Tenshi: hides behind her computer don't throw things at me or you hurt the story.

Thank you to all that have reviewed the story. I'm finally going to get off my lazy butt and write the next chapter. I'm really bad about this. I go to write my story, but then I get distracted by other fanfics. Hehe Anyways, hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Warning: I do not own Naruto. This IS a slash fic, meaning boys on boys so if you no like, then you no read.

Chapter 2:

"No! Sasuke will be here in an hour to pick me up and I don't know what to wear!" Naruto threw random cloths around his room trying to find something nice to wear. (A/N: winces Yes I know how girlish I have Naruto acting right now, but he is the uke so oh well.) He was interrupted in his mad dash to get ready by a knock on his door.

'Who the heck would be coming over to my house this time of day before the festival?' Naruto questioned himself as he was opening the door.

"Konichiwa do- I mean Naruto." Sasuke said as he stepped around Naruto to get into the house. Naruto just stood there gaping until Sasuke reached over and closed it. "Is this the way that you treat all of your guests?" The sharingan user asked as he looked around the messy apartment.

"W-What are you doing here so early!" Naruto managed to sputter out.

"I came over to give this to you." Sasuke gestured to the package that was in his arms. Naruto finally noticed the box that Sasuke carried with him.

"What is it?" He asked suspiciously.

Sasuke shrugged. "Why don't you open it and find out for yourself?" He put the package in Naruto's arms and waited expectantly.

Naruto looked at the package curiously before opening it with care. Inside he found an item that made his eyes tear up. It was a baby-blue kimono (the male version in case you're wondering) with darker blue trimmings and fluffy white clouds all over it. The fox boy glanced over at Sasuke. Naruto just noticed that Sasuke already had his own Kimono on. It was black with blood red trimmings.

Sasuke looked at Naruto worriedly, "Do you not like it? You don't have to wear it it's ju-." Sasuke was interrupted as Naruto threw his arms around him and hugged Sasuke with a death grip.

"I love it. I just…I've never had a kimono before." Naruto whispered into Sasuke's chest. Sasuke smiled at Naruto and returned the embrace.

"Well, you have one now, so why don't you go put it on so I can see how beautiful you will look in it." Sasuke suggested softly as he ushered Naruto to his room. "I'll get some tea made while you do that." Naruto nodded his head and closed the door.

Sasuke made his way back to the kitchen and put on some water for tea. A couple of minutes later Naruto emerged from his room. When Sasuke saw him, he didn't know what to say. He had been dead on when he had picked out the kimono for his Kitsune. It fit him perfectly and the colors made his eyes stand out more so than usual. Naruto had a light blush gracing his face as Sasuke gazed at him.

"Does it look alright?" Naruto asked softly. His voice snapped Sasuke out of his daze. Sasuke made his way over to Naruto and took both of the blonde one's hands in his own.

"You look absolutely stunning." The two were close enough now that it would only take leaning forward a couple of inches and their lips would meet. As they looked at each other those inches started to decrease until only a breath was left between them. Their lips brushed together in a feather light kiss, but it was at that moment when the kettle on the stove whistled and the two boys jumped apart, a blush stained both of their faces.

Sasuke scrambled over to the kettle to take it off of the stove. He then took the two cups he had taken out earlier and poured the tea into them. He took both cups into the living room where he found Naruto starring into space.

"Oi, dobe. Here's the tea." Sasuke handed Naruto his cup before taking a seat next to the younger boy.

Naruto's cheeks puffed out cutely and pouted. "I thought I told you not to call me that anymore."

"Alright. Maybe just for this one night."

Naruto blinked and looked at Sasuke oddly, but just dismissed his easy win and Sasuke being Sasuke. "Well," Naruto glanced over at the clock, which read 6:30, "I guess that we should be going hu?"

Sasuke nodded. He stood up and held out his hand for Naruto to take. Naruto looked at it questioningly for a second before taking the offered hand. After getting up both boys made a short stop into the kitchen to put away their cups. Then they made their way to the front door.

"Well, let us get going then shall we?" Sasuke asked, bowing to the other and offering his arm for Naruto to take.

Naruto laughed at the over exaggerated politeness the Uchiha and took the offered arm. "Yes we shall." The two then made their way to the Sakura Festival.

At the festival

Naruto and Sasuke walked around enjoying all of the attractions and games that the festival had to offer. They had only been there for a few minutes, but Naruto already had a huge stuffed bear he was carrying, courtesy of one Uchiha Sasuke who had won it for the blonde at a senbon-throwing booth. They were just about to get a drink they spotted several someones ahead of them.

Naruto groaned and stopped. "Just great. Ne, Sasuke? Maybe we should go around the other way…" Naruto suggested, but Sasuke had other ideas.

'heh. This is perfect. I'll show Naruto off and let everyone one know that he is mine and maybe get the message across that I am not interested in any of those dumb girls.' As we all know, Sasuke's logic can be twisted at times and not everyone would agree that this is the best way to go about letting people, especially ones they hang out with as often as these ones, know about he and Naruto being taken.

Sasuke started to drag Naruto towards them and Akamaru, Kiba's beloved dog companion, barked, as he smelled the two boys from team 7 getting closer. 'What is Akamaru?" Kiba asked. He and the others, which was the rest of the rookie nine, their senseis', Gai's team, and Iruka-sensei, turned to look at where the bog was barking at to see Naruto and Sasuke approaching them, arm in arm.

"No way…" One of the muttered no one was sure who it had been, all too shocked to have noticed.

Sasuke smirked as he and Naruto reached the group. He made sure to move his arm from Naruto's and wrap it around the blonde boy's slim waist instead. "Well, we weren't expecting to run into you guys so soon." He smirked at them as if daring any one of them to say anything.

Tenshi: Well that's all for now. I want to expand this into a couple more chapters, so I decided just to leave this one here. So, how will everyone react to the two fiercest rivals showing up at the festival arm in arm? Well, you'll just have to find out next time.