Hey yall! Joe Stalin here with a final word on his debut Tails-gone-bad epic! Please could people review the final chapter, as I want to know how people like the ending, and whether they liked Shadow Fox himself. Thanks!

Shadow Fox


In his lab, Eggman stooped over the work table. On it lay the final blue print for his greatest creation ever! His plan was the most extreme he had ever had, and he couldn't see how it could possibly fail.

It had been over a fortnight since the Prower Tech complex had gone up in flames, leaving Eggman and his lackies bruised and battered, but not beaten. And now Eggman had a plan that was soon to bring Sonic and the whole of Station Square to their knees, and would see the resurrection of someone who even Eggman admired.

As he made the finishing touches to the blue print, Eggman smiled and laughed.

''Oh Tails! You have no idea what I'm planning to do to you! And once I've succeeded, nothing in the world will be able to stop...us!''



As you may have gathered from the end of Chapter 6 and now the Epilogue, this isn't the last you have seen of Shadow Fox. My plan is to bring him back at his most evil and insane! But, you'll just have to wait!

Please review my story, that is if you want me to review your Tails orientated stories!