Warning!: This is not a direct spoiler, but a rant that could give some things away. It you don't want to find out anything you don't want to know then skip this first section, and head straight past the disclaimer. You probably won't want to read that either.

READ THIS AT YOU OWN RISK!: Normally I wouldn't do this, but I had to get this off my chest somehow! I'm not going to give away any specifics so not to ruin it for anyone who's waiting on watching it themselves, like I had been previously. I recently read a spoiler for the final episode of Season 02 like I'm sure many other's have had. (WARNING! THIS IS YOU LAST CHANCE TO TURN AWAY! THERE'S NO DIRECT SPOILERS, BUT MOST READERS FAMILIAR WITH MY PREVIOUS WORK SHOULD BE ABLE TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES! NO MORE WARNINGS AFTER THIS!)

I don't know all the details for the final episode, but the little I did have the misfortune to skim across on what did and more importantly DIDN'T happen I know that it's all A BUNCH OF !!@*@*&##*(@**!(*-@*@(@**@)*@*(@@@)(@()@)-!*@*(!@@*@*@**@_(@@_*!_!_!_!_!!_*@*)@_@*_@_@*#_$__-**_($__**_%_#****#$@%*%#@*%*!***$*@*%*@@*%*@*%@*%*@**%@*@*%@*@%*@%*%*@*%*@*@**!!*!*%***!*!*$*$*!*!$*$*!$*$!*$!*!$*$*!**$!*$!!*$*!**$!!!!$*!@#!*@@*&#^@*@!*(!*****//!!*#&@%)@$!**!@!@#(#%#+J#%*#%#(%(@#***#@!!!%#**@#%+!+%*!+%*!*$%!@@@*@@!#!@@#*@!@#&$*#@*!#*@!@*#!!

I just read this damn thing about ten minutes ago, and I'm pissed off to high hell right now! I haven't been this mad since the Blackhawks traded Chris Chelios to Detroit! I just hope my keyboard survives long enough for me to get this finished unlike my poor speaker! I don't know what the hell the people at Toei, Bandai, or whoever wrote this carp was smoking, but I guess they figured since that was the end of the show they'd do whatever the hell they wanted, and sure enough they did! Personally I could've lived with a lot of things, but that one thing.... AHHHHHHHH! There goes the printer!... I'm still hoping somehow that they're just pulling my leg, but from what I've seen so far things aren't looking that good. I don't smoke, and I don't drink, so this is the only way I have to vent out my frustrations! It's things like this that make me want to take up drinking!.... Chocolate milk. There goes my other speaker... My mouse is looking really nervous right about now...

Anyway it's about time that I got to the point. I don't regret reading that spoiler, and in fact I'm glad I did. Waiting all the way to end just to be disappointed would've pissed me off even worse than I am now! My point is I'm not going to get discouraged by this, and I don't want to see any other writers or even readers getting discouraged by anything either. In fact all it's doing is lighting a fire under my butt, and I plan to type away until I grind my keyboard into dust! As far as I'm concerned the final episode never happened. Everything up to episode 49, I think it was, is okay so far, but 50 doesn't exist in my mind!... I just ripped out my caller ID... This is what I'd hope to see happen instead. Whether your a fan of Taiora, Sorato, TaKari, DaiKari, Mimato, Kenlie, Kensuke, Mimoe, Patatail, Tentotail, GoMi (Gomamon + Mimi) or what ever else might suite your fancy don't give up on it! I can't stand most of these, and some I obviously made up, but I'm a firm believer in everyone's right to their own opinion on what they like even if they are horribly wrong. Support your favorites until your heart just isn't into it anymore! Toei obviously stopped caring, but I don't see why that means we have too! Some of you may not care, but if you didn't I don't see why you'd be surfing FF.net reading fanfiction in the first place if you didn't! Some of you may be happy with the way it's gona end, but I have a feeling the vast majority of us aren't going to be too thrilled over one thing or another come the end of May! Especially that one thing... The first thing we have to remember is these are fictional characters in a fictional story, and I know a lot of us tend to forget that from time to time. I know I do, but that's the beauty of it. For half an hour on Saturday morning, or for maybe an hour or so in a Fanfic your reading on the Internet they are real, and naturally we care about what happens to them. Let's not leave their lives subjected to the fate Toei is trying to condemn them to. We have the power granted to us by the keyboard sitting in front of us (except for mime which has about a minute and half to live) to fix what Toei messed up, and change things to the way we think... No, we know it should've been!... I don't know if I'll be watching the final episode yet... I'm still a little curious to see this mess they're sending out here. Maybe I'll even get lucky, and find out this was all a horrible mistake but I'm not going to hold my breath. As far as I'm concerned everything that happens after 49 is all an open book. It's our jobs to fill in the pages...................... Oh sorry guys, I kind of passed out for a while there... What the hell happened in here?!... Oh yeah... Damn Toei. Man did I just type all that?! How long was I out?... Three and half hours?! Seriously now I hope you take that to heart... Well, now that my little hissyfit is over, it's on with the fic now I guess. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Digimon. If I did I would've fired those sorry excuses for writers for even submitting the idea for that last episode!

