A Pretty Soldier Sailormoon fanfiction
by Iris C
Part 1 complete July 2000, edited June 2001.

Author's note: A teenager wrote this. Hmm, nuff said? :) It's a lot of joy, a lot of perkiness, and a lot of wishful thinking.

Part 1

At the Three Light's apartment balcony, Taiki scrutinized at the stars that seemed to resemble stuck fireflies, as if the sheer intensity of his gaze could force answers from the universe. Inside, Seiya strummed on an acoustic guitar listlessly, hoping for a hint or two from the inanimate instrument, that desperate he was. Yaten sat across the room from him, watching a lava lamp on the coffee table, his green eyes drifted along the globs of heavy colors lazily. He wasn't a fan of the lamp. Seiya had gotten it at some random amusement park. Come to think of it, he wasn't a fan of amusement parks either, but in times like these, one had to resort to ugly inventions in order to focus, lest his mind slips away to think of a certain pesky blonde...

The Three Lights' signing event took place at the Shibuya mall the same day when the girls decided to go shopping - all coincidence of course. Minako had clung onto Yaten like glue during the break, offering any kind of help possible.

"Yaaaten-kun! Are you thirsty?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Are you hot? Here's a cold drink."

"Are you cold? Here's some tea!"

"Are you bored? Want me to get you some magazines?"

"Can you explain to me how anyone could go from being hot to cold in a matter of minutes?" snapped Yaten exasperatedly, running a hand through his silver locks. "And can you please stop fancying yourself as our assistant and get along with your shopping for... lingerie or something?"

"Well, you gulped down the ice tea in like a minute because you were so hot and they just turned up the air conditioning here, so in case you get a brain freeze or something, I thought tea might help. As for being your assistant, I'm past fancying Yaten, if you recall, I WAS..."

"How on earth would you know they turned up the air conditioning?"

Minako rambled on. "...and as for lingerie I look good in white, or actually, pretty much any color works if you're thinking of getting something special..."

"Ye gods! Woman, do you ever give up?"

At this, Minako blinked and switched to a serious face, Yaten suddenly felt claustrophobic against a pair of huge azure eyes, searching him. "Give up?" she paused. "I don't give up Yaten..." she looked perplexed. "No one should ever give up...not even when there's only 0.00001% chance of succeeding, because there's always a chance." Minako suddenly became rather composed, as if thinking about something out of this world. "If you give up, you've lost already...don't you think so?" she tilted her head until her eyes locked on his bright green ones.

No one should ever give up...not even when there's only 0.00001% chance...the words seemed to echo in Yaten's mind. The girl was probably thinking of rainbows and unicorns, but it was the look of determination that moved him. Her big blue eyes told her that anything Aino Minako set her mind to, the universe will bend to her will. All of a settle, Kou Yaten wished he had her guts. "I..."

Suddenly the manager invaded the room, "Yaten-san, we need you up there!" he yelled, "the fans are getting a rowdy!"

Yaten nodded. "Okay, I'm coming. Later Aino-san," he mumbled as Minako yelled out an enthusiastic "Minako will do! And take care!"

Yaten held a tiny grin as he made his exit.

Ami Mizuno made her way to the local library with a sign of eagerness on her face. Most of her friends think spending a Saturday morning at the library is insane. But she's quite content when the aroma of paper lingered in air.

"Hey Ami, back for more books?" the main librarian, Mr. Nakeuchi was an old gentleman who always appeared to be in a good mood.

"Hai!' Ami returned some of the old books from last week. "There are so many wonderful books out there. I would love it if I could read them all."

"I'm sure you will if you keep this up," he nodded as he lift the twelve books from Ami and put them on a cart.

"I doubt it, but I'll read as much as I can. Thank you Mr. Nakeuchi."

"No problem, you have fun finding more books."

Ami nodded as she made her ways upstairs. What books will she read today? Something about stars, yes, the universe, the most unfathomed topic in the world of endless knowledge. She strolled toward the nonfiction section, taking each step as if a new adventure would dawn from it. Occasionally stopping to inspect some interesting titles, Ami eventually made her way to the astronomy section. Only to find her weight settle to her feet as she ceased walking, she wasn't alone. There was someone else there, flipping through a book nonchalantly.

"Tai...Taiki-san," the name stammered from her mouth.

Taiki looked up. "Mizuno-san, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I come here every Saturday to return books and borrow some. What are you doing here?" she asked as she scanned the shelf for any attention getters.

"I thought it would be fun to see if you Earthlings had any idea of what this universe is about," Taiki replied cooly.

