Don't Drink the Water! Part 10

The Finale


Sailor Janus

       A few hours later Heero and Wufei finally returned to their normal heights. Unfortunately for them, this meant they were in charge of the chibi gundam pilots. All is not right in Quatre's mansion.


       "I'm hungy!" Chibi Quatre whined with a pout on his tiny face, annoying Wufei quite immensely.

       "Eat some crackers and go to bed," the Chinese teen grumbled as he stood on a chair trying to reach the key to the room. He had to escape; the kid was driving him insane.

       "No!" the little blonde shouted as he crossed his little arms.

       Wufei rolled his eyes. "Then go do something else. I'm busy," he said from the chair, his fingertips grazing the key. "Almost got it."

       Quatre shrugged and started racing around the room as if the boy were flying. Suddenly he spun around, running face first into the wall, smacking his nose hard against the flat surface resulting in blood gushing from the little Arabian's nose. Stunned, the boy began wailing so hard it made the teenager cringe.

       Glancing down, Wufei, realized that Quatre had indeed slammed into the wall quite well as the blood continued rushing out. "I was not brought up to do this, " the Chinese teen sighed, hopping off the chair and stomped to the bathroom only to return a second later with a toilet paper roll in his hand tossing it to the sobbing child before returning to his chair.

       Quatre stopped crying long enough to stare at the roll of toilet in bewilderment. "Wha-what am I pose to do wit dis?" he asked with tears falling down his cheeks.

       Wufei once again rolled his eyes. "Tear off a piece Winner and stop your bleeding nose," he muttered, stretching his arm out to reach the key when abruptly, the pilot lost his balance, falling face first to the floor with a yell.

       "Injustice!" the Altron pilot groaned as he covered his own nose, which was bleeding. "Winner, don't say a word and hand me the toilet paper."


       Heero was having similar fun dealing with two rather than one hyperactive child as he too, struggled to reach the key to the bedroom door. Fast!

       Mini Trowa was skipping around the room and singing obnoxiously off key, repetitively, driving the Perfect Soldier up the wall. "I know a song that doesn't end. It goes on and on my friend. I know a song that doesn't end. It goes on and on my friend. I know a song that doesn't end. It goes on and on my friend."

       'Got to reach key before I lose my mind!' the teen urgently thought as he strained to reach the shiny brass key. 

       "Hey! What's this?!" the Chibi Shinigami shouted as he picked up Heero's prized laptop.

       The teenager spun around and nearly lost his balance. "Don't touch!"

       Of course the way Heero shouted, startled the little boy who dropped the computer to ground with a thunk, springing it open.

       "Oops! I fix!" Duo said as he bent down and began rapidly pushing every button in sight.

       "No! DUO!" the Prussian blue-eyed teen yelled as he jumped off of the chair but was too late. Laptop number two had already begun smoking and soon sparks began to fly.

       Quickly, Heero grabbed Duo and Trowa, yanking them away from the self-destructing device, which blew up quite effectively with an ear-numbing bang.

       The chestnut brown-haired boy watched in horror and sniffled. "I killed it!" he cried out and burst into a waterfall of tears.

       "Cool! It made a big bang!" the little green-eyed grinned with excitement in his voice.

      "Hn." Heero rolled his eyes with a nod as he coughed up smoke. 'Get me out of here!'


       Finally both teens gained access to their respective keys to freedom from the possessed children.              

       "At least! I can breath!" Wufei cheered with a good wad of tissue hanging out of his nose.                     

       "Freedom," Heero sighed and then suddenly turned to look at Wufei. "What happened to you?"

       The Chinese pilot blinked and said, "I was about to ask you the same thing," indicating towards the Perfect Soldier's smoky demeanor. His face, shirt, and hair were coated in black soot like dust giving the boy the appearance of a chimneysweeper.

       Suddenly, a little blonde head popped out from behind Wufei and with a giggle, scampered out the door.

       "Wufei, you just lost Quatre," Heero pointed out as Duo and Trowa each snuck out of Heero's room.

       The Altron pilot snickered as Heero's face fell, watching the two terrors sprint down the hall. "Yeah, well, Yuy, you just let Barton and Maxwell escape."

