
I am the slayer, the one girl in the entire world who was born to fight the vampires. At least in the year 1198 to 1200, for two years I had fought vampires, demons, and both men and women who had been corrupted.

In the years before I both faced by mother and father's death. My mother hanged for witch craft and my father died protecting us from vampires. Sacrificing himself so we could get to the safety of our house.

But my journey didn't end in the year 1200 but my life did. I became a vampire slayer vampire and this is my journey.

This is a story for my Slayerettes character Rogue(Annie). If you don't know who Rogue is I would suggest reading either 'Of Witches and Potential' or any of the other stories in the Slayerettes community archives.

Or even go to the site: slayer88. proboards25. com (Just take out the spaces) And join our role playing community.