AUTHOR NOTES: Hello kitties! Yes I am back with the long-awaited update to this story. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I know I ended the last chapter before this one in cliffhanger. Really sorry for the wait. It's been years, I know. But I haven't forgotten this story. Thank you for patiently waiting. Let the reading begin!

Though Yuki had been advised of Shuichi's condition, he still braced himself as to what state his lover was inside the hospital suite. The security officer nodded at him as he stood at the door and slowly entered. As the door clicked behind him, he scanned the suite before approaching the bed. There was no oxygen mask attached to Shuichi. No cardiac monitor. No slings. No casts. An IV line was the only thing connected to his lover's smooth arm. Good. He breathed a sign of relief because he feared his bouncy lover would be strapped to such equipments. The place was filled with flower, balloons, fruit baskets, snacks, cards, banners, posters and plushies from friends, fans, family and crew.

Shuichi did not notice Yuki enter for he was facing the window. Earphones were attached to his ears as he hummed to a slow rock tune very softly. His upper torso was bandaged along with his arms. The right hand was connected to an IV line while the other was beside a remote control. Only two of his fingers could move to control the small gadget. As not to surprise Shuichi, Yuki slowly walked towards the bed and moved to the direction of his lover's view. As soon as Shuichi saw him, he snapped out of reverie and smiled. At that moment all the emotions the blonde kept at bay from the time he learned of Shuichi's violent attack, a tear escaped from his eye. How could Shuichi manage to smile at him despite the horror he just went through baffled him immensely. He craved so badly to take him in his arms but the bandages and the limited mobility it imposed frustrated both of them. He bent to kiss him tenderly and another tear fell mingling with Shuichi's as he gently removed the earphones. The kiss lasted momentarily but Yuki planted more earnest kisses to his nose, forehead, chin, cheeks carefully avoiding the butterfly sutures secured on his forehead from the lacerations he sustained from the attack.

"Shu.." Yuki murmured.

"You came." Shuichi breathed.

"How are you feeling?" Yuki's eyes roamed at Shuichi's body making sure that only the bandaged areas of his body were affected. He carefully lowered the blanket which revealed the singer wearing only a hospital gown. He pulled a seat closer to the bed and began to massage his legs going to the thighs.

"Don't get any ideas.." Shuichi grinned.

"Baka." Yuki grinned back but switched back to a very concerned look.

"How are you feeling now?" Yuki traced a finger to Shuichi's cheek and pushed away some unruly bangs from his face.

"My arms hurt and my forehead stings. She sat on my stomach too."

Yuki moved his hand on Shuichi's stomach.

"Ummmm…that's nice….OWW!" He winced.

"WHAT?" Yuki's eyes widened and took his hand away quickly.

"There." There was a fading discoloration at the right lower quadrant of his stomach. "I felt her knee digging on this area a lot."

"Can you eat?"

"Of course. The doctor said it's muscle pain, nothing internal."

"Do you want anything?"

"Just you." Yuki smiles and squeezes his thighs.

"We left as soon as we saw the news."



"Oh! He's here too?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I should have arrived sooner."

"Don't be sorry, Yuki. It's not your fault."

"I know what I meant was…uhm….on the phone last night….I said about…the….uhm….shit."

"The groupies?"

Yuki looked away.

"I was being a brat, Yuki. It's annoying." Shuichi spoke softly.

"It is annoying but I still should have come sooner then maybe none of this happened." Yuki's eyes looked sad. He sounded more annoyed with himself.

"But you're here now. It's alright."

"I don't know what would happen…if…" Yuki frowned.

"I'll be fine, Yuki."

"This is crazy. I should be the one comforting you not the other way around."

"He-he-he! You look like you need some sleep, love."

"I'll be fine." Yuki squeezed his hand.

3:00 A.M.

Yuki wakes up from the bedside chair and notices the television was on on and Shuichi staring at the screen.

"Shuichi?" He rubbed his eyes.


"Why aren't you sleeping? It's 3 am!"

"Uhmmmm…can't sleep, I guess." Shuichi smiled.

Yuki looks at him closely and observes Shuichi is actually struggling to stay awake.

"What the hell? You look like you're going to pass out. Go to sleep!" He took the remote control and turned the TV off.

"Yuki…(yawn) really I'm…" He squints his eyes.

"Look, I'll call the nurse and ask if she can give you something to help you relax."

"Yuki…don't…please…" Shuichi looked at him pleadingly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that whenever I close my eyes." Shuichi closed his eyes and felt hot tears stream down his face. "I see her. The madness in her eyes. The anger. Her sadness. Her voice ringing in my ears telling me it's my fault. It's all my fault her daughter died. I'm afraid that if I fall asleep I'll dream of her. But I'm really sleepy, Yuki." His voice was desperate. Shuichi's lips trembled and looked at the blank TV screen. Yuki understood the fear having gone through such harrowing experiences as he did before. But this wasn't fair for Shuichi. He is still recovering from the trauma with Aizawa and now this. All he ever did was doing the one thing that he loved which is music. None of it made any sense. He made a mental note to discuss with Mr. K as to the details of the attack on Shuichi. It angered him that his bouncy lover lies in a hospital bed to suffer for their inadequacies and frustration.

"Shuichi.." He caressed his cheek to face him. "What do you see?"

"I see you."

"When you close your eyes, I'll still be here. When you wake up, I'll be here. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

"Yuki." Shuichi's eyes turned glassy.

"Go to sleep, baby. Don't fight it. You're stronger than this."

"I love you so much, Yuki."

Yuki kissed him tenderly.