Kim and Kira: Chapter 9
By Ryan T. Morris

Rating: PG-13

Notes: The Power Rangers are the property of The Walt Disney Company.

Tommy and Kim were stunned. The woman they were looking at had black hair, but it was defiantly, former Pink Ranger, Katherine Hillard-Scott. She was tied to a pillar with some sort of vines, they cut the vines and Kat fell to her knees.

Tommy and Kim rushed to her side. They removed their helmets, "Kat? Are you OK?" asked Kimberly.

Kat looked up at Kimberly, "Yes… I'm just tired…. The power drain wiped me out…"

"Power drain?" asked Tommy.

She looked at Tommy, "Mesogog took back the powers he gave me…"

"Mesogog?" said Tommy and Kim.

"How do you know about Mesogog?" asked Kim.

Kat looked down and back up at her friends, "Because… I was Elsa…" then she passed out.

Kim looked at Tommy, in disbelief, "We better get the others and get her back to the lab. We need to figure out what's going on."

"Right," said Kim, as she put her helmet back on.


Back at the lab, Kat was still unconscious and laying on the examination table. Hayley attached electrodes to her and was in the process of running tests. While the others watched, Kim came down from upstairs, and said "I just got off the phone with Jason."

"And?" asked Tommy.

"Apparently, he hasn't seen Kat in about a year."

"How could that be?"

"He said he thought that Kat was in South America."

"South America?"

"Jason said that she told him that she was going to be teaching High School age kids of American workers in Argentina. And, by the way, the company she was suppose to be working for… Anton Mercer Industries."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" said Kira.

Tommy looked at Trent and asked, "Do you have any idea why Mesogog stripped her of her powers?"

"Mesogog's powering up a laser that will transform humans into mutant dinosaurs," said Trent, "He drained her of her energy to use in the beam."

"That can't be enough to run that kind of equipment," said Hayley.

"He's going to use the Dino Gems to get the rest of the power."

"What do you mean he's going to use the Dino Gems?" asked Conner

"Yeah, how is he going to get them?" asked Ethan.

"I'm going to give them to him," said Trent.

"I'm not going to give anyone my Gem," said Conner.

"Just hear me out. You want to get onto that island, Mesogog wants the Gems. If I hand them to him, I can open a portal for you. Once you get inside, you can destroy the beam and Mesogog in the process and I can rescue my father."

"No way. It's to risky," said Tommy.

"Do we really have another choice?" asked Hayley.

"She's right," said Kira, "I mean, he's going to get that thing going eventually. This can be our only shot."


Hayley finished her tests on Kat and, with Tommy's help, set Kat down in a chair. She was still unconscious as each of the Rangers placed their Dino Gems in a small case.

"This better work," said Conner, as he placed his Gem in the case.

"I'll call when the portal's open," said Trent, then he left.

After Trent left, Kat started to make some noise and regained consciousness, the Rangers went over to her and Tommy asked, "Are you all right?"

Kat thought for a moment, she thought about everything that had happened over the past 9 months. Then she looked at Tommy and said, "I remember everything."

"Mesogog… Mercer… fighting against the Power Rangers…"

"Fighting against you… Mesogog had my mind completely in his power."

"How did this happen?" asked Kimberly.

"Well, a little over year ago, I was teaching High School English in Angel Grove. Jason was busy running the Dojo and the Youth Center. I had just returned from maturity leave after having my daughter, when I was approached by Mercer Industries about teaching High School age kids of American workers in Argentina. I met with Dr. Mercer and he seemed to be a nice enough guy. When he saw that I graduated from Angel Grove High he asked me if I knew Tommy. I said I did. Then we talked about the job a little bit and he offered a lot of money, but I told him I couldn't take the job. I had a very young daughter at home and I couldn't leave her. He understood. Just as I was about to leave he changed into Mesogog. Then, he used his power of mind control and brainwashed me. He told me to tell Jason I was taking the job in Argentina and that I would let him know when he and my daughter could come and join me. Instead of going to Argentina, we went to Mesogog's island and shortly after he turned me into Elsa."

"Why?" asked Kimberly.

"I don't know. I might be because I knew Tommy. He all ready had Smitty under his command I guess he wanted somebody else who knew Tommy."

Just then the main computer made noise, "The new veical is ready to go, " said Hayley.

"Are you going to be all right, here by yourself?" asked Kimberly.

"Yeah," said Kat.

"Let's go," said Tommy.

"Come back safe."

Tommy smiled at Kat, "We always do." Then, the Rangers left the lab.


While the Rangers were on Mesogog's Island, Kat was monitoring their progress when she heard a familiar voice from upstairs, "KAT!"