Ami looked around to make sure no one was listening, "Taiki-san, are...are we still friends? You Starlights and us?"

The eyes turned rigid cold as Taiki stated, "you senshi and us, we are different people and always will be. That's a fact. Sailor Moon is a distraction, she needs to stop..."

Ami immediately took a stand. "Don't say that about Usagi-chan," she pressed firmly, "she hasn't done anything wrong."

"Hasn't done anything wrong? If it weren't for her Seiya would have never gotten hurt!"

"Seiya cares for Usagi, is that so hard for you to understand Taiki? If Usagi had gotten hurt, Seiya would be worse off," Ami was trying her hardest to remain calm.

"That's the whole point don't you see! It's all these stupid feelings you Earth senshi have! You are manipulating Seiya. You are all getting the way of our mission. I wish you guys would just leave us alone."

Ami gasped, then replied weakly. "But, we can all work together..."

"No we can't," Taiki said, a bit calmer as he saw Ami's strained face. "We can't Mizuno-san, we are different people. We have different destinies. We have different missions..."

"But we are all senshi and..."

Taiki shook his head at that response. "You are very naive," he said then turned his back, "perhaps another day," and marched away, leaving Ami staring at the stacks.

Seiya plucked the chords again and again. Popping a question each time when the music escape from the guitar.

'Where is the princess?'

'Why won't she show up?'

'What was it about Odango?'

'What made her star shine so brilliantly'?

'Why did she devote her heart to someone so far away?'

'How could that guy hurt her by never answering?'

Hands in khaki pockets, eyes avoiding any light, Yaten walked toward Juuban Park. It was a breezy night as willow trees swung back and forth along the wind. The clouds managed to conceive the billions of stars. Nevertheless, failed to veil the full moon as its light shone through the thick masses. Making his way to the lake, he wondered what Kinmoku looked like now. Someday when they go back, they will make it as beautiful as it once was...

"I wonder if Usagi's ever going to cheer up," a soft voice touched Yaten's eardrums. He squinted his eyes and saw the girl with long cascading hair, talking while caressing the fur of her cat lovingly. "She doesn't deserve anymore torture or blame...with Mamoru-san gone and all."

"Minako," his whisper was inaudible against the loud chirpings of grasshoppers. Her words started to echo in his head again, 'Yaaten-kun, protect me! Minako's scared...You should never give up, even if there's only 0.0001% chance, because there is always a chance... I'll discard if you go on a date with me! You shine the most brightly...'

Artemis let out a little yell that came out as a 'meow' when the silver haired light came to view.

Minako whirled around, surprised. "Yaten-kun?"

"Yo," he took a spot next to her on the grass.

"Wha...what are you doing here?" Minako questioned.

"Too many things in my head, hoping the wind would get rid of them."

"Oh," Minako nodded. "Hai, it is a beautiful night," she sighed dreamily as she hugged Artemis, giggling as he licked her face.

"Minako, do you ever feel like no one understands you?" Yaten blurted.

"Nani?" Minako got up, giving Yaten a strange look, "what are you talking about?"

Yaten felt like hitting himself, what a stupid question, like the blonde could commiserate. "Nevermind."

"Do you feel that way?" Minako whispered, staring at Yaten.

"Huh?" he was stunned for a second, but something about her eyes was...calming.

"I feel that way sometimes..." Minako murmured, her voice barely audible. "Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the universe..." sadness suddenly flooded her blue eyes. "I felt that way since I was really little actually. I knew I was different somehow...another species maybe... Most people take me as this happy go lucky victory sign girl, but for a long while I had been alone fighting for an unknown cause...or so it felt to me," Artemis looked up at Minako, concern in his eyes. "Demo! It's all okay now!" Minako smiled reassuringly at Artemis.

Yaten was carefully chewing on Minako's words. There a certain forlorned sorrow from her voice to a point where he couldn't convey that it came from Minako Aino, the crazy ditz that never have any worries. And yet, they sound so familiar...because that's how you feel Yaten Kou...that's how you feel...and suddenly, Yaten felt like he was looking at Aino Minako for the very first time.

Minako sighed as she shook her head. "I'm sorry Yaten! I was out of it for a while," her face was replaced suddenly with the usual brightness. "No one's ever alone, everyone has someone that loves them," then slowly she added, "Usagi-chan and the others taught me that."

Yaten nodded as if he comprehended her words.

"Oh shoot!" Minako glanced at her watch. "I have to go Yaten-kun. Mama's gonna kill me for staying out so late on a school night! Speaking of which, you too!" Minako scolded playfully. "Ja ne!"

