Ah yes, another story started! Note that this is an unbetaed story so excuse my mistakes.. or better yet, feel free to point out any mistakes on my part. I don't exactly know if I got a lot of the information correct on these certain characters. I wanted so badly to read stories on my favorite pairings but two of them are rare so there are few stories out there on them... thus I decided to write my own !

Pairings: Sasunaru; Kakairu; GaaraLee; ShikamaruNeji; KibaShino... and um.. yea. I'm sure you've gathered from this that this yaoi so if you hate then don't read. might have some sakura bashing (because I HATE her) but we'll have to wait and see.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto; any of its characters/locations

Warning: Yaoi, OOC, language?

It was such a perfect day to laze around. The evening was not too hot nor was it too cold. The warm sunlight had never looked so cheerful then it did today with white fluffy clouds dancing through. Brilliant orange and reds spanned the sky dragging in the dark blues of the night. Birds chirped cheerfully blending perfectly with the dull hum of village life within the downtown districts. Of course out in the field, not even the loudest most obnoxious shin obi could disturb Nara Shikamaru's nap/cloud gazing. With hands tucked carefully behind a brunette pony-tailed head to ward off pins and needles later on, this particular ANBU felt he was finally getting the rest and peace he deserved… and yet something lurked within his mind refusing to let him obtain the rest he so desperately craved. Shikamaru frowned almost lazily finally letting his mind wander in exasperation.

Had it truly been only a week since Naruto's disappearance? And why wasn't the village worrying more? Naruto was an elite member of the ANBU and in line for the Hokage title… and yet just like that, he vanished. Without a trace. Something bothered Shikamaru though. It tickled the edge of his conscious teasing him with momentary brushes of understanding just to slip from his grasp before he could truly understand. And what the hell was up with the search party? Only a team of ANBU had been dispatched and even then everything had been hushed up. Shikamaru only knew this because he had lead that particular team of ANBU. Nothing added up when a person considered the situation.

Naruto had been seen earlier that same day he disappeared. In fact, he had been leeching ramen off of Shikamaru and Choji before going home for 'training materials' to train with Jaraiya-sama. He never showed up to the training. Upon investigation after his disappearance, his home showed no sign of having been broken into. Even the windows had been clean of fingerprints. It would have lead one to consider the possibility that Naruto had ran away… but he was so close to achieving his dream… not to mention the fact that nothing had been taken.

It bugged Shikamaru because it didn't make sense. Naruto disappearing like that without letting anyone know… he hadn't even left a god-damned letter for Tsunade-sama! The only reason why they had managed to conclude that it had been a kidnapping was with Kakashi-sama's sharingan and Iruka-sensei's knowledge of Naruto's habits. Even then it had been hard to come to-

"Shikamaru." A deep yet deceptively soft voice broke through Shikamaru's contemplations and self-frustrations. A grunt was his reply. "May I join you?" Another grunt. The loud rustle of fabric cut through the calm afternoon air like an assassination's knife would through some one's throat. There was a shift in the winds and suddenly Shikamaru was hit with a scent that was purely all… Neji. "Naruto?" Another lazy grunt. Neji sighed and Shikamaru rolled his head around to face the other ANBU. "Have they found anything else… perhaps a suspect?" A negative shake of the head. "But you're worried, huh?"


"The kazekage is here."

"Sabaku no Gaara?" Things must be getting serious if they called Gaara from all the way in Sand.

"Tsunade-sama was hoping that maybe Naruto would be in Sand. Or maybe Gaara-san would know where he is." Neji replied casually. Shikamaru quirked an eyebrow lazily at the other shin obi. "That is why Gaara is here… to help." The black haired ANBU fell silent. Shikamaru eyed his companion for a few seconds more before turning back to stare at the drifting white puffs above. Troublesome. This whole situation reeked of… of…. The name hovered at the edge of his conscience and tickled the tip of his tongue. "Uchiha." Neji suddenly commented. "Who knows… maybe Uchiha came back and snatched Naruto away." Neji said dryly with a hint of wary humor. Shikamaru shot up with a curse.

"Fuck. It's so obvious that one wouldn't see it at all." He grabbed Neji's hand and dragged the other teenager up with him. "Come on! We have to see Hokage-sama!"

