WARNING: Sesshomaru will be OOC in some of these chapters! Most likely all of them! He will be tortured by funniness as well in my sick type of humor. Beware! Thank you.

Sesshomaru's Series of Unfortunate Events

The sun shone brightly as Inuyasha and his gang walked out of the forest they had been traveling in for days now. Kagome sighed in relief as she sturdied her bike which began to slant. Sango gasped in happiness as she noticed the village just downhill. Kagome squealed at the thought of sleeping in a bed for once and having a decent bathing. She turned to Inuyasha.

"Please Inuyasha? Can we stay for a little while? Please? I won't sit you for the rest of the day!" Kagome said happily. Inuyasha was about to disagree, until he heard the part about not sitting him. He quickly agreed to her, and began to feel dread. Maybe he shouldn't have done that...

Kagome and Sango quickly ran down the hill before he could voice his feelings, Miroku quickly following after them, a perverted grin on his face. Inuyasha sighed in frustration before picking up Kagome's forgotten bike and hitting Shippo on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" Shippo cried. Inuyasha glanced back casually. "Because you're a runt." And made his way to the village. Kilala mewed and followed after, and upset Shippo right behind her.

Miroku had an impossibly huge grin on his face as he looked around at all the beautiful women in the village. His hands itched to touch certain parts of their bodies, but he refrained, knowing that Sango was just behind him, Hiraikotsu at the ready. He looked ahead at what seemed to be the Lady of the village. He couldn't see her face, but could tell by everything else that she was beautiful.

She had silver hair, which must have been dyed, down to her knees and a slim body. She wore white royal clothing with small red splots here and there. Miroku grinned pervertedly, and without thinking, ran up to the woman. He couldn't resist...his right hand went straight for her bottom.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened in horror. Someone was touching his butt! He growled. The one day he decided NOT to wear his armor...damn you Rin. He turned around and was even more horrified to see the monk that traveled with his brother was the perpetrator. His face became one of sheer disgust as the monk took both of his hands, not once opening his own eyes.

"Will you be the mother of by children?" He heard the monk say. He had had enough. "Monk..." He growled out. Miroku opened his eyes, only to have himself shooting out of the village like a rocket. Sesshomaru stood there, eyes closed in frustration, eyebrow twitching, and an angry growl coming out of clenched teeth.

Sango, Kagome, Shippo and Inuyasha stared at the scene before them. Miroku...had just groped Sesshomaru, and then asked him to bear his children! Inuyasha fell over in laughter as Kagome tried to stiffle her giggles, hoping to not further disgrace Miroku and Sesshomaru, but Sango was having the time of her life walking to Sesshomaru and shaking his hand fervently. Apparently she was thankful for what Sesshomaru did.

"Could you do that more often? How about joining us? Maybe you can snap Miroku out of his antics. Did I say thank you again for what you've done?" And so she went on and on, nearly ripping Sesshomaru's arm out of its socket. Sesshomaru yanked it away and stomped up to his brother.

Inuyasha stopped laughing and looked at Sesshomaru from the ground. Sesshomaru glared. "You are pathetic." He was calm there. Then he looked out of the village where he had thrown Miroku, then to Rin that was standing beside him with questioning eyes, then to Kagome.

"Rin, stay here..." He muttered before unsheathing Tokijin and walking in the direction out of the village. "Where are you going Sesshomaru-sama?" She asked. Sesshomaru glanced back.

"Monk Hunting."


(laughs) OMG! How could I have done that! Sesshomaru got groped, Sesshomaru got groped...(continues little dance) Hehehehe:) That was fun...There are more chapters to come, so don't worry:) And there will be Blooper scenes after three chapters too. I had fun writing this...


Symphony of Dreams signing off
"You can't have happiness without tragedy. You can't have tragedy without a victim. You can't have a victim without the insane. You can't have the insane without jealousy..."