lies a regret. I wish things would have been better between me and Dick. He'll never forgive me, and I can't blame him. Not only that, but I saw myself making the same mistakes with Tim and I didn't do anything to stop myself, so perhaps this is for the best. I'm sure whoever cares for Tim will be a better parent. I've left them everything I have. Dick gets the bulk of the estate, but Tim and Alfred will be well taken care of. They all have shares in Wayne Corp. that will keep them set for the rest of their lives. They'll be free to do whatever they wish, whether its crime fighting or folk dancing. I wonder if they will continue on as heroes. Something tells me Tim won't, and good for him if he doesn't, if he finds a better life. I know Barbara will, in and out of the police department, and I know she'll make a difference. But now it's getting harder to breathe. And I can feel myself going, and suddenly there's no more pain and I see light and color, blue and red. Blue and red? Superman? Leave it to him to meddle with my death scene, but it doesn't matter, it just means I'll die in the air. And things went dark for Batman.