       "Crap. We're in trouble," The Prussian blue-eyed teen groaned as he slapped his hand to his face in disbelief. "Damn it. We were trained to be soldiers not babysitters!"

       Wufei nodded with a sigh. "This should be fun," he said flatly. "Now what?"

       "We better find them before they cause more destruction to Quatre's home," Heero said as they exchanged glances, racing down the hall. What they were going to do when they actually caught the children, well, they'll decide that when or if the time comes.


       Wufei and Heero decided it would be best for them to split up in order to cover more ground. Duo was less than an hour away from changing back to his teenaged self so at least they wouldn't be out-numbered for long.

       The Chinese teen walked quickly into the large ballroom half expecting Duo to be spinning madly around the room again. Instead he found Trowa swinging wildly from the chandelier. How the child got up there, Wufei didn't even want to know.

       "Barton! Get off the chandelier now! Damn circus freak," the pilot shouted to the boy who in response, stuck his tongue out.

       "Barton! NOW!"

       With a pout, Tiny Trowa jumped down and crossed his arms. "Wah! Wuffy hurted my feelings!" he whined loudly.

       Wufei was growing very tired with having to deal with chibi pilots. "It's Wufei! Insolent brat."

       As a result, the circus performer kicked the teen as hard as he could in the shins, and then took off running as Wufei winced in pain.

       "I'm not listening to you! You're mean!" the child yelled over his shoulder as he left the room.       

       With a sigh, Wufei followed the boy, but lost track of him. "Damn kid needs a spanking," he said under his breath. Turning around, the pilot found Heero playing the "Corpse" game with Quatre again. "Hey Yuy. Where's Maxwell?"

       With a grunt, the Perfect Soldier pointed towards a chair with the braided-haired pilot was found bound and gagged.

       "Good idea." the Chinese pilot grinned.

       "We will have to release him soon though. He's going to revert back to his teenaged self in a half hour. Do these kids ever sleep?"

       Wufei shrugged as Trowa finally walked into the room.

       "I never realized how bad it was being little until now," the green-eyed boy said.

       The Arabian suddenly sat up. "Why am I laying on the floor?" he asked wide-eyed.

       "You were playing a game," Heero simply replied to the confused boy.

       "Isn't it almost time for Duo to change?" Quatre asked regarding his tied up friend.

       With a sigh, Heero walked over to the chair and freed the Deathscythe Hell pilot who raced up stairs.

       A few minutes later, Duo walked back into the room, fully grown and with a huge grin on his face. "It's great being back to normal!"

       "Or close enough for Maxwell, "Wufei dryly said with a smirk.

       "Shut up, Duo," Trowa and Quatre grumbled from the chessboard.

       With a shrug, the cheerful pilot hopped down to the sofa throwing his arms behind his head.

       Wufei and Heero nodded to each other and quietly left the room. It was Duo's turn to deal with the chibi pilots from hell.

       Of course this was not the brightest idea since this moment, the two littlest pilots reverted to their child-like selves, and disappeared from the room in a blink of an eye.

       "Uh oh," Duo said as he sought out to find the two children. "Why did they have to stick me with them! This is so not good."

       The cobalt blue-eyed teen jogged around the mansion for a while in hopes of finding Trowa and Quatre before they caused anymore damage.... too late. Just as Duo entered the living room, he smelled smoke.

       Swiftly they long haired teen ran into the room only to discover that Trowa somehow set a very expensive rug, or at least it once was, on fire.

       "Ahhh! Trowa! How the hell did you do this?!" the teen gaped in horror as he quickly folded the rug over to smother the flames, when suddenly, Duo smelled something that resembled burnt hair as the Chibi pilot began laughing hysterically, pointing towards the bewildered teen.

       "What's so funny?" Duo asked as he glanced to his right and realized that his beloved hair was on fire! "AHHHH! MY BRAID!" Abruptly, the chestnut brown-haired pilot wrapped the burning tip of his hair in the ruined rug, smothering it as well.

       Just as Duo spun around, Trowa scampered out of the room.

       "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PYROMANIAC!" the teen screamed out as loud as possible, tripping over his own feet before he too left the room.


