Kakurenbou– The Game of Hide-And-Seek

When Hiro goes to sleep that night he is trembling with fear. What if I dream about what I saw? It is definitely the last thing he wants to do, and so he decides to stay awake all night. If he can just managed to get through the first night the threat will be gone.

But staying awake is more difficult than he could have ever imagined. After only an hour his eyelids are beginning to fall shut as if someone has put a weight on them.

It seems impossible to evade sleep, but Hiro tries, oh how he tries...

- Hiroooo... oh, Hirooo...

He recognizes the voice immediately, but he does not want to believe that it's true. Shuichi – here?

He swirls around, trying to make out where the voice is coming from.

- Hirooo... come play hide and seek with me...

Oh, I do NOT like this – at all!

Something tells him that go looking for Shuichi is the worst thing he can do at the moment, but his legs starts to move anyway. He can't control his own body.

- No! (desperately trying to break free of the spell)

- Hiro, where are you? What's taking you so long?

- No, I don't want to do this! I don't want to play this game!

Suddenly someone grabs his shoulder from behind and forces him to turn around.

- Oh, I think you will just have to, dear. (scary, erotic smile)

It is Shuichi – and he is completely, stark naked! But that's not all...

Shuichi makes a suggestive move towards Hiro.

- Oops, look like I found you... Well, then I guess we'll just have to move on to the second stage of this game... tut-tut-tut...

- No! (shaking feverishly) I don't want to! I'm going home now, I'm going—

- No, you're not, you're staying here with me 'cos I need someone to warm me. See, I'm freezing. (indicates goosebumps)

- Nooooo! (looks away) Stop that! We're friends! Friends! You can't do this, think of the band! Think of Fujisaki! What will Fujisaki say if you seduce me?

- He he he... (twirling a strand of Hiro's hair around his finger) He'd be sooo proud of me for finally bedding you, Hiro-tan. Now come to bed with me.

A bed appears out of thin air. Hiro stares at it with dread.

- Can't we just agree on being friends? (pitiful peep)

- Nope. I want your ass. (grabbing)

- Nooooo! Yuki! Think of Yuki! Yuki-san will ha-ha-hate you for doing this! Yes, he'll give you a hard time, he'll lock you out of the house again, he'll even take back his key!

Shuichi frowns in lack of understanding.

- Who's Yuki?


A/N: Arga tomtar! Hahahaha... Sorry, that was an inside joke between a friend of mine and me... hrm. Yaaay! I finally updated it! I am so, so happy that you all encouraged me into updating right now! All of you who read and reviewed Stuff to do - thank you so much! This chapter is written entirely for you (and I love it, I love it, I love it!). It actually turned out better than I anticipated. I am definitely continuing on this story! From now on I will strain my mind to come up with more funny situations between Hiro and Shuichi - real and imagined. :) So keep reading and keep reviewing, every opinion is warmly welcomed.

By the way... "Arga tomtar" is Swedish and it means "Angry Santas", if any of you were wondering... (ha ha ha ha ha)