The Kyuubi

Summary: He had no last name and was a simple servant boy for the Hyuuga's. Yet someone was after his life. What could a boy have done to get an entire clan to the point where they thought of nothing else but total annihilation? Naruto/Hinata

Disclaimer: "I own it I finally own it!" runs away as fast as she can. The people with the restraining jackets hot on her trail. "Look here!" shows them piece of paper with the words 'I own it' written on them. "You see? I'm not crazy!" LoL Okay just kidding I don't own Naruto of course or anything else that might come from somewhere else. All other stuff that I made up on my own is mine of course :-)

AN: Well this is the first time I try my hand at a Naruto Ficcie. It might not look like much yet but bear with me please :-) Kurai, thank you so much for putting up with me! LoL And thank for beta-ing. You did a great job! Just hope this isn't too boring... This story is dedicated to my other beta, who's also my brother. For putting up with the many times he reads my other stuff over for mistakes etc. THANKS! Other than that I hope you'll enjoy the story!

Prologue: Just a Kid

"It's a boy!" one of the medics, called Yura, yelled and showed the infant to his exhausted mother.

The mother reached out for her baby with her hands in the air. "My boy…" she said sounding rather weak, which wasn't an odd thing after going through labour. The medics looked worried, but handed the crying baby over to the woman anyway.

With all the love a mother could posses for her newly born child; she looked down at him with admiration. "Naruto…" she said softly and reached out to stroke his face gently.

"Miss? Are you alright Miss!" Yura asked the rapidly paling woman, who was still cradling her child.

Before anyone could interfere, or knew what was happening, her arms went limp and fell down from the loving embrace they had on the infant. The lack of its mother's arms securely wrapped around him was enough for the infant to become upset and it started to cry, giving those heart wrenching sobs only little children were capable of.

Within seconds, the medics had pulled the crying baby off the woman, and had started their healing jutsu's, but it was already too late. She was gone.

Just out side of the hospital all hell broke lose. A huge fox like demon was on a rampage, trampling all he saw beneath his huge paws. All available shinobi were trying to hold it at bay, making sure it wouldn't arrive at the actual village, until the Fourth Hokage showed up with a possible solution.

No one knew where it came from, or how to beat it. It was a mystery, one which would probably never be solved.

The Fourth, in all his glory, accompanied by a huge frog called Gamabunta, faced the demon head on.

With a wave of his hand he sent the remaining shinobi, those who managed to survive the attack, back to the village.

Hesitant they fell back, not sure whether or not to leave their fearless leader to face the demon on his own, but not before taking the wounded back with them.

Not one of them noticed the little bundle he carried with him which was carefully tucked away beneath his robe. All they saw was a huge demon, who'd torn apart the outskirts of their village in a matter of seconds, and al they could think about was what would happen to the village, their families, if the Fourth wouldn't be able to stop it. Then it would all be over. But did one man hold that much power? If one man could do it, it would be the Fourth without a doubt. He was their Hokage after all. The number one ninja in their village.

The Fourth on the other hand had different thoughts. He knew that what he was about to do, would change the infant's life for good, that is if it managed to survive, but he had no other choice. There was an entire village that depended on him, and as the Hokage of that same village, it was his job to make the tough decisions… even sacrifices.

He started to run through a sequence of seals, a Jutsu which had never been performed until that very moment. Before he made the final seal, he looked down at the bundle in his arms.

"Forgive me… My son." he whispered before he performed the last seal.

All the shinobi whom had by now returned to the village and their families, were standing outside. Their eyes were glued to the sky, afraid to catch a glimpse of the ferocious demon, ready to send their wives and children away the moment it turned up, hoping against hope it wouldn't be too late. But all they saw was a huge flash, blinding them, and then nothing. No one knew what happened exactly that day, but they knew that the Fourth had come through for them once more. He was a hero and would be remembered as such for eternity.

"Hyuuga-sama!" one of the servants yelled, as he ran towards his master cradling something in his arms. "Hyuuga-sama!" he yelled again.

Hyuuga Hiashi looked up from his work, wondering what all the fuss was about. "Enter." he said slightly annoyed, when someone knocked so loud on his door, that it sounded more like he was trying to knock through the door than anything else.

"I… I…" the servant stuttered under the scrutinizing gaze from Hiashi.

"What is the matter?" he asked getting rather impatient.

"I'm sorry!" he said and bowed quickly. "There is something that requires your attention Hyuuga-sama!" he continued and placed the bundle he'd been cradling all this time, on the table for Hiashi to see. He also placed a sealed scroll down next to it.

Hiashi looked down at the bundle, then at the scroll. "Leave." was the only thing he said as his gaze landed on the servant, who bowed and quickly made his leave.