Jason came down the stairs and saw a woman he thought was his wife, "Kat?"

Kat smiled, "Yes… It's me…"

Jason smiled and walked toward her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her very passionately, then Kat started to cry, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too," said Jason.

"Where's Annabelle?"

"I left her with Mom and Dad. As soon as Kimberly told me what was going, on I rushed up here as fast as I could." Kat smiled, then all of the sudden the rear door exploded and Zeltrax walked in.

"My, my, what a heartwarming reunion," said Zeltrax, "But, what's the point? It's all over now!"

"That's what you think!" said Jason, as he charged toward the cyborg.

"Jason!" said Kat. Jason tried fighting Zeltrax, but he just threw Jason across the room, "JASON!" Kat rushed over to her husband.

Zeltrax laughed and started destroying the lab with powerful laser beams. Kat covered Jason with her body. Then, Zeltrax pulled her off of him and started to pull her out of the smoldering lab, "Your coming with me!"


A short time later, the Rangers, along with Anton returned, to the lab, finding it completely destroyed, "What happened?" asked Kira.

"It's trashed!" said Ethan.

"Kat!" said Tommy, as he looked around for his friend. Then, they heard a man groaning, they moved some of the debris, and found Jason, lying on the floor.

"Jason!" said Kimberly, "What are you doing here?"

"After you called, I came up here as fast as I could to see her. Just as soon as I got here, this robot thing came in here and started destroying the place."

"Where's Kat?" asked Tommy.

"He must have took her," said Jason, "I tried to stop him…"

"This all my fault," said Anton, "I should have stopped him."

"Don't blame yourself for what your did while you were him," said Trent.

"Trent's right, Anton," said Tommy, "This is about me and Smitty, this had nothing to do with you."

"But, if there were no Mesogog…"

"You can't go back and change what's happened. Mesogog is gone. We should be thankful for that.

"So, what now?" asked Conner, "I guess we don't hang up our morphers just yet."

"No," said Tommy.


Meanwhile back at the steel plant, Kat was trying to reason with Zeltrax, "Zeltrax… Smitty… Please! Mesogog is gone! I'm sure I can talk to Tommy."

"Talk? I'm through with talk," said Zeltrax, "With my new Zelzord, you'll see action speaks louder than words."

"Haven't you learned revenge is not the answer?"

"After my banishment, I had plenty of time to think about it as I constructed the ultimate fighting machine."

"You can't defeat the Power Rangers! You saw what their new weapon did to Mesogog's lab."

"I have something Mesogog didn't… An innocent bystander."


A short time later, Zeltrax started his assault on downtown Reefside. When the Rangers arrived on the scene, he said, "Power Rangers! Surrender or my most precious cargo will be destroyed."

"I bet he has Kat in there," said Conner.

"Correct. I wanted her to see your demise. Triptoids!"

A group of Triptoids appeared in front of the Rangers and started to fight. Then, Zeltrax fired a large energy beam at the Rangers knocking them to the ground, "This has gone far enough!" said Tommy, "Trent… Kimberly… Can you handle the Triptoids?"

"Not a problem!" said Trent.

"Piece of cake!" said Kimberly, as she and Trent continued the fight against the Triptoids

Tommy looked at the other Rangers, "You guys call the Zords… I'm going to get Kat."

Conner, Kira, and Ethan formed the Megazord and started to fight the Zelzord, while Tommy climbed inside to find Kat and Zeltrax. As he was making his way to the main control center of the Zelzord, Tommy ran into a group of Triptoids. Meanwhile, outside, the Megazord had its hands full, so Conner had Ethan take control of the Mezodon Megazord. Kimberly looked at Trent and said, "I'm going to help Tommy." Then, Kim jumped into the Zelzord and started to look for Tommy. From the Megazord, Kira saw this and said, "I'm going to help Dr. O and my Aunt." Then, Kira followed her aunt into the Zelzord

As Tommy fought the Triptoids, he found the control center of the Zelzord. Tommy saw Kat, "Kat!


"I'll be right their!" said Tommy, as he knocked down another Zelzord.

"No, he won't!" said Zeltrax, then he fired an energy beam at Tommy. Just then, Kim and Kira appeared and Kira deflected the beam with her Ptero Grips. Then, Zeltrax rushed over to the Rangers and started fighting them. He knocked them to the ground, and Zeltrax transformed into his more powerful form, and said, "You and me, Tommy…"

"Kim, Kira, get Elsa!" said Tommy. The female Rangers used their blasters and cut the vines that held Kat.

Kat collapsed into Kira's arms and Kira said, "I've got ya."

"Guys, we've got her," said Kimberly, into her morpher, "We're coming out."

