It was the gentle, consistent pattering of water in the shower that drew his attention as he walked into his house. Roy smirked softly, tossing his coat casually over the back of a dining room chair. The dark droops around his eyes and his disheveled hair gave him away. It had been another all-nighter.

All the Colonel really wanted was to sink into his bed when he got home. That was, until he heard the running water.

Inexplicably, it had become their ritual. On the days when he wouldn't drag into the house until 5am (usually because he didn't do his work during the day, although he would go to his grave blaming it on that slave-driver, Hawkeye), he would be greeted by his blonde alchemist lover having already prepared a hot shower for him. A hot shower complete with its very own Edward, of course.

He crossed the small home, dropping items of rumpled clothing along the way, far too exhausted and anxious to get to the shower to deal with the mess he was trailing along. By the time he entered the soothing for of the bathroom, he was unclothed.

"Welcome home, Colonel Shit," came the teasing voice from behind the moist shower curtain. "Hop in whenever you're ready."

Roy smiled. A simple "welcome home, dear" just wouldn't have felt right. "Hey pipsqueak. Don't shrivel up in there."


Roy closed his eyes and chuckled. "You know I didn't say all that Edward."

A glinting steel hand curled its fingers around the curtain and tugged it open, revealing mischievous eyes and a beautiful body for which Roy had been longing all day. "I missed you," the blonde man said.

Roy smiled. "I missed you too." He gently took the extended metal hand and stepped into the soothing hot water. He inhaled the steam and wrapped his arms around the young alchemist in front of him "It was a long day," he sighed.

"Only because you slacked off, I'm sure, Colonel Useless."

A teasing smirk spread itself across Mustang's moist cheeks. "How did I ever become so fortunate to have such a kind, supportive lover waiting for me at home?"

Ed grinned and shrugged. "Beats me," he said, "I ask myself everyday."

Before Roy could retort, Ed was running his fingers thru his taller lover's black hair, straining on his toes to reach. Mustang closed his eyes and moaned as he felt the water being worked into his hair and onto his tired head. Then he grinned. "Do you need a stool, Fullmetal?"

Ed narrowed his eyes and flicked a handful of water into Roy's face. "Can't you shut up for even a few minutes, Colonel?"

Roy smiled. Only "Colonel" this time, with no insults attached to it. It was in these moments that he felt the happiest.

He knew their relationship, their treasured friendship, had grown from their similar pasts. Both had sacrificed and lost. They both strived toward nearly impossible goals, taking what was dealt out each day and deconstructing the raw materials and rebuilding them for their own desires. They both relished in alchemy their shared skill, their shared art.

Roy let out a gentle moan as Edward kissed the Colonel's closed eyelids and continued to massage the dark cap of hair just within his strained reach.

In that moment, Roy knew that no amount of achievement, no alchemic array, or rumored stones could make his feel as good as their shared ritual made him feel right then.

He grinned softly. "Don't forget the conditioner, shrimp."