Title: When the Truth is Told

By: purdynpink83

Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate or its characters. So don't sue me.

Summary: Sam puts her past behind her, but what will happen when certain secrets are revealed? (Warning Ship Ahead)

Pairings: Sam/ Jack

This is my first fanfic so be gentle!

She was running along side the rest of her team. Shots were being fired in every direction. She could hear screaming of the local townsmen. There was mass hysteria in the air. Terrified children were running and searching for their parents. Innocent men and women were being struck down by an enemy that was nowhere to be seen. SG-1 was running for cover when suddenly…

Sam jolted upright in her bed. Out of breath and soaked with sweat. "It was a dream, just a dream" she whispered to herself while wiping her tear stained face.

After gaining her control, she glanced to the figure next to her to find her husband sound asleep. Amazed that she hadn't awakened him she quietly grabbed her robe, put it on, and headed down the hall. To do her "nightly rounds" as she liked to call it. Sam opened the ivory colored door to her right, and gazed down at her sleeping toddler. Taking comfort in her daughter's small sleeping form. She placed a blanket over her, stroked her cheek, and was careful not to wake her as she left the room.

Sam stepped out onto the patio, sighing as she looked up at the heavens. She quickly readjusted her robe. As memories of her "past life" flooded her mind. Her first time through the gate, previous missions, friends, fallen comrades….. It felt like such a long time ago, almost as if she were a different person. Gazing up at the stars and being reminded of her past, she suddenly felt so small.

She heard the sliding glass door close behind her as strong arms slid around her waist.

"Bad dream?" he said, in a calming voice.

"Uh huh" She smiled at this, fully leaning into his embrace.

"Care to share" with this she turned around to face him never letting go of his warm embrace. Sam took in his features. He was tall, dark complected, with green eyes and sandy colored hair that looked slightly darker in the moonlight.

"Huh, oh, it was nothing really" Sam gave a little smile but her thoughts were focused on how much her life had changed over these last few years.

"Come inside and let's get you back to bed" he said with an arm around her shoulders and leading her inside.

Sam slowly drifted back into dreamland, until she was awakened by the phone ringing.

She glanced at the clock on her nightstand 3:26a.m. "Uh" Sam sleepily reached out with her hand and tried to find the phone. Knocking down a few photos while she was at it, and with a groggy voice she picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Is this Samantha Mitchell?"

"It depends on who's asking" there was nothing but silence on the other end. "Look whatever it is your sellin' we don't want any" she said getting somewhat annoyed at the early phone call, and being reminded of pesky telemarketers. Sam started to hang up the phone.

"No wait! Sam it's me….Daniel."