Yaten waved as Minako flew away like a whirlwind. "Ja ne." he whispered.

It wasn't until when the park was quiet again did Yaten turned the other way, with
Minako's words, Minako's crystal like blue eyes, Minako's one minute smiling then thoughtful the next face, Minako's... she's been hanging in his head a lot lately. He knew he should be thinking about his princess. But Minako was like his charm now, a candle that lights his smile, and honestly it wasn't so bad having her invading his head, wasn't bad at all...

Dear Journal,

I had mentioned a while ago perhaps, about how egnimatic the universe was. I probably
had also mentioned that it was the most impossible thing ever. I am here to say that I was wrong. The universe isn't as complicated as people, the mind of creatures. I don't understand Taiki, why is he so cold. Why can't he just give us a chance? I'm sure senshi and the Starlights can work together and find peace. Right? Well, tomorrow we have a school festival. Usagi, Mako-chan and I are organizing a coffee shop. Minako-chan can't come because she has a dentist appointment. Usagi-chan is very excited about this coffee shop. It's good to see her happy again.


Dear Journal,

Status: No, we still haven't found the princess. I talked to Mizuno-san today. I still cannot
understand how these Earth senshi view the world. They are always so full of hope and dreams. Sometimes I wish I could be like that. Forget reality and just close my eyes and believe in a beautiful fantasy. But, I can't, I have a mission. Maybe someday...someday when all is well...yeah, someday...

~Kou Taiki

The next day, trouble of course, erupts at the Juuban high school festival.

"What do you guys want?" Makoto was angry at Yaten who was trying to get the incense
burner from ChibiChibi.

"Don't interfere." Yaten murmured.

"I'm not going to listen to those bullying a little girl."

"I don't think it's right to segregate girls from kids...or are you saying 'don't be too serious cuz I'm a girl?' "

"Why you..."

Minako walked into the dentist office. Mumbling a prayer for herself.

"I didn't think this mediocre girl can have the real star seed. But thanks to siren's files,
I'm gonna get it now. Tsukino Usagi, or should I say...Sailor Moon?" Crow smirked.

"So you just know everything huh?" Rei mumbled.

"Well then, this has just gotten serious." Makoto said.

"Let's transform everyone." Ami-chan yelled.

"Mercury crystal power!"

"Mars crystal power!"

"Jupiter crystal power!"

"Moon eternal power!"


Minako felt her head thumping VERY loudly after the check up. What did the dentist do?

"Usagi! No!" Jupiter yelled.

"I can't let innocent people be involved in this...here...take it."

"Usagi! Onegai! Please don't!" Mercury begged.

Crow took Super Sailor Moon's Star seed.


"NO! DON'T!" Star fighter yelled.

"...such a...beautiful...star seed..."

"Venus love chain encircle!" Venus' love chain took Sailor Moon's star seed away.

"Huh?" Crow and the others cried in disbelief.

"Venus!" Jupiter cried.

"After the dentist announced my teeth is cavity free, tartar free, and purely white! I! Sailor
Venus is ready to fight and defend!" Venus grinned as she struck her pose.

"Venus..." Mars groaned flatly.

"Hey! That's my star seed!" Tin Nyanko appeared out of nowhere. "Give it back you

"Nyanko...where did you..." Crow started then watched as Nyanko loaded her power and
blasted toward Venus. Venus took on the full blast, with Sailor Moon's star seed.

"Sensitive Inferno!" cried Star Healer

"Jupiter Oak..."

"Mars flame..."



Tin Nyanko managed to avoid two blasts but was hit by Jupiter's power. "Ahhh!"
"Crow! Get the damn star seed!" she yelled.

"This is not going with my plan..." Crow murmured as she leaped toward Venus but
Sailor Star Fighter got there first and took the Star seed.

"Argh! You annoying little pests!"

Nyanko grunted then flung her power toward Crow, Crow fell and the black hole erupts.
"What! Why did you do that Nyanko!" Crow screamed.

"Because it's easier to get the star seed myself!" she yelled then used her power to blast
fighter for the star seed. Her power was sucked by black hole.

"Ahhh!" she yelled, very frustrated then lunged toward Fighter, Fighter fell and the
Star seed left her hand.

"No!" Mercury yelled. "Usagi-chan!"

"The star seed!" Jupiter yelled.

"Chibi Chibi!" Maker yelled.

Sailor Moon, Chibi Chibi and the star seed were pulled into the black hole.

"Uh-oh, this is getting to be too much," Tin Nyanko murmured uneasily then left.

