Disclaimer: Nope still don't own it.

Me: Hey guys! Here's a new chapter to A New Light!

Hiei: another chapter? (rolls his eyes)

Me: cheer up Hiei this is the chapter that you die in.


Me: yup!

Hiei: I'm off (opens door to leave)

Me: No Hiei, I was joking. I don't kill you in fact I don't plan on killing you. (mumbles next part quietly)-except maybe in the sequel

Hiei: What was that? There's a sequel?

Me: Yup! I hadn't planed on not saying anything but now that you mention it…(Looks deep in thought)

Hiei: Oh for crying out loud, on with the garbage!

Me: It's not garbage you know you love it (smiles cheerily)

Hiei: I hate you

Me: I love you

Hiei: …

Me: On with the entertainment

A New Light

Chapter 3

Dr. Kurama

Hiei got up from the bed and pulled on a pair of his black pants. He reached toward the desk where his katana was kept. He then made his way out of the dark room and proceeded down the long hallway. He looked left and right searching for signs of Botan.

He stiffened just as he heard a strange sound. He snapped his head to the left and his hand went instinctively to the hilt of his katana. He moved towards the door just as he heard another sound. Hiei stared at the door suspiciously; he couldn't sense anything strange behind it. He moved his hand to the doorknob and pushed it forward.

Hiei snorted at the sight that laid before, seeing no danger he stepped further into the tiled bathroom. Botan was hunched over the toilet, vomiting like there was no tomorrow.

"Shut up Hiei, this isn't funny." Botan said through gritted teeth just as another glob of food began to climb up her throat.

"Hn." He walked forward and opened the cupboard above the bathroom sink, after a moment of searching he found what he was looking for. He popped off the cover to the bottle and then he removed two of the pills. He found a nearby cup and filled it with water from the sink.

Once she was convinced that nothing was left in her stomach, she stood and flushed the toilet sighing heavily.

"Here." Hiei handed her the pills and the water before exiting the bathroom.

"Thanks." Botan said sarcastically sticking the pills in her mouth and then sipping the water slowly.

Botan slid wearily into the bed. She pulled the covers over her and turned facing the doorway. Just as she was about to fall asleep she felt strong arms encircle her body from behind her. Even though he wasn't looking at her or talking to her she could still since the worry coming from him.

"I am all right Hiei." She said not opening her eyes. "It must have been the morning sickness." Botan turned around in Hiei's arms so she could face him. Seeing the look of confusion in his crimson eyes she continued, "Humans get a sort of sick feeling after about two months of pregnancy."


Botan smiled, even though Hiei seemed unemotional or uncaring, she could sense the feeling of surprise and worry emanating from him. "Well I didn't check until last night, and it makes sense. You left around two months ago."


"Hiei, I'm going to need to see some sort of a doctor."

"Why?" Hiei said sitting up, "We don't need help from a bunch of pathetic ningens." He said glaring.

"Hiei, I want a healthy baby."

"No, I will not go to humans." Hiei crossed his arms and glared stubbornly at the wall.

Botan sighed; no matter how hard she tried he definitely wouldn't budge from his decision. But whom would they visit, She wasn't entirely sure how pregnancies worked and Hiei most certainly did not. "Wait, Yukina! Yukina can help us." Botan said happily, there was no way he would say no to his sister.


Botan sweat dropped. "Why, because she's your sister?"

Hiei looked at her for a moment and then turned his head back towards the wall. "No, because she is a demon, what would she know about ningen pregnancies?"

Botan looked down defeated. He was right. Yukina came from the island of the Koorime, she had never even seen a real human until she was caught. Botan was about to give up until she remembered what Kurama had said to her early that day. He had gotten that new job. "I got it!" Botan said smiling happily.

Hiei snorted, in a 'yeah right' manner.

"Kurama. He told me today that he had just taken on a job as an assistant doctor. After two years of college and 300 years as a cunning fox he is bound to know something." Botan looked at Hiei triumphantly.

