Green Eyed Shadows

The Magical World

Notice: you don't really need to read this chapter unless you want to.

The truth is, we know very little about the magical world. Oh sure, there's J.K. Rowling, whom most would say knows all there is to know about it, but the truth is that there are many mysteries us muggles cannot comprehend. We know about their government, their schooling, their entertainment… The list goes on and on. But still, there are things we may never realize that is involved.

This would be the perfect time for me to unleash my wisdom and speak of all those things, but I'm not that smart. In fact, even the smartest witches and wizards may not even know the answers we non-magic folk seek. So I'll move on to a different topic that this story is taken place in.

Blood. Pureblood, half-blood, mudblood—three completely different things, yet all very much the same. I'm sure all of you understand the blood concepts. Pureblood is when you are a descendant from an all-magical line. Half-bloods are those who have one magical parent and one non-magical parent; it's also when one of your parents is of non-magic descent, but is magic and the other is a pureblood. And mudbloods—more politely referred to as "from a non-magic family" or "new bloods", which are thought to be common animals by many pureblood families. Now, there is something missing here. Does anyone know what it is? Squibs! Correct! You may pass go—collect $200. Live happily ever after until of course some Death Eater shows up at your house and murders you. After that you can leave me that $200 in your will—it was I that gave it to you after all. Ok, sorry. Back to the point now. Squibs are people with magical parents but who have no magic in them at all. Can't even manage to levitate a feather. There are only two squibs mentioned in the very popular Harry Potter books, so I hope you paid close attention because one will be mentioned in this story. And those are the blood types of the magical community. There are also things such as vampires and werewolves, who become half-bloods of a different sort but we'll touch in on them later.

Anyway, during this time a big war has sprouted out causing major disruptions in the mixing of bloods. People are scared of the purebloods because they'll be big supporters of this new movement right? And half-bloods—you never knew where their loyalties lied. Then there was the "new bloods" who you didn't want to get to close to if you didn't want to risk your life and your family's lives. Squibs, well nobody really hung around them anyway. They had the choice to go to Hogwarts but most refused, choosing to live their lives as regular muggles.

Which brings me to Hogwarts. One of the best magical schools in the world. Sure, it may not be as sophisticated as Beuxbatons in France or have as grand of grounds as Durmstrang in Bulgaria, but the education you received place you far above the other schools. With a headmaster like Albus Dumbledoore, you could be sure to expect the truth and be kept safe—from the outside world anyway. The four feuding houses often pranked each other and were rivals throughout the year fighting for both the Quidditch Cup and the most points for their house. Three of the houses tended to survive in an easy harmony: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. All of them pretty much kept to themselves and though they weren't the best of friends, they saw each other on common ground. Then there were the Slytherines. Even back to the times of the founders Slytherine was always the odd one out. A secret chamber was created for his classes when the other founders refused to teach only purebloods.

So you see, this blood business has been going on for thousands of years. It's not a new concept. People fail to realize that even if you aren't of magical decent, your powers can be astronomical. This you will realize once you read this story. So onward—to a tale of an interesting school year. This isn't really a love/hate story, rather a self discovery one—for many different characters.

Author's Note:Hey everyone. This is my first fic on my own, but I'm writing one with my best friend Annie that's a Draco/Ginny. please review, if you get down this far. this chapter didn't really mean anything so w/e. thanks a lot. Peace.