Shadow Fox

This is something that came to mind a few days ago. It's just sort of a mix of things that came to mind, heaped into something else altogether. I've taken a few liberties with the source material and twisted them to suit my fancy. Plus, this is a quickie for me. I have all the ideas, but this is simply a taster of whats to come. All comments are welcome, and please note that despite his character in this story I am a huge fan of Tails. Also, I don't own any of these guys!

And so, behold Miles Tails Prower. Being not his normal cuddly self.


''For the last time Tails, you can't come!''

Sonic was getting tired of repeating himself. For the last few minutes he had been continuously telling Tails that he couldn't accompany him on the next mission, but Tails wasn't taking no for an answer. Sonic wasn't surprised. Tails had been acting out of character for about a week now. Sonic suspected it was due to the fact that Chris's grandad had given him achastising over his latest experiment. Something to do with manipulating brain waves, Sonic didn't know. All that he did know was that his little bro was holding him up and he had to leave quickly.

''Sonic, why can't I come? You might need me!''

Tails was beginning to get annoyed at Sonic continuously denying his pleas to help. But at the same time he wasn't totally surprised at Sonics answer. Tails hadn't really been himself this past week. His mind was too focused on his latest creation, and he had been feeling dejected when Chris's grandad had branded it obscene. What was wrong with a little brain manipulation when the ultimate goal was a product the public would love? Tails didn't know, but despite the bad rep his device had received he had continued working on it in his lab, sometimes spending 10-12 hours a day in the lab before sneaking out in the middle of the night for a quick snack. It was no wonder Sonic felt that he wasn't upto this next assignment. Tails was exhausted from all his late night working, but that didn't stop him from feeling angry and betrayed at being left out of this latest mission.

''Tails, you and I both know that you aren't upto this one lil bro! Your exhausted, and I can't risk you getting hurt or making a mistake that could jeopardise the mission. Now I've gotta go!''

With that, Sonic turned round and took off at full speed, leaving Tails in the doorway. At that moment Chris came down the stairs. He noticed Tails stood with his hand gripped to the doorframe, but he was amazed at the expression on Tails face. The normally friendly and happy expression was replaced with a look of full blown rage. Tails's left eye was twitching slightly and his hand was curling and uncurling itself into a fist. Chris wondered what could have possibly angered the little fox so much, but before he could walk upto Tails to find out...

''Fine, leave me out! You'll regret this you big blue bastard! Don't come crawling back and expect me to get you out of this one if you screw up!''

With that, Tails span round and made his way back to his lab leaving a stunned Chris behind. A few seconds later, a large bang informed Chris that Tails had hidden himself in the lab again. Chris couldn't believe that Tails was capable of saying such things about Sonic, but he put it down to Tails working too hard. Chris had noticed Tails change in behaviour just like Sonic, and he was worried that the fox was on the verge of a nervous breakdown should he continue to act the way he was at the moment. Chris sighed at the memory from yesterday when he had tried to talk to Tails about how worried he was about his behaviour, but he hadn't been expecting the reply that he got. Tails had slammed the lab door in Chris's face, and he hadn't talked to him since. Partly because he was angry at how Tails had reacted, but mostly because he was afraid of what Tails might say or do should he try to talk to him again. Whatever Tails was building down in the lab, it was having a major impact on everyone in the house.

''Maybe when he's finished with his new invention he'll get back to normal''. With this thought in mind, Chris walked out of the house and made his way to school.


To cut a long story short, Sonic defeated Eggmans latest scheme with help from Knuckles and Amy, but he got too close to Eggmans robot just before it exploded and was injured as a result. He wasn't injured seriously, just a few cuts and bruises, but he would have to take it easy for the next couple of days and that meant he had to stay in the house. Sonic wasn't looking forward to this prospect as it meant that he would be in close contact with Tails, and the way that the little fox was acting at the moment it didn't make for a relaxing break. Still, thought Sonic as he relaxed in an armchair covered in assorted plasters across his arms, legs and face, maybe Tails would have taken in what Sonic had said earlier and would get back to normal. Maybe.