Now that he was alone, he picked the scroll up and activated his Byakugan. By the looks of it, the person who sent him that scroll didn't want anyone to know about it. It had several jutsu's placed on it in case it would fall in the wrong hands. A jutsu that would destroy the scroll the moment it was opened, a permanent silence jutsu to make sure anything that was written in the scroll stayed there, and several others. One activated after the other was dismantled and so on.

There was one however, that clearly gave away who the sender was. The jutsu was so rare that it could've only been from one person.

With the help of his Byakugan, he managed to carefully open the scroll without activating any of the jutsu's and sat back down to read it.

After he finished reading it, he carefully laid the scroll back down on his desk and, for the first time, looked at the bundle.

"So you're Naruto…" he said before he stood up and walked over towards the big doors, which led out into the corridor. "Bring Nana to me immediately." he told the first person who walked by and closed the doors again.

Only moments later, there was a timid knock on the door. "Hyuuga-sama?" Nana, one of the maids, said with her head bowed. "You sent for me Hyuuga-sama?" she asked carefully.

"Yes. Sit down Nana. There's something I'd like to discuss with you." She was nervous, he could see it clearly. "No need to be nervous." he told her when he saw her glance at the bundle on his desk, but she quickly bowed her head down again and waited for him to speak once more.

"This," he said and picked the bundle up from his desk, "is Naruto. You will take him to the nursery and take care of him. If anyone asks you about the boy, he is an orphan and I decided to give him a home. He'll be raised as one of the servant's boys. If you can't remember all this, simply sent them to me and I will answer their questions. That was all." Hiashi said and handed her the infant.

From here on out, things might become rather difficult. But he had given his word. No one was to know…

Not more than two months after the Kyuubi incident and the death of the Fourth Hokage, the village had settled down a bit. Currently they were in the middle of renovating the town, while the Third had taken over his old position again.

At that same time in the Hyuuga estate, Hiashi was pacing around the hall ways. His dear wife was currently going through labour.

Nana, who would become his wife's personal maid to help with the baby, was ordering some maids to clear out the nursery.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hiashi asked slightly annoyed with the ruckus. "Where do you think you're going with all this?" he inquired motioning to all the baby supplies.

"Hyuuga-sama!" she said obviously shocked. "I got orders to move Naruto to a different chamber. This one is being redecorated for the new baby." she said in a rush and bowed low.

"Who ordered this?" he asked curtly.

"The Lords… "Nana answered hesitantly.

"I see. Bring everything back the way it was. If I want something to change I will let you know personally." And with that said he turned on his heel and walked away.

"But sir!" Nana spoke up which made him turn around. "The Lords said that it was inappropriate for the Hyuuga heir to grow up among the company of a mere servant boy!" she squeaked out, afraid of what would happen to her for talking back to her lord.

"Have everything returned to the way it was. That will be all." he said with authority and went back to his pacing.

Normally he wasn't the type of person to pace, but becoming a father was something big, and honestly, he was quite nervous. But the moment the medics came out and told him he was the father of a beautiful baby girl, all worries were lost and replaced by happiness.

Several years later, everything changed.

"Naruto you little brat! Get back here!" Nana yelled rushing after Naruto.

"Nana look it's snowing!" he cried happily as he jumped around throwing baby powder all over the place.

Ever since Nana told them a bedtime story about snow he had been entirely obsessed with it. Nana couldn't handle it anymore. She had heard the town's people talk. Everyone talked about it, even after 4 years!

"How could Hyuuga-sama have done such a thing as taking that brat into his home! How can he even stand the sight of it! How can he possible sleep quietly at nights, knowing that monster's in his home, under the same roof as his daughter! They should've left him to die with his family, that little monster!" These were only some of the things the town's people cried out, but all of them agreed on one thing. It was too dangerous to leave the little demon to roam freely around town; like it had done for the last few years.

It was even worse when she had the kid with her. "If you go down that road, you can dump him in the river girl. Do us all a favour and drown him!" an older man had told her once, and even offered to push Naruto in the river for her. "That demon is better of dead!"

Back then she didn't know what they were talking about. She had liked Naruto. Sure he had more energy to spare than any other kid she'd ever known, and sure he was a hand full, or more in his case, but that didn't mean he was a bad kid. In fact he had his heart in the right place and his intentions, no matter how weird they may have looked at first, were always pure and innocent.

Or at least that's what she had always thought until that one day she went to one of the local stores, to get some new baby supplies for Hinata's younger sister Hanabi. She had taken Naruto along with her, in the hopes that he would have calmed down a bit by the time they got home for diner.

"She must be crazy, going alone with that demon brat! It's dangerous! Who knows what he'll do to her! Remember what happened to the fourth! It is just biding its time, waiting until we've let our guard down, to strike when we least expect it! Kill it before it kills us!" those had been the words of several women in that same store. They threw fearful glances at the kid and shooed him away once he came to close.

