Kurama's Stalker

by crazykitsune17

A/N: This was originally written in April 2004. I have only gone through to edit spelling and grammar and occasional dialogue. Everything else is as it was before, so expect it to be… possibly not my best. This isn't as bad as other stuff I've written though. Also, just so everyone knows, the YYH characters all attend the same high school in this fic - "Black Panda High". In this fic, Kurama has an adopted sister. Her name is Luna, and she's 12. She has magical ice powers, and she knows about Kurama's youko self, his powers, and all that. I try not to focus too much on her, though. (this was written before my Mary-Sue-ing days were over) Please read and review!

Anonymous Love Note and the 70 Million Search Results

It was a bright Monday morning at Black Panda High School. The springtime sun was shining; there wasn't a cloud in sight. The weather was beautiful, and so were the people who attended the prestigious school. Among the beautiful people was Suichi Minamino.

"Good morning, Suichi!" the girls cried as he walked down the hall to his locker. Suichi waved, flashing his beautiful smile at them. The girls giggled and started whispering about him to each other.

Suichi, also known as Kurama, rolled his eyes at their folly. 17… 31… 17… The lock clicked open, and Kurama opened up his locker. There was his neat stack of textbooks, his notebooks, his pencil case, the magnet picture of his mother; everything was in order. The books were all arranged by class subject; his first class's textbook on top, the last class on the bottom. The locker smelled like roses as usual, thanks to his special rose-scented air freshener. Kurama smiled, happy he was back at his school and not on some mission with the Reikai Tantei. He had missed his school, his classmates (even the annoying ones), and his teachers. Grabbing his calculus textbook, a piece of paper fell from between the pages and onto the floor.

Setting down his book, he bent down and reached for the scrap of paper. Kurama's human name was written on the front in impeccably neat handwriting on pink stationery paper. Unfolding it, Kurama saw that it was a note.


Please meet me after school in the west side parking lot. I have something very important to tell you. Do not tell anyone about this note. Don't forget.



Kurama reread the note, wondering who had sent it. He also wondered what that person meant by "something very important to tell you". He hoped it wasn't another mission from Koenma. But if it wasn't, what could it be?

Finally, the school day was done, and Kurama hurried to his locker to put everything away. He wanted to get outside to meet whoever it was that sent him the note. Heeding the note, he had not told anyone about it. Kurama hurried through his obsessive-compulsive straightening of his books, making sure they were all in the correct order. Kurama locked his locker and grabbed his jacket, wanting to get outside as quickly as possible. He was so anxious to meet whoever it was that he was supposed to meet, that he almost forgot to bring home his script for the drama club play he was in. Rushing back to his locker, he found it and stuffed it in his backpack, making sure to put it in the green folder, not the red one.

Sprinting to the west side parking lot, Kurama spotted a dark figure standing against a tree in the back of the lot. Kurama ran over to it, wondering if it was the person who had sent him the note.

Whoever it was, it was wearing a dark cloak draped around its shoulders. The person also had a black head covering, showing nothing but its eyes. Kurama slowly approached it, wondering if it was the right person.

"Excuse me, but did you put a note in my locker this morning telling me to come and meet you?" he asked, setting his backpack down.

The person nodded.

"Who are you?" Kurama asked. "And why are you dressed like that?"

"I can't tell you who I am," the person said. Kurama recognized the voice as a female's. "I'm dressed like this because I don't want you to know who I am. I'm not ready to tell you yet."

"What did you want to tell me?"

The woman looked away for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should tell him. After a moment, she glanced back and stared deep into Kurama's emerald green eyes. Taking a deep breath, she replied, "I love you."

Kurama wasn't sure what to say to that. He was half-expecting to hear something about a new mission in the Makai, or that his sister died, or that someone had put poison in the hot lunch that morning. He was not expecting to hear a love confession. However, he had heard so many before, that this really wasn't a big surprise. Kurama just stared at the girl and said nothing.

The girl looked down sadly, pushing the dirt around with her toe. "I knew it," she said softly. "I knew you wouldn't like me back…" She turned around and started walking out of the parking lot.

