The first thing I saw when I woke up was the alarm clock on the bedside table.

05:47 AM.

I couldn't even remember when I fell asleep.

What the...

I looked around and found myself in a shady apartment room, a strange organic smell filling the air. Everything was painstakingly neat, not a piece of rubbish anywhere on the floor or the tables.

Of course. I was all alone.

I came here to L.A looking for answers, or at least a lead on the Kira case, and I was convinced that something would come up on the second day. But it turned out I was just wasting my time. I knew I shouldn't have taken the anonymous info seriously.

The club bombing last night felt like nothing but a dream. And then I somehow ended up here.

Why, look at you, Neiar...

Him. The one person I thought would be the link to all this.

I found nothing.

Mission failed after all.

Mel, you...

Maybe I had a dream about him.

Either way, I really should be going back soon. Getting a cab straight to the airport and catch the first flight to Washington seemed like a good idea.

Grabbing my backpack (there wasn't anything much to re-pack anyway) from the corner of my bed, I got up and thought about taking a shower.

Why does everything feel so strange, so...out of place?


My cellphone rang, and I picked up promptly.

"Commander Lester?"


The car ride was boring as usual. Biting at my next bar of Cadbury, the streets of L.A were speeding ahead beside me.

"Mello, are you going to contact the President again?"

Rod asked from behind the wheels.

"Not anytime soon."

"So we're still waiting for any development on the SPK, I'd assume."

"You're a smart guy."

SPK, eh? Oh, if he only knew.

The number one man in the SPK was in my bed last night.

Probably still is right now.

It was unbelievable. Everything worked perfectly the way I wanted. And no one ever needed to know about it.

I won, Neiar.

It was a stupid little thing, but what I got was priceless. Although it got interrupted by a random incident, it turned out to be nothing in the end.

And to think that he was almost worried about me...at least that was the impression I got.

The notebook was amazing.

If I knew earlier it was capable of manipulating everything...

It was a bit of a gamble, but at least...

4 years was bloody well worth the wait.

Even though it was all a made-up scenario, I had alot of fun.

And it proved my suspicions correct.

It really was you, Neiar.

I felt for him, though. After losing some SPK members, he would've been forced to either work together with this useless fake L, or go back to square one. All in all, I got to witness his sorry self. And having warned me of the possibility of Kira tracking me down.

I was always second best.

Not now.

I grabbed the notebook out of the sidepocket and flicked through it.

"What were you doing with the note anyway, Mello?"

A smile crept up my face.

"Nothing. Just...a little experiment."

Won't be needing this anymore, I thought as I ripped the specific page off after reading it one last time.

The following SPK members:

... death by heart attack.

... Gardener ... death by gunshot.

... Latto ...shot himself.

The deaths will drive the youngest member of SPK to fly over to L.A the day after.

After receiving relevant information from an anonymous source, he will find Club Deviant at the following address.

He will then make a certain encounter with an old acquaintance, eventually leading to a normal nightsleep.

As soon as he wakes up, the youngest member of SPK will have no memory of whoever he met beforehand.