Have you ever done anything in your life you've regretted, or better yet is there something you haven't done you've regretted? Something you wish you'd done differently, or said differently. Done or said anything at all? Sometimes the most tragic situations in life tend to make us look at ourselves differently. All of us have something we take for granite in life because it's there and we see it everyday. It's not that we try to, it's just the way things are. It's not until we wake up one morning to find out it's gone, that we truly realize just how much it meant to us. There's nothing you can do to get it back, and there's nothing you can do to make it right. It's at these moments where we all say in our own way...

All I Can Do is Wish

Kari: Sitting in the sand at the beach watching the sunset over the ocean.

I wish I had taken more time to appreciate the beauty of the sun setting over the ocean... I'm realizing now just how much I enjoy it... I wish I had taken a little extra time to admire the moon and stars on a clear night. Just to admire how beautiful nature can be, and how precious and fragile life is. I never really understood how precious life was until I found out mine was going to be cut short. I never imagined this would happen to me, but does anyone really? Just a few weeks ago I was normal thirteen year old girl planning out my future. Going to college, getting married, having a family. I woke up each morning thinking it was just another day in my life, and never once thinking it might be my last. I'm only thirteen! No child should have to wake up worrying about that!... Now I think back to all those times I wished my life away. Chomping at the bit for the final school bell to ring cheering as each passing second ticked by. If I had any idea how few of those minutes I had left I never would've wished them to be over. Now I'm left to think about all the things I won't be able to do, and the things I'll never be able to do again. Like breathing in the misty air on a rainy day, or grinding sand between my bare feet at the beach. Simple things I'll never be able to enjoy again. It's all rather humbling really. What kills me most is knowing I'll never be able to see the people I love again, and the hell they're going to go through once I'm gone. Mom. Dad. Tai. Gatomon. TK... The ocean waves remind me of his eyes... You know it's funny that sometimes it's the things you don't do that you regret most of all...

-I wish I would've taken an extra moment to watch the sun set in the sky.

-Watch the moon and stars come out, and light up the night.

-I wish I could've taken at least one breath of that salty ocean air.

-Think about my life on Earth, and just thank God I was here.

TK: Watching Kari from a distance.

I wish I could hold her, and make all her pain go away. Rock in her in my arms, and tell her everything's going to be okay. But how the hell do you comfort someone who's dying?! She never smiles anymore. That warm loving smile that brightened up my day every time I looked at her face. So full of life. So full of light. That light's almost completely eroded away now. I'd give anything if she'd smile for me just one more time. I know it's selfish of me, but I can't stand to see her any other way. I wish it was me in this situation instead of her. Sure people would miss me, but not like her. She means so much to so many. It just doesn't seem fair! Why her?! She's already an angel... I don't see any point in her taking the next step...

Just before it's too late. You realize how sweet the little things can be.

And just how much a simple snowflake falling on your nose can mean.

When every second can be your last, the minutes seem to tick by so fast.

