Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters belong to Maki Murakami. The only thing I own is the content of this story. Please don't sue me unless you want to go more broke than I already am. I also dedicate this fic to my saviour who saved my In The End fic which I will be uploading very soon. But till then...enjoy this fic for now...


Yuki wakes up to the sound of the alarm clock. He moves out of bed and enters the bathroom. Shuichi wakes up with a smile and tip toes to the cabinet and pulls out a big pink wrapped gift box. Today is a special day; he places the box on the bed and sits beside it while waiting for Yuki get out of the bathroom.


Yuki is still half asleep and drags himself back to the bed. He is greeted with a wide toothy grin from Shuichi. He frowns and scratches his chest.

A pink box.

What the hell?



"Yuki! I want you to open this! C'mon open it! Open it! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" Shuichi excitedly drums the gift box and pushes it to Yuki.

Yuki frowns even more and merely stares at the gift box.

"You better make sure this is not one of your stupid childish pranks again. I'm not in the mood!" Yuki warns him.

"I swear Yuki! You'll love it!" Shuichi still smiling and is now clapping.

Che! The idiot is really excited.

He pulls the box and painstakingly unwraps the box. Shuichi was practically bouncing on the bed and quickly begins to pull the pink ribbon and paper.

Yuki's eyes rounded. He gulped.

Inside the box contained a fur-lined black scarf. He couldn't believe it was the very scarf he had his eyes on when he went to London last month. That was not all, it also contained a personalized leather cigarette case and a deep reddish brown leather trench coat.

Yuki was speechless. Shuichi was grinning from ear to ear and his eyes were bubbly with tears. Yuki always had that face when he was very pleased about something.

"You like it?"

Yuki could only manage a nod. He still could not believe the presents he just received.

But Yuki was even more surprised upon seeing Shuichi closing his eyes with his arms outstretched and giggling.

"Now what?" Yuki smirked.

"Where's mine?"

"What's yours?"

"Aw! Yuki don't be such meanie! I've been really good and THAT is not a prank, huh!" Shuichi pouted cutely but still maintaining his arms outstretched.

"You mean you're expecting something in return?"

"YES! IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY!" Shuichi declared enthusiastically.

Oh god.

What the hell?

He leaves the bedroom with Shuichi still with his eyes closed and arms outstretched and giggling.

The door shuts. Only then Shuichi opens his eyes and drops his arms. He bites his lip and smiles weakly as he stares at the present.

"Happy anniversary, Yuki." He whispers and slowly moves out of the bed. He enters the bathroom and takes a very cold shower.

Since getting out of the bedroom, Yuki has entered his study and pacing back and forth. He turns on his laptop and quickly grabs a cigarette from the drawer and lights it. He watches the door of his study wondering what would be his next move or better yet, Shuichi's.

An hour has passed. Yuki hears a soft knocking from the door. He braces himself as he expects Shuichi to burst inside and whine.


The next thing he heard was the main door closing. Shuichi has left.


Shuichi enters the technician's booth and reads lyric sheets for their next album.


"Hiro!" Shuichi raises his head in acknowledgement.

"Oi! Oi! Are you going to read all that with your shades on?" Hiro raises an eyebrow.

"You look good, Hiro!"

"That's not the issue here." Hiro frowns. Well, he did have a new look. He has cut his long red hair to his shoulders with blonde highlights to accentuate it.

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere today?"

"Where's K-san and Sakano-san?"

"They'll be in later. Now about my question?" Hiro takes a seat beside him.

"Weird, isn't it? Today is my anniversary and I am spending it here with you." Shuichi shrugs.

"Does that explain the shades too?"

"I have sore eyes, hehe..."

"Fujisaki will be back this Friday so I guess that leaves the two of us to do some work for now."


"And Shu..."


"Wanna go to the beach house with me?"

"Sure!" Shuichi replied happily.


"Waaaiii! We're going fishing, Hiro!"

"Yeah, I thought you'd like that!" Hiro smiles as he follows Shuichi to his yacht.

"I LOVE FISHING!" Shuichi squealed.


"Shuichi...you okay, buddy?" He notices Shuichi's glum countenance with the fishing rod and staring off to the sea. He hasn't caught a fish since.



"Ne, Hiro..."