"Oh no..." Mars murmured as she saw the black hole, engulfing the three.

"AH! DAMMIT!" Fighter screamed.

Suddenly, a bright red energy swallowed the black hole.

"That...energy..." Maker whispered.

"Prin..cess..." Fighter blinked.

Healer drew a sharp breath.

She hated the smell of it. She hated its environment. Hated it. But she was back here,
once again. Minako fluttered her eyes open, everything seem blurred. Hospital, what a dull environment. Wait, why was she in the hospital?

"Usagi!" she suddenly yelled.

The boy that had fallen asleep on the wooden chair snapped his eyes open.

"Minako! You are awake."

"Where's Usagi?" Minako questioned.

"Don't worry, she's fine."

"Oh...how...how did I get here?"

"Crow blasted you," he said simply.

" are you doing here Yaten?"

The morning air was stuffy; Yaten opened the single window in the room. "I wanted to
make sure you were okay."

"Oh... Why?" Minako asked, her head still hurt.

"I wanted to thank you," Yaten returned to his chair. "The princess, she came, she came to
us," Yaten had a bright smiled pasted on his face.

Minako's eyes lighted up. "Hotoni? That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

"Hai. It's because of you, Minako. I was able to believe..." he smiled. "Arigatou"

"Wow, you must be really happy...I don't know what to say..."

"Say ah..."


"You need to eat some food, Doc.'s orders," Yaten held out a spoon with some kind soup
on it...

"Ano..." Minako scooted back. "I don't think I'm up for any hospital food right now."

"Nope, not getting out of this one, you need to get well so eat," Yaten held the spoon next
to Minako's lips.

"Even with your princess back you are still mean," Minako pouted.

Yaten grinned.

Rei burst in to the room.

"Rei-chan! Konnichiwa!" Minako waved.

"Usagi...have you seen Usagi?" Rei asked.

"Usagi? Why would she be here? Isn't she in school?" Yaten asked.

"The others couldn't find her, I thought she visited you or something...oh no, they might
have her," Rei groaned.

Minako touched her henshin stick as she got up, stumbling a little. Yaten caught her.

"What are you doing, Minako?" Yaten asked.

"Usagi...she needs me." Minako murmured.

"Minako, stay, I'm sure she's okay, you are weak right now..." Rei begin.

"No!" Minako got out of Yaten's grip,."I have my duties."

Yaten gasped as Rei nodded.

"Let's go then."

"I thought I will be okay by myself...I thought I'll be okay without Mamo-chan...but
now...that rose...I..." tears streamed down from Usagi's eyes, much to Seiya's dismay.

"Odango..." he took her by the shoulders, "you are never alone..."

Usagi looked at Seiya, his face scrunched up as if...as if feeling her pain.

"Am I not good enough? Am I not good enough Odango?" he cried out.

(Yaddi Yaddi Yada. Time passes. Galaxia killed Princess Fireball. The senshi faces
Galaxia. That's not much of a spoiler is it? Heehee)

The Starlights were about to get blasted to death when Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury
blocked the hit from them. The four senshi fell.

Healer felt her heart ripped apart. Why did they do that? Why did they do that?

"Why? For us?" she asked, kneeling down as tears fell from her eyes.

"To protect the ones that are important..." Mercury murmured.

"Important to you?" Maker asked.

"Hai..." Venus smiled weakly. "Sailor Moon...and the Starlights are very important
to us..."

"Even if you are going to die?" Fighter asked in disbelief.

"Please, in our place, protect Usagi and the world..." Jupiter whispered.

The four inners begin to fade.

"Minako..." Healer whispered, trying to grasp Minako weightless body. Her candle...it
was dying, the flame that once carried Minako's brilliant star seed was dying. "Minako!" Healer cried out.

Venus smiled again as her star seed came out and faded away...

Don't tell me, I *know* what you are going to say. "Eh...this is kind of focused on Minako and Yaten isn't it? What happened to Seiya and Usagi?" Because I don't want to change the storyline that much Seiya and Usagi are not going to be together while Mamoru is alive (Hint hint). Later on the story, you'll see how it goes. I also know that it wasn't much romance between Taiki and Ami, but that's because I *highly* doubt either of them would ever admit they like each, agree? So I'm taking these two's relationship slowly. The next chapter will develope all that. Here are some previews for the next one. It's not going to take place on Earth, well, not completely. And guess what's going to happen to Mamo-chan *insert evil laughter here*. Heeheh. So till then. Stay kool, stay sweet, stay rockin', and stay alive!