I wish I could find a way to make them last...

Davis: Walking along a lonely dimly lit street.

I wish I would've done something! While all the others were trying to comfort her I just stood there looking stupid! I was in shock... I mean Kari. My Kari! Before I know it she's going to be gone forever, and I haven't done a thing to help her! No kind words. No helping hand. I just can't! I can't even look at that poor beautiful face of hers without breaking down, knowing she's not long for this world. I worry the others think I don't care, but I do. I really do, as much as anyone if not more. It hurts knowing she never felt the same way about me... I wish I didn't act like such a hotdog around her all the time! I wish I'd been a little more caring... A little more understanding... Maybe she would've liked me more. I think I will starting right now... I'll even try to get along with TK a little better. For Kari's sake. Hell, I don't even really hate the guy... That's the way Kari would want it. I know she would.

-But reality is all to real, and I can't do a damn thing to change it.

-My fate's been sealed. Now all I can do is wish...

Ken: Sitting on a park bench.

I wish I had gotten to know her better. From the way Davis and TK talk about her it makes me think I was missing out on a good thing. She seemed to be such good friends with everybody. Very caring, and nice to everyone. Even me. I know how hard it must be for all her friends and family to watch her slowly slip away like this. I feel bad because I can't feel the same sadness they're feeling. I feel sad too, but not as much as most of the others. Like I said, I never really got to know her all that well. Now that I think about it, besides Davis, I'm really not that close with any of the others either. Maybe I should get to know the other's a little better. Maybe I shouldn't hide myself behind closed doors so much. I don't want to make the same mistake again...

-So many things I wish I'd done different. So many things I wished I'd tried just once.

-But that's just all a dream now, and I can't change what I've done.

Tai: Sitting at the kitchen table in his apartment.

I wish there was something I could do! My baby sister's is a dead woman walking, and all I can do is stand here and rant about it! They say to be patient and hope, and well I'm sick and tired of it! A hell of a lot of good that's done us so far! The more we wait things just keep getting worse and worse, and nothing gets done! If there's nothing they can do to help her I wish they'd just tell us, and stop playing around with us like this! Damn rare blood type! Of course no one else in the family still living has it! God knows I'd give her both my damn kidneys if I could! I hate this! I hate this!!! She was so healthy before, so why did this come on all of a sudden?! How come we couldn't see any of the warning signs sooner?! It isn't fair!... Oh Kari... I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can do for you this time...

-I've learned to cherish every minute, and treasure every day.

-It don't make things any easier to watch my loved ones watch me slip away.

-I wish this wasn't happening. Sometimes it don't seem fair.

-I don't fear hell anymore. Because I think I'm already there.

Sora: Sitting across from Tai, and watching him trying his best not to lose it.

I wish there was something I can do for him. It's been bad enough watching poor Kari have to deal with what she's been going through, but watching Tai and his family suffer like this is too much. I feel so guilty. He's always been there for me whenever I've needed him. Even when I found out my crush on Matt was never going to amount to anything despite how much it hurt him in the process. Now the one time he really needs me there's nothing I can really do or say to make anything better. All I can do is be here for him, but at least I can do that. I wish I could kiss him, and make him forget all his troubles. Tai hasn't wanted to accept help from anyone so far. I can't say I blame him. He's losing someone that meant as much to him as life itself, and it's destroying him. At this rate I might lose two friends because of all this. Poor Kari... I always thought of her as a little sister. I was horrified when I heard the news, but I didn't have time to remorse much myself. I knew how much harder of a time people like Tai and TK would be having dealing with this, and especially Kari herself. The pain I was feeling seemed almost like nothing compared to them, so I made my own feelings secondary. I understand the ways of the heart better than the others. I couldn't do anything else, so I decided I can at least be the shoulder they could cry on. Especially for Tai. He really doesn't have anyone else to go to. His parents are hurting just as bad as he is, and they don't really like to talk about it outside of the hospital. I'd really like to be there for him as more than a friend, but its just not the right time. He's hurting too much right now... I wish I'd had the nerve to tell him sooner. I'm not sure he'd accept me, after all I did hurt him once already. But he still supported me, so I should at least try. There's no point in holding it in. Maybe after this is all over I can be the one to help him through it... Kari always use to joke about that with me... Oh, I'm going to miss you Kari...

