I hate leaving things unfinished so I decided to write another chapter! It's not the best admittedly but I was in a hurry to get this finished after it taking so long for me to update...sorry! I do mean to update quicker but time just runs away from me. I'm on a mission to finish all my current stories before writing another one so I expect that I'll be updating a lot more regularly now. I hope you haven't all forgotten this story and hopefully there are a few new readers too!

Thanks for reading! Drop me a review?


Chapter 13

Leo walked into the attic and made his way over to where Phoebe was flicking through the Book of Shadows. "Anything?" he questioned.

Phoebe shook her head, "I've sent Cole out to go and look for her. I just hope he finds her fast because if this is anything like the time I turned into a Banshee, she's gonna be hungry for a kill."

Leo sank into a nearby chair and buried his face in his hands. "This is all my fault." he muttered, "I should have gone with Piper, or at least discovered what you were dealing with before letting her go and fight them."

"Oh Leo, don't be silly. You know there's no reasoning with Piper, especially now." Phoebe soothed, "We'll get your wife back I promise. I'm going to try scrying for her."

Leo watched in silence as Phoebe picked up the crystal and swung it in ever increasing circles around the city. "Nothing." she sighed, "Damn it, Piper."

At that moment Cole shimmered into the attic, crouching slightly, his face bruised and his clothing singed.

"Cole, thank God." Phoebe reached up to hug him, "What happened? Did you find her?"

"I didn't get a chance to look." Cole admitted grudgingly, "Every time I used my sensing powers, a bounty hunter sensed me. I fought off three of them." He sat down at the table looking annoyed, "I'm sorry."

"N-no, it's ok." Phoebe started, then ducked her head, eyes brimming with tears, "I mean, I don't even have a little idea of how everything is going to be ok. You know why? Because nothing is ok. Prue's dead, Piper's a fury and...and Cole you're bleeding!"

Cole wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. "I'm fine." he assured her.

"Wait a minute." Leo suddenly exclaimed, "Try the 'to find a lost witch' spell. That might work. It's worked before!"

Phoebe perked up for a moment before shaking her head and glumly saying, "It won't work. Piper's not a witch anymore."

"Oh." Leo was silent for a while, thinking furiously. "Can you substitute the word 'witch' for 'sister'?"

Phoebe leapt up, "Leo you're a genius." she squealed, "That might just work."

A little while later Phoebe stood downstairs, flanked by Cole and Leo. "Are we ready?" she asked shakily.

Cole paused, "How are we going to change Piper back once she gets here?"

"We have to close the portal of unexpressed fury." Leo replied, his jaw tense with worry.

Cole snorted, "Unexpressed? I think she's been raging for days."

Phoebe cast a warning glance at her boyfriend before replying, "That's cause there's something she's not saying. And I think I know what that is."

She cleared her throat nervously before reciting,

"Power of the sisters rise,
Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you near,
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood, I summon thee,
Blood to blood, return to me."

Across the city Piper raised her head and sniffed at the air. She waved a taloned hand at the other furies and smiled wickedly, "I know where evil dwells."

Back in the manor the trio's vigil was interrupted by Cole crying out in pain and dropping to his knees. He clutched his head and gritted his teeth. "They're close." he ground out, "I can hear... I can hear the cries of my victims."

Suddenly the front door was smashed in and a fury raced in, charging straight at Cole. Phoebe levitated in the air and swung out a foot, sending the fury flying backwards to collide with the wall just as Piper appeared behind Cole, accompanied with the other fury.

Leo grabbed a nearby lamp and threw it at Piper's companion. The fury snarled and approached the whitelighter menacingly, leaving Piper alone with Cole.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Cole moaned piteously to his inner demons.

Piper outstretched a hand and swiped her talons across Cole's chest, drawing blood. She hissed in satisfaction as Cole cried out again.

Flashes of his previous kills swirled around Cole's mind and he gritted his teeth against the pain. Then, suddenly, his memories brought back a different scene. 'You used to be great...' the Seer hissed in his head. Grasping onto any way to stop the pain, Cole forced himself to remember the satisfaction that came with each kill. To remember the glory of it all.

In a brief moment of clarity, Cole reached out and pushed the fury Piper away from him as she closed in for the kill. Gathering his sensed back he formed an energy ball and sent it at the fury that Phoebe was fighting. The voices in his head diminished and he sent a second energy ball at Leo's assailant.

With both furies obliterated Phoebe and Leo approached Piper, who backed off, hissing all the time.

"Piper," Phoebe began.

Piper suddenly leapt forward and slashed at her sister, talons raking bloody scratched across her cheek. Cole growled and powered up an energy ball.

"No!" cried Leo. "Cole don't."

Phoebe took a deep breath and blurted out, "You think I abandoned you. You think it's my fault that Prue died. You blame me. You should just admit it."

Piper paused and withdrew slightly. "How dare you." she hissed, "How dare you go after you precious boyfriend and leave Prue to die here, without the Power of Three to save her. We needed you and you let her down."

Phoebe let out a gasp of pain and stepped back, tears streaking down her face. Cole started forward and snarled at Piper, "It wasn't Phoebe's fault."

"No," Piper's anger was unabated, "It was yours too. You took Phoebe away. If it wasn't for you she'd have been here and Prue would be alive right now. Prue never liked you, she never wanted a demon in the house and look how right she was."

Noticing the wrath on Cole's face and the hurt on Phoebe's, Leo reached for his wife's arm. "Piper," he began.

"And you!" Piper kept screaming, although tears threatened to fall from her eyes too. "After all Prue did, all the times she risked her life, and you just accept it when the Elder's say there is nothing they can do. Why couldn't you have healed her too? Why didn't you get here sooner?"

Tears were falling thickly from Piper's eyes now as she turned her face skywards, "And How dare you!" she shrieked, "How dare you leave me! How could you go and die and leave me here all alone?" Her voice became choked, "Please come back. I need you." Piper collapsed on the ground, "Please come back." she whispered.

Suddenly, Piper was back to normal, no trace of the fury left, but she continued to cry as Leo crouched beside her.

"It's ok. It's ok honey." he comforted her.

"It's not okay." Piper sobbed, "She never thought about what would happen to me and Phoebe if she was gone. How did she think that I could live without her?"

Leo pulled his wife into a tight hug as Phoebe and Cole looked on. Cole was brimming with anger at Piper's undeserved anger at everyone, but kept a tight rein on his emotions as he held his girlfriend close.

Phoebe was crying just as hard as her sister and had never felt more grateful for the strong arms around her. It was true. Piper blamed her for Prue's death. She felt as if her heart was ripping in two. How could things ever be the same again?

Far away, the scene was being viewed by an unknown witness. The Seer's eyes lost their white film as the cave came back into focus and she grinned in satisfaction. Piper's actions were only strengthening her cause to bring Cole back into the fold. And feeling so betrayed by her sister, Phoebe was that much more inclined to follow.

There would be a rift between the sisters that would take a long time to heal.