Tommy joined his teammates, "Let's go…"

"Your not going anywhere!" said Zeltrax, then black smoke came out of him and turned the sky outside dark.

"What's going on?" asked Ethan.

"I have no idea," said Conner.

"We've got to get them out of there now!" said Ethan, then commanded the Mezodon Megazord to charged toward the Zelzord. He attacked it, as was able to grab the Zelzord by the arms. Then, Conner used the Dino Drill and punched a hole in the Zelzord. Then, Kira, Kat, and Kim jumped out of the Zelzord to the ground below.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Zeltrax continued to fight, "Smitty, stop!" said Tommy.

"Smitty's gone!" said Zeltrax, then Tommy knocked him to the ground and made his escape from the Zelzord.

Zeltrax followed Tommy and said, "You didn't think I'd let you go that easily."

"Kat… come with me…" said Trent as he took her to safety.

"Your going down Tommy!" said Zeltrax.

"You with me Kim and Kira?" asked Tommy.

"Oh yeah," said Kira.

"You know it," said Kim.

Tommy, Kim and Kira charged at Zeltrax and continued to fight. They went to Super Dino Mode and destroyed the cyborg once and for all. Meanwhile, Conner and Ethan were still getting knocked around by the Zelzord. They summoned the Auxiliary Zords and using all the power of the Zords, they thought they destroyed it. But, just as it was about to explode it stood back up. Tommy realized there was only one thing to do… sacrifice the Zords.

Conner and Ethan reluctantly set the Zords to Auto-Destruct and grabbed onto the Zelzord. And just as the Zords exploded in a giant ball of fire, Conner and Ethan escaped. As the sky returned to normal, the Rangers demorphed and found Conner and Ethan, demorphed, near the steel plant. Just as they though it was all over, Mesogog returned for the final battle.

Mesogog had absorbed enough Dino Gem Energy to transform into a more powerful creature. Kat found a safe place to hide and the Rangers morphed to Super Dino Mode and began to fight the creature. But this creature was like nothing they had encountered during their time as Rangers, they tried everything in their arsenal and but nothing had effect on it. There was only one thing left to do, they summoned the full power of the gems and concentrated it toward the creature. The full power of the Dino Gems was too much for the creature, and it exploded in a ball of fire.

When the battle was over the Rangers found themselves demorphed, Kat rejoined her friends and Tommy asked, "Everyone OK?"

"I feel… different…" said Kim.

"Yeah," said Trent, "Like normal again."

"Me too…" said Kira.

"It's gone!" said Ethan, "The power's gone!"

"It took everything the Gems had to destroy Mesogog," said Tommy.

Conner looked down at his Dino Gem, and said, "So these are just…"

"Ancient artifacts. That will look great in a museum."

"And, just like that, life goes back to normal," said Conner.

"Our lives might be normal," said Kim, "But, trust me, It'll never be the same."

Then, the now former DinoThunder Power Rangers and Kat headed back to the Command Center.


A few days later, it was Prom Night in Reefside, Kim, Tommy, Trent and Anton, were standing in the balcony overlooking the prom, and Anton turned to Tommy and asked, "So Tommy, what's next for the man that's done it all?"

Tommy smiled and wrapped his arms around Kimberly's waist, "I'm going to continue to teach at Reefside… And, enjoy the quiet life."

Just then Kat and Jason walked up behind them, "You sure about that?" asked Kat, with a smile, "I hear the new principal is a real hard nose."

Kimberly smiled, and said, "I think she'll be brilliant."

"Katherine?" said Anton.

"Yes?" asked Kat.

"I just wanted to apologize to you and Jason for everything that I… I mean Mesogog… put you both through."

Kat smiled, "It's OK. I know it wasn't completely your fault. I guess I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"When you've been in 'The Business' as long as we have," said Jason, "you learn not to hold grudges against those who have been forced to be evil." Jason then stuck out his hand to Anton and Anton shook Jason's hand in friendship.


After the Prom, Kimberly and Kira were sitting at the kitchen table. "Did you have a good time tonight?" asked Kimberly.

"Yeah… How about you?" asked Kira.

"I enjoyed myself… Have you and Conner decide what your going to do after graduation?"

"Yeah… We are both going to attend Reefside University… He got a full ride scholarship."

"That's wonderful…"

"Yes, it is… How are the wedding plans going?"

"Pretty good. Tommy and I have decide to wait until after graduation next year."

"Aunt Kim?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything… I don't think I could have made it though the past year without you."

Kim smiled at her niece, "I'll tell you this past year was nothing like my first year as a Power Ranger."

"What was it like when you first became a Power Ranger?"

"Well, it all started one Saturday Morning at the Youth Center…"

The End