-It's times like this you learn who your friends are. Who does, and doesn't care.

-I wish I would've known sooner, but that's a cross I don't have long to bare.

Matt: Sitting on a stool while picking at his guitar.

I wish I wasn't so useless! Not only are things bad now, but they're not going to get any better after she's gone either. After Kari dies a huge chain reaction will follow, and everything's gona fall apart! TK will be absolutely devastated... He's crazy about Kari... Always has been. Watching him go through that is going to be murder on me, and it's not like it hasn't been bad enough watching him suffer the way he is now! Tai will go completely insane once Kari dies. Hell, he's standing on the edge of insanity as it is, and that's going to put Sora through hell in the process! Yolie's losing one of her best friends. Of course Davis will suffer almost as badly as TK will, and that's going to put a strain on Ken who's real close to him... Cody seems to be taking this harder than anybody... I guess that's because he's the youngest. I hope the little guy can handle it once the day comes... Poor Izzy seems to be in absolute denial the whole thing is even happening! I think it's going to take standing in front her coffin at the funeral to finally get it through to him... Joe and Mimi can both be so emotional over things like this... They've handle themselves well so far, but once reality sets in... I hate to say it, but I think if it was anyone else in this situation we'd all be able to handle things a lot better. Kari was the child of light after all. Once the light burns out, it leaves the rest of us stranded in the darkness that follows. I guess it's a fitting end. It's so frustrating knowing I can't do anything! I can't even comfort my own brother without worrying I might say something that'll hurt him even more! I'm just no good at things like this... I wish I was just... Hell, I don't even know anymore!

-This is all seems like a nightmare, but I have to accept fate for what it is.

-Mine's just about here, and all I can do is wish.

Izzy: Sitting at home in front of his laptop as usual.

I wish I'd gone to see her just once... I've got to stop pretending this isn't happening! All of the scientific knowledge I poses, and I can't formulate one good explanation regarding why this is happening to her! I don't want to admit that kind of thing can happen to someone I call a friend. This just isn't logical! She was so young and happy... All the medical facts are there, but... To hell with all that! I wish I had spent more time to enjoy life... This whole situation with Kari has made me realize that. I wonder if I'm missing something out there... I spend all my time sitting here in front this computer screen... This damn piece of crap! What good have you done?! You haven't helped me find one damn thing to help Kari!... Maybe I should go see her just once before it happens... I don't think it's going to be any less mournful either way. I don't want her to think I don't care, especially when she has so little time left... Maybe I'll even take a little walk outside... It's a beautiful day out after all...

-As each second goes by. My life flashes in front of my eyes.

-So many things I wish I could change, but now I guess there's no way.

Yolie: Lying in her bed.

I wish this wasn't happening! This is all like one horrible nightmare that I just can't seem to wake up from! It wasn't long ago when we were all just normal kids going to school together, and hanging out! Well... Normal besides all the monsters and parallel digital dimensions. Now all that's been blown completely to hell! Out of all the people this could happen to why Kari? She's one of the nicest and sweetest people I know, and the last person I'd think would deserve something like this to happen to them! What am I gona do?... I don't know how to handle this! What am I gona do?!... There I go again! Only thinking about myself and how I feel while Kari's the one spending everyday waiting to die! But I wonder if that's just a normal thing... I worry about everyone else, but I have to worry about myself at least a little too don't I?... I suppose that's what everyone does, but probably never even think of it that way. I've never been good at holding things in. Maybe I should try just this once... She needs her friends right now, and not to see them hurting so badly over this. It's bad enough she has to deal with what she's going through. There will be plenty of time to cry after she's gone...

-I wish I could go back, and change the way things are somehow.

-But there's nothing I can do, and I've come to accept that now.

Mimi: Staring out the bedroom window at her home in New York.

