Hey guys! Well, this is going to be my last chapter for this story. I hope that you all have had a good time reading it because I have had a lot of fun writing it. For my present and future readers, thank you for reading this story. It means a lot. Now! On with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Chapter 13: A fairy tail ending

.:a few months later:.

"With that said seniors, WE. ARE. FREE!" yelled a girl by the name of Joelle, who gave the goodbye speech at the graduation. Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Kikyo, Koga, and Ayame threw their caps in the air and cheered. Their last year of high school was finally over.

Later that night at the Higarashi mansion Inuyasha pulled Kagome away from the party inside. They walked out into the garden, then stopped by a fountian and held each other for a little while. Inuyasha was so nervous. But Kagome was blissfully unaware that anything was wrong.

"Ummm... Kagome?" Inuyasha asked quietly.

She laied her head on his chest. "What is it Inu?"

"Ummm...well..." he pulled her away from him and held her at arms length. She had a look of confusion on her face. Inuyasha took a deep breath then took her left hand and went down on one knee. Since she couldn't see, she still had no idea what was going on.

"Kagome. I love you with all my heart. Whenever I am with you, I feel so happy, like I could touch the stars.(corny i know, but hey wut gurl doesn't want a guy to say that knid of stuff to her?) I want to be by your side till the day I die. So, Kagome, will you marry me?"

Kagome gasped. OH MY KAMI! What do I say! Say yes. Huh? Say yes. Just say it. Go on just say yes.Kagome did what the little voice in her head said to do she said "yes."

Inuyasha sighed in reliefe. He slipped a ring on her finger then he stood up and took her into his arms and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. At first she was surprised but then she finally realized what had just happened and she kissed him back with all she had. (He he he. Nauty hentais.)

A little later whan they went back into the party they anncounced their engagment. Everyone was so happy for them. That night as Kagome lay in bed she thought about all that had happened to her since she had come here. If I had nevercome to live with dad, I would have never met Inuyasha or all of my friends and I wouldn't be engaged to the most perfect man in the world. I guess good thing do come to those that wait. And go through a lot of shit. She had to laugh at that last thought. She had been through a lot. But it was all worth it.

.:a few months later:.

It was kagome and Inuyasha's wedding day, and also, Sango and Miroku, and Koga and Ayame. Sesshomaru and Ariyal had already married and were going to be at the triple wedding. It was a hectic day. Koga and Ayame went first, then Sango and Miroku then last was inuyasha and Kagome.

Kagome was so nervous. Her mom and her setp mom were ther and they were getting along very well. Kagome was so happy that the events over the last 6 months or so had brought the whole family closer together. Kagome was wearing an off the shoulder, pure white gown. She couldn't wait to be Mrs. Takahashi.

When the music started up Kagome was lead through the doors and down the aisle by her dad. He left her at the alter where Inuyasha was waiting. They faced each other as they said their vows, then the priest pronounced them man and wife. They kissed and everyone cheered.

At the reunion they all danced, talked and had fun. The newly weds all talked about the things they had gone though togther and how after tha they would always be the best of friends. They party ended ealy for the newly weds as they changed and were sent on their way to their honeymoons. Inuyasha and Kagome went to a secluded cabin deep in the woods of Hokkido. Their first night there was a magical one. (U know waht i'm talking about. Don't really want to go into detail though.)

Evry night they were there they had sex. And every day they slept in until noon then they relaxed. On their last day there Inuyasha's cell phone rang. He looked at the number then answered it.

"Moshi moshi."

The person on the phone said somethings and a smile came across Inuyasha's face.

"Okay, thanks man. I owe you one." he hung up the phone then he turned to Kagome.

"Who was it anata?" she asked.

"It was a friend of mine in America. I asked him for a favor and he came through."

"What was the favor?" she asked

"To find someone that could help you to get your sight back." he said calmly.

Kagome sat there stunned. She didn't know what to say. Then when Inuyasha least expected it she threw herself on him and hug and kissed him deeply.

a few days later Inuyasha and Kagome were on a plane to L.A. once they arrived they were taken to the facility where Inuyasha's firend worked.

