A bewitched day by Sue the lunatic

A/N: Okay this story is pure craziness and is settled somewhere before the opening of the Dragonfly. Rory is not together with Logan and Luke and Lorelai are still ‚friends'. I hope I got all things right and I want to apologize for my mistakes because this is not beta readed, if you want to be my beta reader, send me a mail I would be pleased. And please review and tell me what you think.

Lorelai laid in her bed and rolled around sleeplessly. It was cold and of course the heating was broken again. She would have to ask Luke to repair it.. again.

She groaned, not wanting to think about all these stuff she still had to take care of and stood up. She walked up to the window and opened it. The sky was starlit and the breath which left her mouth formed little white clouds. Stars Hollow laid underneath a thick white blanket and everything was so quiet, so peaceful.

She sighed and took a deep breath of crystal clear night air. In fact nothing was quiet and peaceful for her. The Dragonfly was pure stress, her relationship with Luke grew more and more complicated and confusing and Rory spent all of her time at Yale, studying like a lunatic. It seemed to her that at night was the only time for her to recover, to really breathe and think.

She looked up and saw a single shooting star and took a deep breath. And without hesitation she spoke out her wish and crossed her fingers. She was old enough to know that her wish would never come true.. but it was nice nevertheless. Just thinking about her wish lightened up her mood, too sad it would never come true.

She shivered and rubbed her arms and when she took a look at her watch she realized it was time to sleep. Sighing she closed the window again and slipped underneath the blanket, trying to warm up her cold body. And at some point she felt into deep comfortable sleep.

"Mom.. Mom wake up.. you'll be late", a voice woke her up.

She shook her head and rolled around. "Too early.. ", she whined but the somebody was unyielding and kept on shaking her softly.

"Come on.. Rory is already up and Dad, too. Come on.. Sookie is waiting for you. She says that a bus full of people arrived at the Dragonfly and she needs your help".

Lorelai groaned and rubbed her eyes. What the hell was Rory talking about? She grabbed the pillow and covered her ears. "Leave me alone Rory.. when did you start talking in the third person by the way? And to be honest I don't give a damn about your father being up", she muttered.

Rory didn't responded so she sat up. "And what the hells is a bus full of people doing at my lovely but fallen apart hotel?" She asked but when she looked up she was alone. Confused she rubbed her eyes and stood up. Downstairs she heard several voices and steps wandering up and down.

When she came down a little boy, maybe six or seven passed her and ran to the door. On his back a school rucksack. She stared at him in total confusion. When he noticed her, he rushed back to her side and grabbed her arm to pull her down. Not able to do anything she let him and he kissed her quickly on the cheek.

"Bye Mom.. see you later", he yelled and then he left the house.

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes again. What the hell was wrong with her? She needed caffeine badly, now.. immediately. She knew that a lack of caffeine made her feel bad but she hadn't known that it also caused her to hallucinate. Maybe she should listen to Luke, it seemed to her that coffee was more dangerous than she had thought. She took a deep breath and entered the kitchen, afraid of what would await her.

But then she recognized Rory who stood with the back to her. "Rory.. Honey.. I'm so glad to see you", she stuttered and let herself fall on a chair. After a few seconds, she looked up confused. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Yale?"

Rory turned around and her mouth fell open. In pure shock she looked at her nineteen (or how old is Rory at that moment?) years old daughter who all of sudden looked like 24 or 25. But what shocked her even more, what knocked the breath out of her was Rory's belly.

Her little girl was pregnant. Rory looked at her mother and smiled. "Good morning Mom.. I'm so sorry I sent Toby to wake you up but it begins to get harder and harder to walk stairs", she said and pointed at her stomach.

Then she saw face of her mother and stepped closer. "Are you okay Mom? You look like you've seen a ghost", she said and grinned.

Lorelai realized that she was dreaming, so she began to pinch herself to wake up. Wow, what a crazy dream, so real. Rory watched her and began to worry.

"Mom? Are you okay… you're deathly white. Are you sick? I could call Dad, if you want too", she said.

Her mother stared at her. "Dad.. why? Why the hell would you call your Dad? I don't think he cares and I really don't think that Sherry does", she stuttered. There she was .. her Rory. She looked like Rory, she spoke like her but what she said made absolutely no sense.

"Sherry? What has Sherry to do with that? Her and Christopher are in Egypt and I would never think of calling them. Dad's already at work but I can call him if you want", she answered, watching her mother worried whose eyes became even wider.

Lorelai kept on starring and Rory realized. "Oh of course. I forgot you had no coffee. I mean.. I love coffee as much as you but I think Dad has a point telling us that it will kill us at some point. You have to admit it has side effects like our Gilmore minds are not working without caffeine."

She kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry, I would love to bring you some coffee but I have to go. David is waiting for me, we want to go shopping.. baby stuff", she said and her eyes began to shine.

"David..?" Rory shook her head and grinned. "Mom.. the lack of caffeine blew your mind empty, didn't it? David.. my husband, the father of my unborn child", she said.

Then she took a photo out of her purse. "Your husband, your son and your dog", she stated and laughed. Then she stood up, kissed her once again on the cheek and left the house still giggling.

Lorelai stared at the photo with wide open eyes. She couldn't believe what she saw. There was this little boy she had seen earlier, playing with a dog, probably a Golden Retriever. And then there was a man, with a flannel shirt, a backwards baseball cap and a wide grin on his face. And this man was no other than Luke in person.

A/N: Ahh now how crazy is that? What will happen now, will she finally wake up or will she experience even more? If you want to find out please review!