A/N Thank you for reviewing…now if EVERYONE would review all at once, instead of different people at different times! Then I would have lots of reviews! lol I'll keep hoping for them. I have 14 people with alerts on this…so maybe I can get 8 reviews all at once yes…yes? And I wouldn't object to more ;-)

Christine had adopted well to her new life at the Opera. It wasn't hard because the life wasn't exactly new anyways. It had been about a fortnight since Raoul had kicked her out of his house. She had not heard of him since.

Madame Giry had succeeded in getting Christine a part in the up-coming production of Carmen. Christine was not a main singer, just a chorus girl. However Christine was thankful for any job at all, and admitted to herself that it was probably better that she didn't have a lead part so she could routinely check on Andrew, who was under Madame Giry's care during the day. Madame Giry was the costume maker, and was near the stage, enabling Christine to check on Andrew during any break she got.

Christine looked a bit worse for wear, though not as bad as the night she had first come to the Opera House. There were faint dark circles under her eyes, and she still didn't have much time to put towards the upkeep of her hair, though she did attempt to get a brush through it, while the Girys watched Andrew. She had gained some of the weight she had lost while still living with the Vicomt, giving her a little more of a healthier look about her. However, she stayed up every night feeding a baby, and performed all day, which drained her physically. Also emotionally she was worried about Andrew when she was away practicing, he was still so very small, even though she would trust Madame Giry with both their lives.

The Girys loved Andrew. They enjoyed taking care of him whenever she would ask, and thought he was most adorable. Despite their love for the Daae family Christine had decided to move out after almost two weeks with them. It was foolish, she argued, that Andrew should keep waking three people up all night, instead of one. Therefore Christine had moved to her own room a few nights ago. She knew the Girys were concerned for her, and she did miss the extra help that they gave to her at night, however she knew it was best for everyone.

Her new room was quite small, however the managers had kindly put her in a connecting room to the kitchen so she could heat Andrews bottles at all hours without having to walk far. Christine didn't have any mirrors in that room that connected to the wall in any way. Christine didn't know how she felt about this. After all it was Erik's child, but what would he say or do when he found out? She didn't want an angry and temperamental phantom on top of all her responsibilities. Nevertheless, Christine was worried for him. She had not seen him at all, or heard of him, except for blown-out-of-proportion roomers. Luckily for her the managers had privately instructed everyone not to speak of him and the last night of her last performance to her. They didn't tell her they did that, but she strongly suspected it. She didn't mind at all though.

Christine woke up in a start one morning with Meg standing over her.

"Come on, dear, get up" she chirped "The practice starts in ten minutes"

"What?" said a groggy, and tired Christine. She didn't remember practices starting this early, all she knew was that her head weighed a thousand pounds, and her eyelashes had bricks sitting on them. She started to sink back into the pillow.

"Get up!" said Meg, snatching her blankets off of her. "Come on, its one twenty and we start in ten minutes! I'll help you get dressed and ready.

Meg did Christine's hair while Christine half-heartedly pulled a dress on getting all mixed up in it, and stayed that way, until Meg got her out of her mess and into the dress properly.

They splashed water on Christine's face, and ran down to the auditorium, getting there right on time.

They were starting a new opera, Samson and Delilah. Christine did not have to audition for this part, because they wanted to keep the same cast for this show as Carmen.

A day had never been longer. Christine stumbled through all the steps of the dance. Her voice sounded croaky and she was so pale, the make-up artist couldn't tell what would look good or overdone on her, as he knew it was not her normal skin color.

That night Christine hit the bed like a rock. However Andrew decided that her destiny would not include sleep.

For some unfathomable reason he screamed and screamed. Nothing she could do would quiet him. She tried feeding him, rocking him, talking to him, walking around the room with him, giving him toys and blankets. Nothing would calm him.

Christine had wanted to turn in early that night, and had gone to bed at seven thirty, however it was now going for ten o'clock and she had had no rest. She didn't know how she would survive the next days practice. The directors and managers were probably slightly angry at her for her poor performance that day.

Suddenly, Christine froze. She heard movement in her closet. But then there was silence. Where she continued rocking Andrew back and forth and cooing him to go to sleep. She even tried singing, but she couldn't blame him for hating it as it sounded horrible to even her.

Ten minutes later, Christine took one hand to rub her eyes, holding Andrew with her other hand, and heard a sliding panel whoosh open. Erik was now standing over her. He looked the same as he always did. His black hair slicked back to the base of his neck, and is black cape, fell both elegantly and threateningly around him.

"Would you like me to take Andrew for the night?" He asked.

Christine just sat there, and dimly registered that Erik already knew Andrews name. After a few seconds of no response, Erik lifted Andrew out of Christine's arms.

"I'll take him ok?" he said, a little more insistent this time, but looking at her to make sure she approved.

"You wouldn't….hurt him?" she asked uncertainly.

"No, but we need to talking in the morning. Ok?" He answered.

She nodded, then attempted to drag herself back to bed. She flopped down on the top of the comforter, and fell asleep within seconds, even with the baby still whimpering a bit loudly.

Erik awkwardly pulled a few blankets out from under her and tucked her in with his one free hand. He also grabbed a sheet of paper from his pocket and stuck it on a table next to her bed with a rose and black ribbon. He added the rose not as a lovers' gesture but just so she would notice the card. And of course, because its my trade mark, he thought to himself, chuckling quietly. He walked over to the door and locked it from the outside, shut the door and pocketed the only key.

He walked the baby down to the lake and put it in the boat. A boat had never capsized on him before in his life, but he was worried nevertheless. Andrew, however had no worry, and the boat and lake seemed to soothe him considerably. They got to the other side and Erik wrapped him in some blankets and then placed Andrew on his bed. Andrew was being pretty quiet for the moment so Erik took his chance to place a phone call to the managers. Phones had just been invented and the managers had made a phone system in the opera house that connected the rooms to each other and the managers. If you were sick or had an emergency you could call anyone in the Populaire.

Erik had taken a phone and then made a little hole where he could put wires through his roof to the phone so he could have a phone too, just in case. The police had spent weeks looking for the missing phone, and wondered who would want it, but it was never found.

Erik dialed the managers' number. A voice answered the phone, with a crisp tone. It was only ten thirty so they were still awake and not annoyed with the phone call.

"Miss Daae has taken ill and will not be joining you tomorrow. I am sorry for the inconvenience." Erik said.

"Oh dear, we thought she had something from the way she performed today, we were just discussing it in fact."

Erik rolled his eyes. The men prattled on about how they hoped she felt better. He was getting annoyed with their small talk, wasting his time.

"Thank you very much gentlemen, I will be sure to pass on the messages," he cut in curtly, and hung up the phone.

Next he called Meg Giry and told her not to wake Christine tomorrow, for she had taken ill. She asked who he was, and he just said "a fellow crewmember". Meg started pressing about what a crewmember was doing with Christine to know she was sick, and where Christine was and how she knew him and Erik hung up again, getting annoyed with bothersome, vexing, and just inconvenient people.

Andrew started to wail again and nothing, once again would calm him. Erik ran over to him and tried a variety of soothing ploys, most of the same ones Christine tried, however nothing worked. Erik then tried playing his organ. It soothed Andrew, but every time Erik stopped playing he screamed. Erik got no sleep that night, and played his piano well into the next morning, stopping once in a while, only to feed him from one of the three bottles he had nabbed from the kitchen in one lull of silence.

Erik had been well rested up until that night, and so didn't mind only getting about an hour of sleep, before going into Christine's room and waiting for her to wake up.