After much thinking and editing, I'm proud to present the tenth and final chapter. I look back and am amazed that this story started out as just a short piece in a random notebook that had no definite direction or a chance of being a story. Thanks to you reviewers, this story has come to fruition with a sequel that will be coming sometime in the far future. For now, enjoy Chapter Ten.

Chapter Ten- Baby's Born

Yugi sprinted back to the mansion as fast as his legs could carry him. He pounded up the stairs, frantically turned his key in the knob, and threw the door open so hard that it slammed against the wall. The sudden loud sound brought the inhabitants rushing. They saw Yugi standing there, panting hard. Seto automatically thought something happened to Joey.

"Yugi, where's Joey? What happened?"

"Joey's been kidnapped by another vampire. He didn't give his name but said that if you don't show up at Pier 84's warehouse in an hour, Joey and the baby will die!" Yugi's eyes spilled over with tears at the thought of losing his best friend. Yami embraced the young man as Seto turned to Bakura.

"Bakura, you're coming with me. I'll need you to check on the baby after we rescue Joey."

Bakura was a bit startled by the steely tone in Seto's voice, but didn't let it show. "Alright. Let's go."


Joey layed bound on the cold warehouse floor, his captor sneered at him from above. The warehouse was not at all special. Just some crates here and there along with the usual equipment one finds in a warehouse. To Malik, however, it was the perfect place for a showdown with his ex-mate.

"What do ya want with me?" Joey demanded, trying to sound tough and menacing despite his physical state. This act didn't fool the vampire for a second. Malik kneeled beside him, malice and disgust in his pupiless eyes.

"Vampires mate for life. Seto thought me long gone and dared to love one who will grow old and die. For that he, you, and your baby will die. He'll pay for betraying me."

Joey gulped. Seto was in deep trouble. This vampire was on a major vendetta. "B-but he didn't know you survived. He shouldn't be punished for that!"

"You weren't listening. He takes another mate when he already had one, even if he thought I was 'dead'. He shouldn't have. Even if he didn't know that vampire law, he'll learn tonight."

'This guy's gone crazy. He's not even making sense to me. I mean, yeah I caught on to the vampires mating for life...oh, shit. Now I get it. Seto fell in love with me while his first mate was still around. Oh, man! We're going to die!'

The doors of the warehouse slid open with a raspy sound. Seto stepped into the doorway with Bakura standing guard outside. The priest spied Joey on the floor and rushed over to him. "Joey, are you all right?"

"As opposed to how I'll be feeling in a few minutes, yeah, I feel great."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we're all gonna die!"

"Calm down, Joey. You're not helping the baby."

"But he's right," said a voice Seto recognized immediately. He whirled around to see Malik behind him, wielding a knife. "You're all going to die."

"Malik! But, you died."

"Well, as you can see, I didn't. And you betrayed me by taking another mate. As the humans would say, you cheated on me."

Seto staggered. Malik was right. He had cheated on him. The result was Malik had gone mad in his hurt and jealously. He stared into those solid lavender eyes and a sudden realization hit him. He didn't see the love those eyes once held. They burned with hurt and jealously, yes, but they also burned with hatred. Hatred for him.

Squaring his shoulders, he stated, "Malik, we're through. I no longer see the love you had for me in your eyes. I see only hatred and jealously."

"Sorry, high priest, but you don't get off that easily. Vampires mate for life. The only way out of our relationship is for one of us to die. Luckily, you get to die tonight."

"Malik, this is between you and me, so let Joey go."

"You're wrong. Joey is the cause of our disagreement."

"Maybe. But I don't want him to get caught up in something he had no intention of unleashing on himself." Turning his back on Malik, he bent down, and broke Joey's bonds. Looking into Joey's honey eyes, he said, "Joey get yourself out of here. Bakura's standing outside. Follow him back to my home. Stay there until sunrise."

Joey started to nod, but then his eyes widened. Before Seto could ask the reason for his reactions, Joey shoved Seto to one side as the flash of a blade came forward and struck Joey in the chest. "NO!" Seto cried as Malik pulled the blade back. Blood fountained from the wound as Joey slumped to the ground.

Blue eyes sparked with cold fury as they glared at the one holding the knife. Killing a human to feed on its blood was one thing, but to murder one in cold blood was another. Growling, Seto leaped towards Malik with blinding speed. Knocking the knife from the tombkeeper's hand, he proceeded to grapple with the vampire. Out of the corner of his eye, Seto saw Bakura rush into the warehouse and toward the fallen Joey. Seto and Malik rolled and tussled with one another, each trying to put himself in a position of power.