In the lab Tails, wearing a white lab coat and goggles, was working frantically on his machine. To look at, the machine wasn't much to get excited about. It looked like a medium sized hour glass with two half triangles attached to the top globe. Not really much to get excited about, but despite this Tails was frantically making last minute adjustments for the what he hopedwould be the final test run. Tails had been disappointed that the machine had failed to work the two times he had tried it. If he was successful, the machine would be able to give the person using it the opportunity to feel like they were actually inside their favourite tv show using 3D animation.Chris's grandad had been very wary at this, and had warned Tails that his machine was ultimately tampering with peoples minds. Tails had ignored him, but he was starting to have second thoughts on the whole idea.

Sonic was right, the amount of time he was spending on his machine was having an impact on himself as well as his friends. His stress levels were at an all time high, so much so that he had started smoking to help calm himself down. When it had started to affect his voice he had cut down, but he was still smoking three cigarettes a day to help ease his stress. Tails had almost chucked in the whole project several times over the past week alone, but for some reason he had continued to work on it. It was like the machine had some kind of hold on him that he couldn't break free of, but there were other reasons as well. Perhaps it was because he wanted to prove to Chris's grandad that his machine wasn't dangerous and that it could be successful. Or maybe, and more likely, it was because that since he had put so much effort into getting his machine to work, he would be damned if he had gone to all that trouble just to pack it in. Never the less, if it failed to work this time he would definetly throw it out.

''Last chance. If you don't work this time, thats it! Finished!''. With these words, Tails threw the switch and waited. Nothing happened. Tails sighed and rubbed his forehead.

''Ah well, I tried''

Tails threw off his protective goggles and grabbed the machine. Suddenly, sparks began to emit from the machine. Tails tried to let go, but his hands were fused to the device. All of a sudden, there was a loud bang and Tails was thrown across the lab. He crashed into a lab table full of empty beakers and crashed to the floor, lab equipment falling on top of him. For a while, Tails lay motionless. But then, he made a grab for the top of the table and used it to haul himself up from the floor. Once he was upright, Tails opened his eyes. He made his way to a small mirror attached to the wall to inspect himself for any injuries. His lab coat was in tatters and there was a small streak of blood emitting from the side of his mouth. But what stunned him the most was his eyes.

Instead of their natural blue, they were now a dull red and for some reason they were set in a deep scowl that he couldn't remove. The blast must have done something to his pigment colour, he concluded. It wasn't such a big deal, he would just have to wear dark glasses from now on. The scowl worried him more, but he quickly concluded that his forehead must have taken a blow from when he had hit the floor, and would relax itself given time.

After a few seconds more looking at himself in the mirror, he looked around the lab. His eyes focused on the machine sitting in its usual place on the work table, and it was at that moment that something snapped in Tails's mind. All of a sudden he started laughing softly, sinisterly and his red eyes glowed brighter. He walked up to the machine and grabbed it with both hands before lifting it gently up from the table. He stared at it with a deep lustfullness in his now dull red eyes.

''And to think I was going to chuck you out! You have given me the greatest idea I have ever had, my precious machine! That blast has knocked in some home truths. I may be having a breakdown due to that blast, but never the less I'm smart. No, I'm a genius! You've helped me realise something. For too long now my intelligence has been pushed aside by that blue rodent upstairs! If it weren't for him I would be the hero of this town! He wouldn't have been able to defeat Eggman all those times if it hadn't had been for my superior knowledge and my inventions! But do I get any of the glory? No! Why? Because of that hedgehog thats why! Well, thats all about to change!''

Still clutching the machine, Tails walked up to another work top and grabbed several pages of notes. Pawing over them, Tails smirked as an idea came into his head.

''With a few alterations, I can use this machine to extract every scrap of knowledge from this pitiful town with them being non the wiser, then I'll be the most intelligent person in all of Station Square! But why stop there? If I can mass produce this machine, I can extract every bit of knowledge from this entire country! I'd be a god!''

Laughing hysterically, Tails suddenly noticed a framed photo of him and Sonic and Chris's grandad he had hung up on the wall. Tails stopped laughing, and growled in rage. Putting the machine back onto the work top gently he walked upto the photo and jabbed at it with his finger, his permanent scowl deepening further.

''So, my machine raises too many questions does it Mr Thorndike? Well, we'll soon see about that! And as for you Sonic, why hasn't anybody ever put you in your place?''. Raising his fist, Tails smashed the photo and let it fall to the ground with a crash. He laughed once again, and thrust out his arms.

''From this moment on, there's going to be a new face in this town! Mine!''