I wish I could be there... I hate being so far away! Every time they need me I'm stuck here half a world away. I know she has plenty of support over there, but that doesn't make things any better for me. If I knew my last visit to Obadia would be the last time I might ever see her alive I would've said something else to her besides I really think you should change your hairstyle it's just so last season! Does that sound as stupid as I think it does?! To think that might be the last words she ever hears out of my mouth... The last memory she'd ever have of me is that I didn't like her hair! Do I dwell on ideal things too much? Like fashion, looks, and things like that? Do I judge people too harshly because they don't agree with my tastes? While I wake up in the morning worrying about what dress I'm going to wear today, she has to go to bed each night worried about whether or not she's even going to wake up! I wish I'd been a little more considerate to other people... Maybe I will be from now on... It's okay for me to look good of course, but I shouldn't push it on other people. Everybody's beautiful in their own way... Kari sure was. You know I'd be there for you if I could don't you?

-Everything seems to go dark, and my heart overflows with sorrow.

-I'm afraid to close my eyes knowing I'm close to running out of tomorrows.

Gatomon: Perched in a tree overlooking the hospital, and staring into the hospital room Kari had been confined to for most of her illness.

I wish this was all a bad dream! I almost wish I hadn't come in the first place, but I knew something was wrong. I felt it in my blood that Kari was in trouble, and I had to come. It's supposed to be my job to protect her, but this is an opponent even I can't defend her from. It's an enemy that attacks you from inside, and slowly eats away at you until it wins... This just isn't fair! Why did this have to happen to Kari?! I hate this! It's like Wizardmon all over again, except this time it's much worse. It feels like I'm losing more than a friend this time somehow... Maybe it's my fault. Maybe everybody who gets near me is doomed to face some kind of horrible fate. I really want to see her one last time, but I just don't know if I can. I don't want to say goodbye to another friend! I don't know if I can take it!

-As each second goes by. My life flashes in front of my eyes.

-So many things I wish I could change, but now I guess there's no way.

Patamon: Secretly followed Gatomon, and is watching her from a distance.

I wish I could understand what's going on! I just don't understand this death thing! When Digimon die we just get reconfigured, and are reborn into new digi-eggs. Just like I did. From the sound of what I heard when humans die they go away forever, and they don't come back. I just don't get it! All I know is Kari's sad, TK's sad, and Gatomon's upset. I don't want Kari to go away... Why does something like this have to happen that just makes everybody sad? I don't get it! I remember when Wizardmon was killed, and I also remember not liking it one bit. Since he died in the human world, he couldn't be reconfigured back into life in the Digital World. It's kind of strange, but I don't really remember dying myself... I guess there's a reason for that. I hate seeing Gatomon and TK so upset like this. I know I'm going to be sad when Kari dies too... That's probably what'll take for me to finally get the picture. I wish there was something I could do to help... Maybe Kari will get better, and everything will be okay again? I don't know, but at least I can watch over them for now...

-I wish I could go back, and change the way things are somehow.

-But there's nothing I can do, and I've come to accept that now.

Joe: Pacing around outside in the parking lot of the hospital.

I wish I wasn't such a pushover. It's one thing to be reliable, but it's another to do things because you feel you have to. To ask me to do something like this?! Does he realize the kind of situation he's put me in?! Not that he left me much choice... I can't say I blame him totally though. I know he loves her, and that makes you do stupid things some times. I don't think he's considered all of the consequences to what he's planning to do! I can understand a bit I guess. I know it couldn't have been easy for him to ask me that, but he did come prepared. Boy did he come prepared. I can't believe he's asked me to do this!... I can't believe I'm actually considering it! If there's even a slight chance it might save Kari... On the other hand I could lose both of them! I don't know what to do! On one side one dies for sure, but on this side there's a possibility both could live, but on another side something can go horribly wrong and they both die!... If I do nothing Kari's going to die definitely, and there's nothing else anyone can do about it. If I do this there's a chance they both could live though it'd be difficult... The one thing I know for sure though is I won't trade a life for a life. That's another possibility I have to consider though. Are the risks worth taking the chance?! Damn it I just don't know!... After this is all said and done I'm going to make a promise to myself not to let anyone take advantage of me anymore. I can still be the same old reliable Joe, but I'm not going to give in to everyone's whims if it doesn't need to be done. That just leaves me with one last question. Does this need to be done?...

