A/N: This is the edited version of the first chap, thanks to Yami Rose Dark Elemental Goddess



Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling…and not to me.

Chapter 1: Brush with Death

A sixteen year boy leant on his windowsill, raven black hair gently swaying in the wind.

A gentle sigh escaped his lips as he gazed down at the party below his window. It was a small party really, only his cousin, two girls, and Piers were present, but Harry wished he could partake all the same.

A loud crack of thunder caused Harry's head to jerk up so fast he thought he broke something.

Harry regarded the approaching storm suspiciously, although now days he regarded everything with suspicion.

Harry wearily stepped back from the window sill and made slow steps through the messy room to his equally messy bed.

Harry hardly left his room anymore, whenever he left he felt strong feelings of guilt and anger.

No letters had come from his friends this summer, probably because of Dumbledore…but I suppose it may be for the better.

Rain spattered against the Dursley's roof slowly getting louder and more frequent, until the only thing Harry could hear was the rain and the very faint sound of music drifting up from downstairs.

Harry sat at his small desk and picked up his quill, Time to get back to work.

Harry started scratching away at his 'extra-curricular' DADA work that he had put upon himself in an attempt to prepare himself…for the inevitable.

Harry laid down his quill silently and put the open book on the growing pile of the Defense books that he had already gone through.

His sixth year had yet to begin, and Harry was already working harder than he has ever done before.

Harry rose and stretched, cocking an ear to listen for sounds coming from downstairs.

Harry sighed as he heard laughter, no chance at getting a snack now.

He hit the floor, dust rising in billows as he did so.

Harry rose up and held himself up for a few moments then went down again.

His push-ups slowly gained speed, and sweat started to form on his face.

After he had worn himself out, Harry collapsed on to the floor with a slight thump.

Physical and mental exhaustion was the only way Harry could forget…forget what had happened…what he thought he had caused.

Harry rolled onto his back started his sit-ups.

I brought this on myself.

"So, Dudley, I heard you had a cousin living with you," Theresa said smiling. Dudley paled, but he tried to keep the panic out his voice when he replied, "Yeah…but he is never around, he hangs out with the wrong kind of people…why?"

Theresa shrugged, "Just wondering."

Bright light, so sudden and oh so bright, brought Harry to his feet faster than he though possible, as he leapt toward his window, the storm was really raging, lightning stuck everywhere and the strange lights and explosions were striking frequently.

That can't be a natural storm…

An explosion rocked the house as if an earthquake was underway.

Harry lurched to his feet and looked at the window to see the swish of black robes before they disappeared.

Harry cursed and swept up the katana he had received in the mail as a gift from select people in the order, namely Moody, as 'gifts' to keep his mind of Sirius.

Another explosion rocked the house.

Harry barreled out his room and charged down the steps just as the front door the Dursley's house exploded.

Harry didn't think twice as he ran straight into the Deatheaters, now assembled in the room.

Harry managed to rain punches and kicks on as many people as he could before he was blown into the opposite wall.

Harry slid down the wall and all but crumpled.

His eyes snapped open, and he rolled sideways to avoid the curse that hit the wall.

Harry drew his Katana with a roar and slashed out, slicing the closest Deatheater across the stomach and sending him to his knees.

He twirled around and grabbed a Deatheater and held the Katana to his throat.

"Drop your wands," Harry croaked, "or he dies."

The Deatheaters laughed at him. "Do you think we care if he dies?" one of them said and promptly began laughing again.

A gunshot rang out, the bullet hit the wall far from anyone, but it did cause the laughing to stop…for a moment.

"Look at this Muggle, thinks he can kill us with his Muggle weapon," they all laughed again.

Harry growled and pushed the Deatheater in his hold forward and into the chest of a nearby comrade of his as he lunged at Vernon who was shakily holding a handgun in front of him.

Harry hit his uncle around the waist and sent the both to the ground, just in time to avoid several killing curses.

Harry picked up the discarded hand gun and fired, straight into a Deatheaters chest killing him.

The man slumped to the ground a surprised expression on his face.

"Still think Muggle weapons won't work on you?" Harry said harshly.

Harry didn't give them time to reply as he shot someone else, this time in the head.

Harry rolled onto his feet and lunged driving his Katana into a Deatheater's stomach.

Harry turned to see the last Deatheater making a break for it.

"Should I kill him?" Harry asked more to himself than anyone else.

"Yes," he heard Dudley stutter.

Harry nodded at cocked the gun, sending a prayer out that the luck he had just before was still with him when he attempted this shot.

Harry pulled the trigger, watching blood splatter as the bullet impacted against the back of the Deatheaters head, sending him to the ground to lie in a pool of his own blood.

Harry sighed and let his arm drop back to his side, gun still held tightly.

Harry must have looked quite the sight with ragged clothes, his ripped shirt exposing most of, if not all of his recently toned stomach and part of his shoulder exposed, still holding a bloody Katana and handgun.

"Is everyone ok?" Harry asked, turning to face his family and their friends.

"No injuries?" Harry inquired again.

Seven headshakes was his only answer, Harry sighed.

"We have to leave here, now"

Harry wiped his Katana on a Deatheater's robes and sheathed it, then put it in the strap he had acquired specifically for that reason.

Harry held out the hand gun to Vernon, who just stared at him.

Harry sighed, "Okay…do you have any holsters for this or ammunition?"

Slowly, Vernon nodded, and rose shakily to his feet and went off to get what Harry asked for.

Harry then turned his attention to the children. "I'm sorry you had to see that," Harry told them sincerely.

Vernon returned with the holster which had ammunition stored on it.

Harry thanked him and strapped it on around his waist, holstering the gun.

"Wear this…it will hide the weapons," Petunia said handing out a long dark cloak out.

Harry cocked and eyebrow but put it on none the less, it looked like a trench coat someone would wear to a dress up party.

"Who were those men, and what's a muggle?" Theresa asked confused.

A/N: Again this is an edited chapter 1