Kurama stood there for a second, unable to comprehend what just happened. "Hey!" he called, jogging after her. "Wait! Don't go! I don't even know who you are—" He stopped, realizing that she wasn't going to come back. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he went back and picked up his stuff and walked home, the same question burning in his mind: Who is she?

"Hi, Suichi," Kurama's mother greeted him as he walked into his house and set his stuff down on the floor. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yes, I did," Kurama answered casually, heading straight to his big, overstuffed easy chair that he liked to watch TV in. He sat down and stared at the blank television set, trying to think of a way to figure out who the girl was. Shiori looked at him strangely, then shrugged and went into another room.

I couldn't see much of her face… Nothing except her eyes… And a lot of girls have brown eyes… There's no way I could narrow it down with just that!

Kurama was so preoccupied with his thoughts, that he didn't even notice the doorbell ringing. Shiori opened the door and welcomed the guests in. Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Hiei entered the Minamino house and stood over by Kurama. Kurama was stuck in the "thinking position", and didn't notice that anyone was there until Yusuke clapped his hands in front of his face.

"Earth to Suichi!" Yusuke yelled, making sure he used Kurama's human name in his house. "Hi!"

Kurama blinked, surprised to see his friends surrounding him. "Oh! Hello," he said. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. What is it?"

"Nothin'," said Kuwabara. "We just wanna hang."

"You seem kinda… out-of-it today," said Yusuke. "Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"I received a note this morning," Kurama replied.

"Ooh, was it a note from the principal saying you've finally got a detention?" Yusuke asked.

"No," Kurama said shortly. "And I don't ever plan on seeing one of those. No, it was an anonymous love note."

Kuwabara rolled his eyes. "What a surprise… So, who is it?"

"The word 'anonymous' means we don't know," said Hiei. "You're the one who goes to school, and yet I know more vocabulary words than you do."

"Hey! Shut it, buddy! I don't need to know no vocab words to be smart! I got the street smarts, and that's all that matters!"

"Psh. Whatever…"

"She told me to meet her after school," Kurama continued. "But she was dressed in all black, and I couldn't see her face. She ran off without me being able to say anything."

"Huh. Well that was nice of her," said Yusuke. "She could've at least kissed you or something…"

"What's this?" asked Luna, Kurama's sister, who came pounding down the stairs as he said that. "Does Suichi have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, an anonymous one," said Kuwabara.

"Hm. Interesting," Luna said. "Maybe you should do an online search for 'Suichi fangirls' and see what you come up with. You just might find a lead." Laughing, she grabbed the remote and clicked on the TV.

Kurama thought for a moment. "Hm… Not a bad idea…" he said, standing up to go into the computer room.

Luna stared. "What, you're not serious are you?" she asked. "'Cuz I was just joking…"

Kurama sat at his computer desk, opening up Internet Explorer. Using a Google search, he typed in "Suichi Minamino Fangirls". Yusuke and Kuwabara's jaws dropped as the saw the results on the top of the page:

70,000,000 results found.

Kurama moaned and put his head on the desk. "That doesn't help me much…" he sighed. "How am I supposed to know which one is the one who sent me the note?"

"One way to find out," said Yusuke, smirking. "Write letters to all of them."

Kuwabara was still in shock at the large number on the screen. "I can't even count that high!" he said in astonishment. "Let me try that!" Taking the keyboard, he typed in "Kazuma Kuwabara Fangirls". The page reloaded and came up with:

"Kuwabara Fangirls: 7 results found."


"And five of those are 'Yusuke/Kuwabara Yaoi' fansites," Hiei said, reading the captions. "That's pretty sad…"

"You know what, computer?" Kuwabara said, poking it. "I don't like you…"

"Do you realize it's foolish to talk to an inanimate object?" Hiei asked.

"You!" Kuwabara seethed, poking Hiei as well.

"Don't touch me…"

"You better shut up before I make you an inanimate object!"

"Do you even know what the word 'inanimate' means?"

Kuwabara didn't answer.

"Well," said Kurama. "I'd better start writing letters to the fangirls…"

Yusuke laughed. "You're taking this way too seriously. You're going to write letter to 70 million people asking if they put a note in your locker?"

"That's right."

"You're pathetic," Yusuke said. "Later. I don't have time to watch you bust your butt to find out who some dumb fangirl is…"