-Everything seems to go dark, and my heart overflows with sorrow.

-I'm afraid to close my eyes knowing I'm close to running out of tomorrows.

Cody: Walking down the street almost in tears.

I wish I wasn't such a coward! Kari's going to die, and it's all my fault! She's going to die because of me! She was always so nice to me, and such a good friend to everyone. It hurts so much to walk into that hospital room, and see her looking so weak and so close to death knowing I'm letting her down! Because I'm to afraid!... I can help her! I'm the only who can help her, but I'm too afraid for myself to do anything! What kind of friend am I to just stand there and watch her die without lifting a finger?! They all say I'm too young to understand what's going on, by I understand! I understand everything! What will the others think if they ever find out?!.. Why can't I just?!... Why was I born with such a cowards heart?!

-I wish I could've known how sweet love could be.

-Let him know just once how much he meant to me.

-Hold him close to me, and whisper I love you.

-Kiss him on the cheek. Oh Lord knows I wanted to.

Kari: Sobbing while she thinks.

I wish he were here with me right now... And he'd wrap his arms around me, and tell me everything's going to be okay. I always feel better whenever he tries to comfort me... Like nothing could hurt me, and he'd protect me from anything... Just like any other friend, but it always felt different. Warmer, and deeper. Like love... I wish I'd told him just once... Just one chance to hold him, or to kiss him... Just to hear him tell me he loved me even if he didn't really mean it. What could we have been if I'd just had the nerve to speak my heart? So many wonderful memories we could've shared together instead of separately. That'll never happen now. I can't do that to him! He's going through a tough enough time losing a friend without me pushing my feelings on him. Knowing my kidney's can shut down at any minute! I haven't used the bathroom in three days, and it hurts so bad when I do. That's the way it's been for weeks now... I really wish he was here with me now... I don't know if I want to face this alone anymore!

As if somebody had read her mind, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. She was startled at first, but calmed down when a familiar and soothing voice spoke his identity. She sighed guessing that some wishes can come true.

"TK? What are you doing here?" *Not that I care what the answer is as long as your here.*

"You shouldn't have to ask that question." His heart fell, feeling her slightly bloated hips. She must've been retaining quite a bit of water "I was worried about you."

"Please don't concern yourself with that. You won't have to worry yourself over me much longer."

"Don't talk like that Kari! Your death isn't going to solve anything!... You know if you go back to the hospital they can prolong your life for a little while longer... I know you've been suffering, but there's no need to hurry your fate... You could spare us from going crazy a little longer..."

Kari rips herself from TK's arms "Do you think I want to die TK?! Especially knowing how bad the people I love are going to hurt after I'm gone?! Your crazy! How can you be so selfish anyway?! You want me to go back for you, not to help me! What good is me going back to the hospital going to do anyway?! I'll just lay there for a month or maybe two hoping some miracle happens?! Well it isn't TK! It's all false hope! That's all it is! I'm not going back to that hospital just to be confined to bed again! I don't have much time left on this world! I want to spend it the way I want to, not hooked up to some damn machine! I won't do that for anybody! I'm doing this for myself..."

"I didn't mean it like that Kari! I'm sorry... Of course I know that's your choice, and I respect that. I hope you understand I had to try... I'm sorry I upset you. I'll leave you alone now. Turns to leave

Kari grabs him by the arm. TK looks back at her, and sees tears falling down her face. "Please don't! I'm sorry I didn't mean to blowup at you! Please don't leave me now... I really don't want to be alone."

"Of course I'll stay Kari." If TK had been paying attention he might've felt the ground shake as emotional outbursts, from fourteen not so ordinary souls, exploded almost all at once

-I just can't do that to him now. It won't be long before my life ends.

-It must be hard enough just losing a friend.

-I wonder what we might've had If I had the nerve to speak my mind.