"Ah, Inuyasha. It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you again too, Bankotsu."

"So this is your wife?" he asked looking at Kagome.

"Yes, Bankotsu this is Kagome and Kagome this is my friend Bankotsu." said Inuyasha.

"It's is nice to meet you." said Kagome and she held a hand.

"Like wise." said bankotsu and he shook her hand.

"Well, let's get started shall we?"

Bankotsu looked at kagome's eyes to see the extent of the damage, and he told them that with 3 surgeries within a month she should be able to see again. Both were very happy to hear this. The first operation would be in two days time.

With their free time they they stayed at the hotel and spent sometime together. Kagome couldn't really go 'see' any sights, but Inuyasha promised her that they would go sight seeing when her operations were done.

The night before her first operation Kagome had a feeling that something was, not wrong but different. She felt different. She sat on the bed and thought about what it might be, then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She mad Inuyasha go to a near by drug store and when he came back she took the bag from him and locked herself in the bathroom.

She came out 15 minutes later and handed him something.

"What does it say?"

"Positive." he replied a little surprised.

She sat down on the bed next to him and they sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then Kagome broke the silence.

"Well, I guess this means I won't have to go to college now."

Inuyasha smiled and they laughed a little then Inuyasha had a thought and called up Bankotsu.

"Okay. I'm glad you called me Inuyasha. Kagome being pregnant only changes the kind of anastisics we can use. That's all. Well, I guess I'll see you both bright and ealy tomorrow, and congrats."

"Thanks. Bye."

Inuyasha hung up the phone and told kagome what Bankotsu had said. Kagome sighed in reliefe then she pulled out her cell and called her parents while Inuyasha called his. They would spread the word. They always do, even when you don't want them to. ( that is so true about parents.)

The next day they were up and at bankotsu's office at 8:00 in the morning. They started the operation almost as soon as they got ther and it only lasted half an hour. Kagome had to wearbandages over her eyes afterwards and had to keep them on for a couple of days.

Soon the month was coming to a close and Kagome went in for her last operation. Whenit was over inuyasha and kagome went back to their hotel and kagome laied down and rested. Her eyes were sore and that made her head hurt so she took a little nap. She had bandages over her eyes again and she had to leave them on for a couple of days while her eyes healed. On the morning of the third day. They woke up and then sat up in bed and Inuyasha watched as Kagome slowly unwound the bandages. When they were completely off she waited for a minute then she slowly opened her eyes.

She could see blurry shapes. Then she blinked a few times and she felt her eyes heal up a little more. (Due to her demon powers.) Then she looked to her left and there sat her husband, who she could now see. Tears escaped her eyes.

"I can see again." she whispered. Then she hugged Inuyasha. And they sat there for awhile letting things soak in. After their little 'celebration' was over they called Bankotsu and thaked him, then they called their parents and told them the good news.

Once that was done Kagome wanted to go see L.A. so they got dressed and they went sight seeing for the rest of the day and all of the next. After that they decided that it was time to go home. When they got off the palne they were greeted by all of their family and friends. Kagome could now see everyone. It was a joyious day.

.:about 8 months later:.


"Okay Mrs. Takahashi. Push." said the doctor.

She took a deep breath and pushed again. Inuyasha was at her side holding her hand.

"Come on baby. You're almost there." he cooed.

"Okay once more."

She pushed one final time. There was silence then a baby's first cry rang out in the tiny room. Kagome relaxed a little. She looked up at Inuyasha and he smiled down a her. A nurse brought the baby over and handed the little baby boy to Kagome. He was so tiny and he looked just like a mini Inuyasha.

"So what should we name him?" Kagome asked Inuyasha.

"You want me to name him?" he asked.

She nodded her head. He tought for a minute then the pefect name came to mind.

"How about Hiro?"

"Hiro it is."

they looked down at their son and wondered about what parenthood had in store for them. Their parents said that it would be tough. Especially with their genes. Well, weather they were read or not, it was time to get to work.


alright peoples. That is the end of this story. I hope you liked it. If you liked this story keep an eye out for some of my other stories. Thankx and ja ne.
