This is the final chapter of Lost Son of Alfard. Thank you to all my devoted readers and perhaps there will be a sequel later on. -

Chapter 26: Lyude's Legacy.

Over the next several weeks, Lyude worked to clear the council of the members who had blatantly betrayed Alfard in his absence and appointed several new council members, it wasn't an easy affair finding people who he felt he could trust. Alfard had made little progress in his absence, vastly due to the fact that Skeed did not wish to make many moves without having his brother's consent. It was a very much appreciated gesture. Andrews was now a member of the council, rather than simply Lyude's secretary.

Finally, the time came for Alyssa to be due. Lyude had been in a meeting when Alyssa went into labor. He burst from the room as soon as the news met him and raced for the hospital wing. It had been decided that he would wait outside early on in the process, the birth was turning out to be a difficult one, and Lyude was pacing the hall worriedly. Though he now knew that his mother had not died in childbirth, he had grown with that fear. What if something happened to Alyssa?

"Calm down, Lyude. It's gonna be fine." said Kalas. "Alyssa can handle things, don't worry about it."

Lyude continued to pace, despite reassurances from his friends. "I can't stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Alyssa is the world to me." he said worriedly.

"She's gonna be fine." said Kalas. "Sit down, you're making me nervous, geez...urk!"

Gibari had grabbed Kalas in a headlock, ruffling his hair, "Let the guy be, this is easily the most important day of his and Alyssa's lives together, cut him some slack."

"Fine!" said Kalas, "Just lemme go!" he grumbled.

Gibari released him with a chuckle. "Honestly kid, you're so hotheaded sometimes."

Kalas grimaced at him and sighed, pouting slightly. "Ah, lay off." he said.

"Then lay off Lyude." said Gibari.

Lyude allowed himself to drop into a chair. A thousand thoughts were coursing through his mind in the hours of Alyssa's childbearing. He wondered whether they'd have a boy or a girl, whether their child would have Alyssa's startling eyes. Dwelling on the beauty of the occurrence calmed him moderately and he finally enabled himself to sit still. He was growing exhausted, though he doubted as exhausted as Alyssa must be. The racing of his thoughts still kept a steady pace as he closed his eyes breathing in and out to calm himself.

He leapt to his feet as a nurse came out with a smile. "Alyssa, how is she? The child? Can I see her, is it over?"

"Slow down, young minister. Your wife is fine, as is your offspring, you can come in." she said leading him in.

"We'll wait out here, Lyude." said Gibari. Lyude nodded appreciatively and stepped into the room, Alyssa lay against the pillows, a serene look in her eye as she gazed down at the bundles in her arms. "Come say hello to your son, Lyude, and your daughter."

"Alyssa...twins!" said Lyude in absolute awe. He stepped forward as the nurse took the babes from their mother's arms and placed them in their father's. Lyude gazed down at the pair. A shock of red hear was visible in the folds of one bundle and the nurse brushed the cloth aside to reveal the sleepy eyes of Lyude's son, Crimson, like his own, the living image of Lyude.

Lyude kissed the babe on the forehead the inquisitive child reaching out and touching his face, taking hold of his hair. Lyude gently pulled his head back and his silken locks slipped from the child's fingers, he turned his head and looked at his daughter. Raven hair atop her head and emerald eyes just like her mother. "Alyssa...they're beautiful." he said kissing her brow.

"Little Lute and Lyana Lyricello." Alyssa whispered. Lyude gently laid their daughter back into Alyssa's arms and sat by her side.

"Shall we summon your friends, Commander?" asked one of the nurses.

"In a moment." said Lyude. He leaned forward and kissed his wife gently. Lyude gazed down into Lute's eyes, the child reached up and took hold of his collar, rubbing the material between his fingers and releasing a soft, squeaky sigh, falling asleep in his arms. Lyude breathed deeply he felt as if his heart would burst and surprisingly, it wasn't an unpleasant sensation. He kissed the tiny child, looking at his wife happily.

"Let the others in now, Henrietta." said Alyssa reaching out and touching her husband's hand.

Vallye, Skeed, Jareth and the five who had aided in defeating Malpercio filed in silently. Lyude held his son and looked up at his friends beaming.

"There's the little one." said Gibari with a grin.

"Little...ones!" cried Xelha. "Oh Lyude, you have twins!"