-But that can never happen now, so I'll just hold it all inside.

-So many things I'll never know, and things I'll never feel again....

-It's almost my time now... So all I can do is wish.

Davis: That's it! I am going to change. Not just for Kari, or anybody else. I'm going to change for myself. It's about time I did some growing up...

Ken: I won't make that same mistake again! Starting right now I'm not going to close myself off anymore. Maybe I'll even call TK or Yolie. Lord knows they've been taking this as bad as anyone. It's a place to start... Maybe I should even have a talk with Kari before that day comes...

Tai & Sora: "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Puts his fist into the wall leaving a nice dent in it "I can't take anymore of this! Kari I'm so sorry..."

Sora places her hand on Tai's shoulder "Calm down Tai. It's not your fault. Going nuts, and punching out a defenseless wall isn't going to solve anything."

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN! THIS IS SERIOUS AND YOUR CRACKING JOKES?! MY SISTER'S DYING AND..." Tai looked into Sora's eyes, and saw just how serious she was and the sadness in them

"It's okay Tai. Let it all out." As if on cue Tai broke down, and they both collapsed to their knees. He cried hard into her shoulder, as she held on to him tightly crying herself "Let it all out Tai. You've held this in way too long."

Matt: Useless... Just like sitting here doing nothing! ABSOLUTELY USELESS! Shatters his guitar against the floor, and walks out of the studio

Izzy: I think I will go for a walk, and while I'm out I might as well see if Kari's home... And I don't think I need you for this one. Closes his laptop, and exits his apartment... without it for the first time in a long time

Yolie: I promise myself I won't cry. I won't cry! Not until she's gone. There's no reason to cry until then.

Mimi: "Mom! Dad! I'm sorry but I have to get to Japan A.S.A.P.! My friend is dying, and I have to get there before its to late! Please understand!"

Gatomon &Patamon: "I can't say goodbye!"

Patamon flaps over to her "So your not going to see Kari?"

"Patamon?! What are you doing here?!"

"I was worried about you, so I followed you. I know what's happening..."

"You better stay away from me Patamon. You've seen what happens when people get close to me. First Wizardmon, and now Kari..."

"It's not your fault Gatomon! You had no control over what happened to Wizardmon, and there was certainly nothing you could do to prevent this from happening to Kari. Besides, I don't think you should give up on her just yet. She still might pull through this if we all believe enough."

Gatomon stares at Patamon a second, and then smiles "So full of hope aren't you? Just like your friend."

"That's my job. Besides, if Kari does die, and you don't say good-bye you'll regret it. You should go now while you still have a chance."

"I don't know Patamon..."

"I'll go with you if you want."

Gatomon takes a moment to think it over "Okay. Your right Patamon. Let's go!"

Joe: I can't believe I'm even considering this... I can't believe I'm actually going to do this!...

Cody: I can't do it! I just can't! Runs away crying

Kari & TK

"Don't give up on hope Kari. That's the one thing you'll never lose no matter how bad things get..." TK smiles wide "Trust me I know."

"I'm doing this for me Takeru..." Turns around, and looks up into his eyes "And I'm doing this for me too."

Kari leans forward, and kisses him with every ounce of passion she has left in her body. It wasn't much, but still more than enough. She had expected him to reject her, but he didn't try to push her away. In fact he wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, and returned her kiss. She held him there for as long as she could before her tears pushed them apart. "I'm sorry TK! I shouldn't have done that! It's just that I was afraid I might not get another chance... Because this could be the last time I ever see you!"

TK puts his arms around her, and pulls her close allowing her to cry into his chest "It's okay Kari. You have nothing to be sorry for." Don't you worry Kari. Your going to make it through this. I'm going to make sure of that... I don't care what it costs me.


.....That's it?! Where's the rest of it?!... Oh that's right! I haven't written it yet... ha, ha... Anyway the second half is going to be about the events that happen after all of this. I originally was going to make this a one shot, but I decided it would be better to separate them. If you found the bracket thing confusing, well then don't worry about it. That was a one time deal only.