       "Unca Duo!  Play with me!" Quatre gleefully cheered as he threw a glass ball in the air and caught it as the teenager dropped his jaw in shock.

       Running towards the boy, Duo shouted, "No! That's breakable!" as he tried to intercept the catch, but unfortunately both the child and teenager missed, allowing the ball to shatter on the wooden floor. "Or was."

       Heero and Wufei were relaxing on the sofa, snickering at the turmoil the braided-haired pilot was undergoing.

       "Should we help him?" the Perfect Soldier asked as he rested his arms behind his head listening to Duo now shout obscenities as the two chibi pilots giggled.

       "Nah." both of the resting teens said with smirks on their faces. They decided to let Duo fester for a while, and then, maybe they'd help him.


       This continued for a few hours until Heero and Wufei heard Duo screaming, "Help!" at the top of his lungs. With sighs, the two teens got off their comfortable resting places and trudged into the room where the boy's bellows were emitting from, to find poor Duo tied up to a chair.

       "Am I glad to see you two! I was playing a game with them and Trowa and Quatre tied me to a chair!" the pilot said stating the obvious. 

       The Chinese teen snickered as he watched Heero attempting to free his friend. "You are weak Maxwell! Allowing two five year olds to bind you to a chair!"

       "Hey! They are not ordinary five year olds or Quatre and Trowa for that matter! They're evil and hyper!" Duo exclaimed, as the last two ropes broke free.

       With a sigh Heero stated, "We need to go about this smarter or they'll demolish the entire mansion."

       Wufei nodded as the braided-haired pilot smirked. "I think I have an idea." Rubbing his hands together the teen yelled as loud as humanly possible. "WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?!"

       Like magic, the two kids raced out of the rooms they were hiding in.

       "ME!" they cried out in unison as they followed Duo into the kitchen to grab the respective treat like some strange pied piper. From there, they all went upstairs and to one of the rooms with Wufei and Heero lagging behind.


       From then on out the three teenagers didn't have too much of a problem as long as Trowa and Quatre were kept together in a room with one person watching them and another watching the door.  Before they knew it, Quatre was finally back to normal and then Trowa. Miraculously, all five pilots survived the disaster.


       A few weeks later...

       "Why the hell did I have to shot the damn jar of peanut butter?!" Heero grumbled, standing on a ladder as he scrapped off a large clump of peanut butter from the ceiling. The pilots had been working for weeks on end to repair the damage done to the mansion.

        Duo was in charge of the storage building, to remove the paint off of the gundams. Wufei had to clean the upstairs rooms, which were still coated with shaving cream, cookie crumbs, vomit and other substances that the Altron pilot didn't even want to identify although one of them did resemble a rather bright lipstick color. Trowa got to take care cleaning the downstairs. Mainly trying to repair the burnt carpet in the living room as well as the other rooms, which were stained with peanut butter and paint. Quatre had to first strip off the old paint and then redo all the walls he had decorated after sweeping up the broken glass. This left Heero to clean up his own peanut butter mess which he swore he would never eat peanut butter again.

       Okay, I need a break, " a very paint-chip covered Duo sighed as he grabbed a can of soda from the fridge.

       "This really sucks! It's all your fault Maxwell!" Wufei grumbled as he too, took a can of soda.

       Trowa and Quatre walked in as well for some refreshment, both looking equally aggravated. At least they weren't tiny anymore.

       Heero nodded as he climbed down from the ladder taking a can for himself as well.

       "Hey Duo. What did you do with the aspirin? You did throw it away, right?" the blonde curiously asked.

       The teenager snicker, "Nah, I gave it away to a good cause." This response however resulted in four sodas being simultaneously spat out.

       "What cause? Duo!" the Perfect Soldier sputtered as the braided-haired pilot shrugged before the four teens appeared as if they were about to pummel the Shinigami.

       "Calm down! You'll like the results!" the pilot grinned as he ran out of the room with his friends on pursuit.

       Suddenly the doorbell rang and then rang again. Exchanging glances, the five pilots moved towards the door, slowing opening it only to find themselves staring in shock at a tiny blonde-haired girl who appeared to be very ticked off.

       Blinking, Heero said, "Relena?"