Kurama was someone he could trust thought Hiei. Kurama would never hurt her. "Hn." Hiei answered laying back down on the bed and waiting for sleep to over come him.

"Great," said Botan as she too laid back down. "We can visit him tomorrow morning." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around the fire demon preparing for a good sleep.

"You were right Botan, from what you have told me, and the feel of the spirit energy inside you, it seems that you are nine weeks into your pregnancy." Kurama said removing his tools from the bed and placing them back into his bag.

"Thanks for helping Kurama, We really appreciate it." Botan said happily as she got up from Kurama's bed. She glanced at Hiei, who was seated at the window looking out into the rainy sky.

"No, thank you, Botan." Kurama said smiling politely, "Since you're letting me help you, I'll be one step ahead of all the other assistant doctors."

Botan grinned, "So what's going to happen these next few months?"

Kurama crossed the room and sifted through a pile of his books that were lying on his desk. "Well a couple more weeks of morning sickness, then you will start to have cravings, then your stomach will begin to expand." Kurama smiled when he found the book he was looking for, "Here I suggest you read this, and perhaps look for a class to help you with the pregnancy."

"Well I would but, Hiei…" She turned and glared at the fire demon, "…Won't let me get the proper care, because he doesn't trust humans." She huffed putting her hands on her waist in a manner suggesting she was mad.

"Hiei, birth classes are important. You wouldn't want Botan to get hurt now would you?" Kurama smirked as he saw the fire demon suddenly go tense. "I agreed to help out, and deliver the baby, but I can't do everything."


Kurama and Botan grinned in victory, "Now Botan I will see you in a couple of weeks, call if you need anything." Kurama said leading the couple to the door.

"Thanks Kurama, I'll see you later." Botan waved as she walked down the wet steps of Kurama's apartment.

"Sayonara Botan, Hiei." Kurama waved as he closed the door to his small apartment.

"Well Let's go Hiei." Botan exclaimed as they turned down the street.

"Go where?" Hiei asked glancing at Botan who was walking cheerfully next to him.

"We have to go sign up for that class, remember?"

"Yippee" Hiei replied sarcastically rolling his eyes.


Hiei: A birth class?

Me: Yup

Hiei: This just keeps getting worse and worse.

Me: Whatever, anyway guys I have some bad news, and some good news. Which do you think I should give first?

Hiei: The good.

Me: Why? People usually ask for the bad first.

Hiei: You asked I answered

Me: Well forget you, I'll give the bad first.

Hiei: Well then, what is it? Your cat die? Or better yet, your computer?

Me: Nope, the bad news is, is that I might not meet my deadline for the next chapter. In fact I might not even make it in a week, I might have to take two weeks. It's because I haven't written the next chapter yet, because I'm not completely sure, what I want to do.

Hiei: OMG The end of the world. (rolls eyes)

Me: Shut up! Some people care you know.

Hiei: Whatever, what's the good?

Me: I am coming out with a new Naruto fanfic. And so that I don't have to worry about deadlines or anything, I'm going to finish it first and then post it. It will be about 5 chaps. And I already have 1 ½ chaps written. So for all of you Naruto fans, keep a close eye.

Hiei: Naruto? You are ditching me!

Me: Of course not Hiei, I would never!

Hiei. Hn.

Me: Well, let me thank my reviewers, and then I'll see you next chapter! Goodnight!


Blue Angel 1245-Thanks for the review
Dyinglight-Thanks for the review
Mini-MoonStar-up it was all a dream!
sockunderyourbed-I hope your not confused anymore
emma-my goal was to put cliffies at the end of ever chapter, I guesse this chapter didnt really have one though.
heartluv-of course Hiei's the father! He is my favorite character, lol
Miss Kyoshi-I hope this was soon enough.
silver starlight kitsune-um, thanks. I really try to get my summaries good, and thanks for the review.
Ryukotsusei-Thanks, I am glad you like it!
Crystal Koneko-Thanks for the review