Sorry for taking so long at updating. Many things hae happened these last couple of months that I had to sort out. First of all, about a week after I updated in December, my boyfriend of a total of 18 month broke up with me. It was a week before christmas and 5 days before my birthday (my 16th...) Well, I have been going through my feelings most of this time and my ex and I are still good friends. He is now dating my best friend Jess and I am very happy for them. I'm now dating a guy from NYC Jake

Well, I'm going to try to get this story in by sunday. while on the break from writing, my mom got me a brand new laptop... but she returned it... I was fine with it and wanted to keep it, but she did it anyway. AND when we got laptops, she bought us new desks too, computer desks. I just hooked up my old one in my room sigh I'm going to have to pay for upgrades soon, this computer sucks.

on with the new chappy xD

Chapter 15 Home again

Kagome just stood there after Sesshomaru left her in the hot spring. 'Why am I feeling hurt at Sesshomaru's attitude. I shouldn't care what he thinks, he did rape my twice after all. But without him, Shii wouldn't be with me.' Kagome smiled at the new memories that she and her new daughter had created. And Sesshomaru had been so caring towards them and especially Kagome. She had felt the taiyoukai's fingers brush her hair out of her face as she slept. She recalled the soft carress of his thumb on her lips, feeling the softness. Had he wanted to kiss her? Hold her? Take her?

Kagome's eyes widened at that thought. 'Why would I want him to do that? I hated that night so much.' Kagome's other self spoke up.

'You know you have fantasies about making love with him. You do hate the fact that he had raped you, but it still doesn't stop you from having secret desires about him; the man who had taken you with reckless abandon and with no control.'

Kagome sighed as she finished cleaning herself. That's right. If she didn't want Sesshomaru in that way, why did she have those arousing dreams about him at night? She had very much responded to his kiss earlier, setting all matters aside to make a tender passionate moment with him. All memories of him above her had been filled with pain and disgust.

She stepped out of the water and got dressed. gathering all of her belongings, she started towards camp.

When Shippo saw the taiyoukai coming through the trees from the direction where Kagome was bathing, his face went sour. 'Sesshomaru was peeking on Kagome. I hope Kagome is okay, he can do a lot of harm to a small woman like her without noticing.'

A few minutes later, after giving Shii back to Sesshomaru, he sniffed the air. The young miko was coming closer, with her sweet scent filling the air. When she came into sight, she smiled at all three youkai that watched her, practically side by side. Shii cooed when she spotted her mother and reached for her. Obviously she was still hungry.

Kagome took the child from Sesshomaru, to Shii's delight. Both males turned away knowing Kagome would grow uncomfortable if anyone watched. After the little youkai ate, she started to doze off. Kagome wrapped her in the blanket and created a sling around her neck and back so Shii wouldn't fall but still left the miko's arms free to move. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru and nodded, showing him they were ready to travel again. Shippo looked up at the demon and Sesshomaru turned and started walking. The woman and young fox walked side by side just behind him.

After an hour or two they reached familiar ground, where Kagome remembered while traveling to the castle for the first time. As Sesshomaru's home came into view, Shippo's eyes widened.

'This is where Sesshomaru lives? If he's this rich, I wonder how truely powerful he is.'

Kagome smiled at what she will call her new home. She hardly had time to explore the grounds fully before the whole incident with Inuyasha.

'Inuyasha. . . I wonder if he's still alive. I wasn't awake through the whole attack, so I don't know if the wounds Sesshomaru inflicted on Inuyasha was fatal.'

Suddenly Sesshomaru sniffed the air and started growling for a moment. He could smell something dangerous coming. It wasn't Inuyasha, or any other demon. Its scent was one of a dead being. 'Is it my half brother Inuyasha's dead woman? No. . . This is a scent that is similiar to that of a demon that I know, but smells of graveyard soil and bones.'

A figure stepped out of the trees. Sesshomaru recognized her as the woman who wouldn't help his mate. 'I killed her.' Koharu, the healing woman of demons, that had helped in his own birth, but turned Kagome way because the child would be hanyou.

"Nice to see you again, my lord. Yet I do not respect you as much as I did when I was alive." The old undead youkai laughed bitterly.

Kagome gasped, "That woman is dead?"

Sesshomaru nodded briefly, keeping his eyes on the being infront of him. "I killed her while you were unconcious. I brought you to her but she turned away even though my family has called on her many times to aid my mother. I killed her because she called our child an abomination." The taiyoukai's voice grew harsher with every word. "Nothing sired by this Sesshomaru will be considered a burden. Now matter how the child is concieved."

Review please! It's short because I wanted to get it out fast instead of taking a couple weeks ;;

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