Author: Werecat99

Feedback: [email protected]

Disclaimer: The Diablo world belongs to BLIZZARD. Aurion is a character I created based on the Diablo II computer RPG and I'm making no money of him.

Note: The title comes from a favorite TV show of mine, Babylon 5.


"I was old when time was young.

I walked the Earth with the Elder Ones.

I played with Life and Death

And all that lies between them.

When I died, my body was cut.

The pieces were baptized in blood

And embalmed with spit and bile.

I was buried in the egg of the White Worm

And after three nights I rose.

And now I walk again upon the Earth,

And the Elder Spirits weep.

Heaven and Hell, hear my cry!

I'll summon the Sea to Flood Hell

And I'll summon the Sun to burn down Heaven!"

From the "Book of the Dead Gods".