"What is it?"

"Hiro, you think if I have never met Yuki in my life, do you think life would have been easier?"


"The truth, Hiro."

"I dunno, Shu...I've never seen you cry this much over someone before and madly inlove over someone as you are with him." Hiro looks at him.

Shuichi wipes a tear but still staring at the sea.

"You think...anou...maybe things would have been...ahm...a lot easier if we ended up together instead?"

"You're joking, huh?" Hiro swallows hard and quickly looks away from Shuichi and nearly falls from his seat.

"No, I'm not. I never joke about stuff like this, you know that."

The two friends share a heavy silence with only the sound of the waters is heard and the wind blowing.

Hiro carefully secures his fishing rod and walks towards Shuichi. He lays a hand on Shuichi's shoulder and leans towards him.

"I guess, we'll have to check it out then..." and they are now face to face. He gently lifts Shuichi's chin and they kiss. Shuichi drops the fishing rod and wraps his arms around Hiro's neck.

The kiss did not last long. Hiro breaks the kiss and touches Shuichi's tear-stained cheeks.

"I know, Shu...I know..." Hiro smiles sadly.


"You sure you're gonna be alright?" Hiro looks at Shuichi who has been staring blankly since they returned.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Shuichi nods.

He pulls Shuichi to him and they share a warm embrace. Shuichi buries his face on Hiro's jacket and clutches his jacket. Hiro kisses him on the forehead and smiles.

"Don't worry okay. For all you know he might have something really special for you after all."

"I don't know. I don't like to whine anymore. I have even ceased to remind him of such things because he finds it terribly annoying. Besides, if you really cared, you wouldn't forget."

"You have a point but let's see what happens, okay? Call me if you need anything."

Shuichi enters his car. "Hiro...about the thing...in the yacht...ahm..."

"Don't worry about it." Hiro squeezes Shuichi's shoulder in assurance. Shuichi holds his hand and looks at him.

"Thank you for everything."

"No problem." Shuichi releases his hand and slowly lifts the tinted car window and drives off. Hiro waves from behind.


Shuichi contemplates whether he should go up to the unit or not. Too emotional to even stir, he closes his eyes and goes to sleep inside the car.


Yuki wakes up alone in bed. He walks out of the bedroom and finds he is still alone in the house. He was about to call Seguchi or Hiro but hesitated. He decided he would fetch Shuichi from NG Studios instead.

He takes a quick shower and a cup of coffee. He smiled and put on his new trench coat. Shuichi would be thrilled seeing him wear it. He shoves his car keys in his pocket and exits the unit.

As he walks to the parking basement, he notices Shuichi's car. He frowns and walks towards it. He peers inside and notices Shuichi curled up at the backseat.

"Anou, baka!" Yuki panicked and began to tap noisily at the car window.

Shuichi rubs his eyes and sits and looks at the window seeing Yuki mouthing, 'OPEN THE DOOR!' He moves towards the driver's seat but instead of opening the door, he turns on the ignition and starts the car.

'WHAT THE! OPEN THE DOOR, SHUICHI!" Yuki was aghast.

Shuichi avoids his face and the tapping and begins to move the car. Yuki backs up and stares as the car speeds away. He enters his car and follows him.

Yuki's car follows him closely and drives beside Shuichi's car. He honks and pulls down the car window and yells at Shuichi to stop.

Shuichi looks at him sadly and pulls over to a corner.

Yuki quickly gets out of the car as Shuichi opens the door. Shuichi merely sits inside and puts his feet on the ground and covers his face, trying to avoid Yuki's glare.

"What the hell were you thinking? You didn't call last night. Okay, I know you were at NG. But you could have at least informed me you were not coming home. And whatever possessed you to sleep in the car the whole night? Why didn't you come up? Do you know how cold is it out here? Are you still pissed about that morning? Heck! Shuichi! I was really..." Yuki was cut short.