       "Relena, is that you?" the Sandrock pilot asked as they tried their hardest to hide their smirks caused by silent laughter.

       "Where is Duo?! I must have a little talk with him! How dare he give me that aspirin!" the pacifist princess shouted angrily until the pilots couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

       "Stop laughing me!"

The End


Author's Notes: It's over! And wow that has got to be the longest chapter for this story ever! Sorry it took me so long but I really didn't know how to end it until a few days ago at work which resulting in my snickering as a customer came in and gave me a strange look. ::sigh::

Anyway, be sure to check out Mission X! It should be out now, depending on how long it takes the site to add it.

And now

Gundam Wing Pilots On Strike Part 6

::SJ is found throwing homemade confetti, which oddly resembled her psychology flash cards in the air cheerfully::

SJ: It's over! I FINISHED IT! ^_^

::Just then the Gundam Wing boys enter the room::

SJ: HI GUYS! ^_^

Heero: ::blinks:: Is she on medication?

Wufei: Maybe she really did lose her mind this time. -_-

SJ: ::glares:: I'm having a party! Anyway, it's party time! ^_^

Duo: Yay! Party! Where's the food?! ::looks around::

SJ; Um, there's Mountain Dew and popcorn and cheese and crackers that are individually wrapped. Oh! And dry ramen noodles!

GWP: Dry ramen noodles?! O_O ::smiles and nods::

Quatre: Shrugs and picks up a cracker package, inspecting the date on the label:: Um, SJ, you do realize the crackers are dated Feb. 18.

SJ: So?

Quatre: So it's May. They're now a little more than expired.

SJ: Oops. -_-

Trowa: ::takes a handful of popcorn and frowns:: Um, the popcorn is a little stale.

Duo: Ehh, Mountain Dew is flat.

Wufei: Do you even have any food that is in date onna?!

SJ: ::blinks::  Well the ramen is.

GWP ::facevault::

Heero: And this is a party? Where are the other people?

SJ: Let's see, Relena, refuses to come over after that one little incident in my story, hehe. Lady Une is visiting Treize's grave again, Sally is buying office supplies, Dorothy went to buy more hair dye because I kinda mentioned her roots were showing. Hilde was repairing something. Catherine was practicing her knife throwing. Zechs was with Noin patrolling, and Treize is dead. Yep, that's everyone on the list.

Heero: So why are we here?

SJ: Because DDTW! is done! Woo Hoo! ^_^

Quatre: And you made us clean up the mess. -_-

SJ: Eh heh. So how was the beach?

Wufei: It rained.

Duo: We got soaked.

Trowa: It sucked.

Heero: Hn. ::nods:: ::reads the first chapter to Mission X:: What the hell?!

SJ: Oh crap. -_-;;;

::the other guys run to the computer and read over Heero's shoulder, gaping in horror::

Duo: ::whimpers:: How could you?! And to me!

SJ: Uhhhh  u_u;;;;

Wufei: Onna! This is sickening! Why?!

Quatre: ::grumbles:: Geez, and those awful questions!

Heero: You need to die slowly.

Trowa:: Hey there's more in this notebook.

::GWP read over Trowa's shoulder and groan::

SJ: ::sighs:: Here it comes


Wufei: That's it! I'm dismantling her computer!

Duo: Hey good idea! I'll burn the notebooks! ^_^

Quatre: I've got a screw driver  ^_^

Trowa: I have a hand grenade!

Heero: Hell, just let me shoot it.

SJ: That's it! Back away from the computer and notebooks right now or else I'm going to write Gundam Lake in which all five of you will be doing ballet in pink tights and TUTUS!

GWP: O.O;;;;;;

SJ: And that brings a close to GWPOS. Be sure to check out Interview With a Gundam Pilot at the end of Mission X. Take a bow guys. ^_^

GWP: ::grumbles and bows with SJ::

SJ: Thank you for reading ^_^

::clapping is heard::

Duo: You love me! You really love me! ^_^

Everyone excluding Duo: Shut up Duo.


Author's Notes: And so ends Gundam Wing Pilots on Strike. Hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to read Mission X! Then you'll understand perfectly well what the guys were griping about, hehehe.