How a baby can change your life...

A/N: Well, this is supposed to be my first translation from german into english. The original author of this story was rather excited to hear, that I wanted to translate her story. Anyway, the characters sure don't belong me, they belong to dear J.K. Rowling. And anyway: Don't be hard to my very first translation, if there are lots and lots of mistakes. So, I would be pleased, if anyone wants to beta-read that story. And I would also be pleased to get reviews in case of constructive critics and kind of that stuff. Now, I just stop chattering and give you the story. ENJOY!

Just in Case: Harry now is going to attend the 6th year of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He expect it to be a quite dangerous and exciting year, because it's now open war against the darkest wizard the world had ever seen -Voldemort. But this year, nothing's going the right way and something is about to happen no-one has expected...Even Harry Potter.

1.Chapter: Deatheather in Privet Drive

Harry was lying in his bed in Privet Drive and was about to fall asleep, when a four folded PLOP! made him jolt.

He didn't need to turn around to know that there were Deatheaters... and Voldemort. His scar burnt like hell and he fainted. He sank down to his bed weakly. He has fought against these pains a long time, now he wasn't able any more. For whatsoever, then? Sirius was dead, because he's been the dumbest person to blunder into a trap... So why survive and expose those he loves?

"Quick! Give him the potion!", said Voldemort coldly.

Harry felt how he was been gripped by a deatheater, he fought. But he also noticed the pain of his scar fading, so Voldemort must have moved. But he sensed also, that Voldemort was still there.

Harry had no chance, one deatheater each was holding him tight by his arms and pushed him down on his bed. The third deatheater stood in front of him.

"Open the mouth, i'm not going to hurt you!", said the third deatheater calmy. Harry recognized him. It was Lucius Malfoy.

He never would open his mouth, they wanted to poison him. He's going to die, he had no chance, but that don't mean to give in without to fight. So he shook his head and squeezed his lips.

He could imagine Lucius screaming "Crucio!" to make him open the mouth, because Harry would scream of the pain...

"I'd say, you surprise me, Potter. But that's wrong. I figured that you will act the bullheaded. Severus, hold his nose!", said Lucius still calmy.

Harry panicked. He tried to escape Snape's hand, but it didn't work. He had been piped down, so he had to open his mouth to draw breath. That was the moment Lucius used to infuse the potion, squeezed his lips and began to knead his throat. Harry gulped...

The deatheaters let of him and the deatheater Harry didn't know left the room.

Harry lied gasping in his bed. He had drunken the potion, now what's going on with him? He was scared.

Then Voldemort came back with the deatheater and motion the deatheater to disappear. Voldemort sat down beside Harry on his bed and pushed a hunk of his hair off his face.

"Do you feel anything?", asked Voldemort. This time his voice didn't sound cold any more.

Harry looked confused at Voldemort. What's all this good for? Why didn't he kill him at once? Hasn't he been escaped too often?

"No! What's that?", Harry wanted to know.

"A potion, which is able to take off the spell, which is put over you to make you suffer in my presence.", said Voldemort.

Harry looked confused at him. Yes, Voldemort was right, he didn't suffer pain any more, but why should Voldemort do it?


"I couldn't stand it anymore to see how Dumbledore treat you, how you suffer. Also your godfather, Sirius, asked me to look after you."

"SIRIUS IS DEAD!",yelled Harry angrily. How can Voldemort dare to argue that Sirius would ask him to do something for him?

"No, he's alive. Now to the point, why I'm actually here. I want a baby of you. Think about it carefully. I'm going to return in three days. There you can ask me everything you want to. But, please, don't tell Dumbledore, I won't hurt you, too. There!" He gave Harry three books and disappeared.

Harry looked befuddled at the books. Then he got up to write to Dumbledore, he must inform the order... But should he really do it? He threw a glance on the books again. He eyed them curiously. Voldemort would return in three days, so there's time.

The first book was about dark magic and magical subjects. In the middle of the book the was a sheet looking out. He flipped that page open and stared unbelievingly at the picture. It was the curtain in the ministry!