It was that day that she had started to wonder about several things. Like, what actually did happened to the Fourth? And what happened to the fox demon that had been rampaging at the out skirts of town? A huge demon like that didn't disappear over night did it? After all the body was never found. Did that mean it was still out there somewhere?

Nana didn't have to wait very long for answers. One day when she was cleaning the nursery, she over heard a few of the other maids talking.

"Have you heard the latest?" one of the girls had whispered urgently to another one. "The little kid that Hyuuga-sama so generously took into his home? Yeah well, he isn't actually a kid… I heard it's the demon fox! The one that killed the Fourth!"

"So that's why they never found its remains!" another exclaimed.

The others gasped while another one corrected her friend. "No I heard that the demon is sealed within the kid, and it's just waiting for a good time to come out for revenge! Someone should tell Hyuuga-sama about this! He's too good, he should just kick him out while he's still small enough to man handle!"

That information had shocked Nana to say the least, and ever since that day she had started to change… It was difficult to continue her care for Naruto. Her view of him changed greatly. Not just that, in fact she had started to fear him. What if they were right? What if it really was the demon fox? What if it was actually just waiting for the right moment, until she was once again alone with him, to strike!

Several crashes and many curses rang through the hall which quickly awoke her from her stupor.

"I'm going to kill you!" the cook yelled after Naruto, who was quick to leave the kitchen and the angry man behind him. "The food is ruined! Now I have to start all over again! Keep that demon away from me!" he yelled at Nana who had resumed her chase after Naruto once again.

"Naruto, what will all those people think if they see the house in this state! Hyuuga-sama will be ashamed!" she hissed trying to get a hold of him.

Naruto on the other hand ignored her. What was wrong with her? Didn't she like the snow he was making for her? And why were all those people giving him these evil glares? It wasn't like he did anything wrong right? He just wanted to cheer Hinata up again. She hadn't smiled at him all day and he didn't really understand why not. After all he didn't have a mother either and he could still smile…

He ran into another room and there she was, clad in black and bearing the saddest expression he'd ever seen.

"Hinata look!" he yelled excitedly. "It's snow! Just like Nana told us in the story!" he finished happily, looking expectantly at Hinata. He was so sure it would cheer her up, that the tear that trickled down her face made him stop in his tracks and walk over to her.

"Hina-chan…?" he asked slowly not sure what to do now, and bowed his head to try and get a good look at her face.

"Go on get lost, you're only upsetting her more." a woman hissed. Naruto had never seen her before but she seemed to know Hinata at least. She pulled her closer in an effort to comfort her. Little did he know that she was trying to keep Hinata away from him…

"There you are!" Nana hissed and grabbed him roughly by the arm and almost dragged him out of the room. "That is no way to behave at a funeral! Can't you think about other people's pain for once in your life!" she ranted on. "Go on, go play out side. That way you won't be such a bother. Don't come back until I call you!" she yelled and shoved him out the door.

He strolled down the streets but he didn't get it. What went wrong? He had even got her that snow she had been going on and on about, but it didn't work. She still had that sad look on her face.

"Come on let's go." a mother said as she took her child away from Naruto whom hadn't even noticed them. It wasn't like it was anything new; after all he had noticed it happen before. For some reason people didn't like him too much.

A little while back he had been playing outside with a few other kids, waiting for dinner. They had been getting along just fine and even wanted to play again the next day.

One moment they had been building sand castles, the next moment some parents came along and shooed him away. Not only that but they also forbid their children to play with him.

He had been upset to say the least. He ran all the way home where he rushed around the house to find Nana. She would know what to do. The moment he spotted her, he launched himself at her and started to cry.

He told her everything, even how cruel they had been to him and how unfair he thought it was. How he didn't understand why they couldn't play with him and more. Finally after several minutes he looked up at Nana.

She looked down upon him with a disdainful look. "Well you had it coming. You shouldn't be such a pain all the time." she said and walked away, leaving him to his own pain and sorrows.

Naruto stood there, stumped. He had expected her to pick him up and say something sweet as she always did. To tell him that everything was going to be alright and that they just didn't know him yet. To give him some form of comfort the way she always did and end up cheering him up, but this? What had he done to her? Why did she hate him all of a sudden? He just really didn't get it.

For the first time in his little life, he felt alone and found himself wishing for a mother. That day he had made himself a promise. He was going to stop crying. It didn't get him anywhere anyways. Some day he would show them that he was more than just an annoying little brat…

AN: Thank you for reading. I know not much happened so far but like I said before bare with me. You might be pleasantly surprised :-) If you liked it leave me a review, they're are so motivating hehe if you know what I mean (wink)