"Almost like our lovemaking sessions, eh Seto?"

"Shut up! You don't deserve to survive after what you just did!"

"You just summed up the sentiments I have about you!"

Seto snarled and did the only thing he could think of. His head lanced forward and his teeth sank into Malik's neck. He quickly drank the blood before Malik could launch a counterattack. Malik's actions became slow and sluggish. He planted a hand on Seto's shoulder in an attempt to push him off but he no longer had the strength to complete the motion. Malik's eyes rolled up into his head and his body relaxed as he finally died.

Seto panted as he wiped his mouth. He looked at the body of his deceased ex-mate and said, "Well, I guess we're through now." Bakura's shout on the far end of the warehouse caught his attention and he rushed over to Joey's side.

"I've stopped the bleeding," Bakura reported when Seto drew close. "However, all this 'excitement' had induced the labor pains. I'll have to deliver the baby now."

"But, he doesn't possess a birth canal to do so. How are you going to deliver the baby?"

"It's a process called a C-Section. I can do it, but it might be risky since he did sustain injury."

"We don't have a choice. Do it."

Nodding, the Tomb Robber opened the doctor's kit he had brought along. He removed a knife, some towels, and a pair of gloves from the bag. Pulling on the gloves, he pulled up Joey's shirt and removed the jeans. With focused eyes, he expertly made a vertical incision from the top of the bulge to just above the bellybutton. Joey gritted his teeth to prevent from screaming. Bakura carefully continued the procedure. At the last step before he could remove the baby, an excessive amount of blood came pouring out. Bakura quickly placed some towels around the area. Knowing it was now or never, Bakura reached in and remove a squalling newborn from Joey's body. Cutting the cord, the tombrobber wiped the baby off and wrapped it in a clean towel.

"Well, you two, it would appear that you have a beautiful daughter."

"A daughter," Seto breathed. He took the baby as Bakura set out to stablize Joey. The girl was indeed beautiful with wisps of brownish-blonde hair and eyes the color of the summer sky. Her skin was as pale as her father's and she had fangs that were shorter than a normal vampire's, but longer than a human's canines.

"Joey, look at her. She's beautiful." Seto moved closer so Joey could see. The blonde smiled softly at the newborn.

"You're right and I think Yuri suits her perfectly."

"Yes, I agree. Yuri's her name."

Suddenly, Joey gasped and his face lost some color. "Joey! Bakura, what's going on?"

"He's losing too much blood. I can't stop the flow! We're going to lose him!"

"No! We can't!"

"I can't do anything more."

"It's-it's okay," Joey whispered. "Take care of Yuri, koi. you." Joey sighed before closing his eyes and laying his head down.

"Joey! No, come back!"

"He's still there, priest. But, his pulse is slow. I'm sorry."

"There's still a way. I won't lose him." Handing Yuri to Bakura, Seto leaned down, propping Joey's head on his lap and gently pierced Joey's neck. He drank a little blood before pricking his finger and rubbing the blood on the bite marks.

"Of course! How could I forget?" Bakura chided himself. "I should have done that earlier."

"Sometimes, you act too much like a human. That's why you forgot," Seto said as he watched as Joey's injuries healed themselves and his skin turned pale.


Back at the mansion

Joey's eyes fluttered open and saw Seto's concerned face above him. "Seto? What's going on? Was all that a dream?"

"No, it wasn't a dream." Seto inclined his head to the bundle in his arms. Joey sat up and gazed at Yuri before saying, "Can I hold her?"

"Of course."

As Joey stretched out his arms to take his daughter, he saw how pale they were. "Why are my arms so pale?"

"Because you're a vampire now."


"A vampire. I refused to let you die."

"But I am dead. Well, undead I guess."

"But now we're together forever. I love you too much to lose you forever. So, I turned you."

Now that Seto mentioned it, Joey did feel the sharpness of his new fangs against his tongue. "Seto, thank you. I love you, too. I don't think I could have died knowing that I was leaving you and Yuri behind."

"You're welcome, koi."

The brunette and blonde, both now vampires, snuggled together, with their human/vampire daughter sleeping in a bassinet connected to the bed on one side, and fell asleep, knowing that when the sun set, it would be the first night of their immortal relationship.

The End


That's it. Vampire Stalker is complete. I've got a finals paper to write for a class, so I won't be working on the sequel anytime soon and I have other stories that are waiting to be posted. First, I'll finish Sea of Rage II. Then, I'll post my Yu Yu Hakusho story Bloody Hell. It's a Kurama vamp fic, so if you like YYH, vamps, and Kurama, this is the story for you.