"SHUT UP!" Shuichi covers his ears and lowers his face to his lap. Yuki clammed shut. This was the very first time in all their time together Shuichi ever asked him to shut up. This was usually his line but being told to shut up actually hurt, he realized. All he could do was stare at him and stunned at Shuichi's outburst.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME! I'll be having a national concert tour a week from now. We've been doing nonstop promotions. I have to attend a press con tomorrow. Maiko will be graduating this week and I have to be there. I'll be attending a meeting at NG on Friday after which Sakuma-san and I will be guests at an evening talk show. Fujisaki will be arriving from Singapore on Saturday and he will be proceeding to NG and the band will be having another meeting. And that morning...all I wanted...was just...I wanted to just be with you..." Shuichi broke down in tears and covered his face.

Yuki motioned him inside the car. "Shuichi, we have to go back...we'll talk properly, okay?"

Shuichi nods and they both drive back to the unit.


Yuki takes off his coat and shoes and helps Shuichi off his jacket only to be ignored. He sits on the couch.

Yuki enters their bedroom and takes out a blanket and sits beside him on the couch.


"No. Yeah. Weird, huh? You forget and I am embarrassed. I acted like a hyperactive doink to you and expecting something in return like the dolt I am! All I wanted was time to freeze over and be with you on our anniversary." Shuichi sniffs.

Yuki realizes Shuichi was at a breaking point. He could feel his world was running him over. He pulls Shuichi to his arms and covers him with a blanket. Shuichi was shivering.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Gods! I am so sorry." He begins to kiss his cheeks, nose, his quivering lips and pink hair. Shuichi closes his eyes but the tears keep falling. He could barely put his arms around Yuki. He pulls the sobbing younger man on his lap and cradles him protectively. All Shuichi could do was put his hands to his face.

"Shuichi...you know that I..." But Shuichi merely shakes his head tiredly. He did not want to listen to his explanation. Yuki did not like to aggravate the situation anymore. It was futile. The damage has been done.

They spent the entire day cuddling. But it was more like Yuki doing it than Shuichi. Sometimes he would turn on the television and Shuichi would stare at it blankly. The blankness disturbed Yuki. He would turn on the music and Shuichi would simply fall asleep on the couch. While he was sleeping, Yuki took the time to fix dinner for both of them. He thought about working on a draft for his book soon when things were not this weird anymore.

It was a simple dish really. Curry rice. A small Caesar salad. Strawberry on ice for dessert. Two cans of chilled strawberry iced tea in the fridge. This was not the time to drink anything alcoholic for both of them. Deep inside he wished Shuichi would not sleep too much or too soon. He wanted to hear his chatter. The house was silent as a tomb and he was visibly annoyed.

He approached the couch and gently shook the pink-haired man. Shuichi stirred and turned to look at him.

"What is it?" Yuki smiled that Shuichi said something.

"Dinner's ready."


He helped him up the couch and walked ahead towards the kitchen. Shuichi's eyes rounded at the sight of the strawberry on ice and the curry rice on the table. He looked at Yuki's hopeful gaze. He swallowed.

"I'll just go and brush my teeth."

Shuichi brushed his teeth vigorously. He splashed cold water onto his face. He stared hard at the mirror. His eyes were still a bit swollen from his tears but at least his head was not that heavy anymore. He had a good sleep nonetheless and he hoped he would be all right now. He was touched at the gesture Yuki did. He forgave him already since the time Yuki chased him in the car. He could see how scared he was. The regret was all over his face. But he was too emotional and too tired to make Yuki realize that he has forgiven him already. He inhaled deeply. Wiped his face and brushed his hair. He changed into another shirt. A deep pink shirt with a big white S and a smiley on the front. It was a gift from a fan a year ago and he liked it. Maybe this would lighten the mood somehow, he thought.

He entered the dining room but this time the lights were off. A single candlelight illuminated the place. He felt tingly all over. There was Yuki with his fingers criss crossed together tucked under his chin. He looked very serious and handsome at the same time.

"Yuki…I think my shirt looks so not fitting for the mood." He smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"You look perfect. Come here." Yuki smiled and gestured to his seat at the other end of the table.

They shared a quiet yet comforting dinner together. Each one gazing at the other lovingly. Exchanging smiles at a time. Yuki chuckled looking at Shuichi giving each strawberry on ice the "perfect bite".

They finished dinner but Yuki shooed Shuichi to living room when he insisted he would do the dishes. Yuki felt he needed to do everything for him. He wanted it to be special.

Thank you so much for reading...please review...I love to know what you think. You are the BEST READERS a writer could ever have! hugs