Alyssa leaned over, resting her head against her husband's. "Isn't it wonderful, darling?" she whispered.

"Easily the proudest day of my life." said Lyude with a smile. "My dearest friends, allow me to introduce you to Lute and Lyana Lyricello." he said handing a bundle each to his brother and sister. "They look just like their parents." said Jareth with a proud smile. "Of all things, I'm grateful to have been able to be here for you on this proudest of days." he said embracing his son. "To view my first


The day had been very tiring for the proud couple the two settled together holding hands and resting their eyes, Alyssa holding Lute as Lyude held Lyanna.

"Everything feels just so...perfect now." said Lyude with a contented sigh.

"Everything is perfect, darling." whispered Alyssa. "Everyone is safe and together, so long as we have one another, nothing can truly be wrong. These beautiful babes are the symbol of our love, a testimony of our bond together."

Lyude kissed her. "If only Almarde could be here." he said with a sad smile...yet...I know she is..."

"She's always with you, Lyude darling, and she'll kiss our babes good night tonight." Alyssa whispered in his ear. Lyude leaned his forehead against hers and they closed their eyes, both falling asleep leaned against each other. Vallye and Skeed peered in at the exhausted couple. They exchanged a small smile and gently relieved them of their children and took the little ones to their cradles.

Nothing could spoil Lyude's mood, never could there have been a more proud and nurturing father. He took time each day to spend with his children, regardless of work buildup. One day, however, the pair received a shock as little Lute sat laughing at Gibari's antics, Lyude just happened to glance into the child's eyes and his own widened and he paled.

"Lyude...?" said Alyssa frowning. "What's the matter, darling?" she said draping her arm over his. She saw it then too, within Lute's crimson eyes burned the fire of the Organ of the flame.

"Lute..." Lyude picked up the child and looking into his eyes, which had returned to normal. "I...I suppose I couldn't expect any less than our children to have inherited some of the effects of the Organ and the End magnus, they're part of my very magnus." he said softly.

"It doesn't seem to be harmful." said Alyssa soothingly. "Don't worry, Lyude. He's fine." she whispered kissing his temple.

"Lyana...I wonder what she may have inherited." he said softly. Pyri's and the End magnus's power is very dangerous...I hope that it doesn't effect them adversely as they grow...this is not the legacy I would ever wish for them."

"You mustn't be ashamed of your extraordinary magnus, darling." Alyssa said. 'He's fine, we're fine." she said reassuringly, "We mustn't behave as if there's anything different at all about them, or they'll think something is wrong with them, and our babes couldn't be more perfect."

Lyude smiled. "Of course." he said. "I know...I worry too much, but the power of the End Magnus and the Organ of the flame has brought us such hardship. It just worries me that it may one day effect our children as well."

"Don't fret over it, darling, what is to come is to come, we hold no authority with destiny." she said kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Lyude smiled as he watched Lute playing with his toes, laughing and waving at everyone. Lyanna was content to rest in his arms, cuddled up against his chest. She was proving to be the more calm and quiet of the two.

He rocked his daughter gently, breathing in her sweet smell and singing softly to her. Lyude gazed around him, at his children, his wife, His father standing with his brother and sister again. They were a family...a real family. He hadn't felt part of one for quite some time, now they were all together, worked together, shared their joys and sorrows. It was more than Lyude had ever dared dream for himself.

As he gazed upon his wife and children, he smiled faintly. No one knew what the future held for them, it was not for any of them to know, but whatever trials occurred, Lyude was determined to face them head on, no matter where they were led.

Perhaps the power that had been passed off to his children was not as strong as it was within him, and therefore, less of a danger to Alfard and themselves. Lyude wrapped an arm around his wife and leaned his head against hers as Jareth took Lyana off his hands.

"He's certainly adjusting to the grandparent life quickly." Alyssa chuckled.

"It would seem so." Lyude chuckled. Quietly, they strolled to the balcony over viewing Alfard. As Lyude gazed down upon the fruits of their labor, and the great progress that had been made since his return he hugged his wife ever closer. "By the time Lyana and Lute are old enough to understand all that happened in these past few years, I hope that this country will be a place where they can be proud to claim their heritage from." said Lyude.

"They have plenty to be proud of." said Alyssa. "They have you for a father." she sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Lyude felt the breeze coarse through his hair. Whatever they faced in the future, anything seemed possible now.