In another part of town, a tall individual dressed in a deep forest green jump suit narrowed his brown eyes thoughtfully. After roughly seven years, Rock Lee still sported the bowl cup hair cut and dark green jumpsuit. He wasn't an ANBU like everyone else he knew. Instead, Lee had chosen to remain Jounin not even bothering to try for the next level. But that didn't mean he didn't do A-Level missions along with ANBU members. For example… his brow furrowed in thought. "Naruto…" He found himself whispering.

"LEE! Get in here!" Lee mentally winced. That loud booming voice could only belong to…

"Hokage-sama?" He timidly offered stepping into her office and toeing the door shut behind him. That'll teach him to watch himself whenever passing the door of Tsunade-sama. She sat behind her desk stress lines visible around her lips and eyes. For once the Hokage-sama looked her age. Seated in front of her in a chair was an even taller red head. An enormous gourd perched next to his seat. Fabric rustled softly and bright green eyes seared into dark brown. For some unknown reason, Lee found himself flushing a slight red. The last time he'd seen the current kazekage had been during the Jounin exam a year ago. Sabaku no Gaara had changed. Nothing too obvious but to those that knew him… Gaara now gave off confidence in everything he did; talking, walking, and interacting. He still had the tattoo above his left eye but his bright red hair had been neatly combed to emphasize the word forever imprinted there. Gaara had also grown. He now stood taller then even Lee himself probably surpassing everyone Lee knew… considering Lee was taller then everyone. And for some reason… Gaara really made Lee nervous. Like right now with that knowing smirk lurking just beneath the kazekage's mask of indifference.

The tired sigh of the Hokage drew his mind away from its contemplations of the red haired teen. "Would it be an inconvenience for Gaara to room with you during his stay?"

"No, it should be fine, Hokage-sama." Lee instantly replied. "If I may ask-" WHAM! The door burst open and rebounded off the wall almost smashing in Hyuuga's face if it weren't for Shikamaru's none too gentle tug. The two tumbled into the room with Neji sprawling across Shikamaru's back from the force of the tug. Shikamaru braced himself and saluted the Hokage.

"Tsunade-sama! It was Uchiha-


"No! Sasuke!"

"Sasuke? He hasn't been around for six-seven years."

"That's not true! I mean, yes technically it is true! But in a sense it isn't!" Shikamaru paused realizing that he had confused his audience. The Hokage leaned back in her chair and gestured for him to pause. Shikamaru took this time gather his thoughts. POP. Smoke curled around their feet as Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka appeared in the room. Everyone settled down and Tsunade-sama gestured for him to continue. Shikamaru took a deep breath. "Naruto once asked me roughly six years ago about dreams. I waved it off as nothing but I noticed that he grew happier after that. There were also other occurrences that I waved off as him simply being himself. Sometimes in conversations, he would slip and say something. 'But Sasuke said-', or 'he would never'. Just saying things like that. Mentioning then shutting up when he realized that he had said Sasuke's name." Everyone blinked at Shikamaru.

"Dreams? Connected by dreams?" The Hokage rested a hand on her chin thoughtfully and crossed her legs. "Possible. Rare but possible."

"So… you're saying that Naruto and Sasuke have been talking to each other in dreams for six years?" Lee looked lost at the concept.

"That does put more reasoning behind Naruto's disappearance though it's a bit of a stretch." Kakashi said thoughtfully. Iruka blinked again then in rapid succession as if about to faint. Of everyone, Iruka had taken Naruto's disappearance the hardest. He had been the one to notice the energetic blond boy's disappearance. Tsunade uncrossed her legs and leant forward resting her chin on folded hands.

"Hm… its possible. Kakashi… Iruka. What were the two's relationship?"

"Uh.. Rivals?" Kakashi put in tentatively. Iruka remained silent analyzing Naruto's behavior before contemplating Sasuke's.

"I.. I don't know if it matters but…a few nights before Naruto dis.. Disappeared, he spent the night at my house. I woke up to him screaming and I thought he was only dreaming but.. He.. He was yelling as if debating. Something about baby… continuing on the bloodline. H-how it would never happen unless… unless the 'bastard had the courage to come down and kidnap' him. But I didn't really…"

"One of Sasuke's goals was to restore his clan. But-" Kakashi's thoughtful contemplations were abruptly cut off by Tsunade's rapid fire cursing.

"Everyone! OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW!" Surprised everyone actually followed her orders without question. "Be back here at five in the morning! Sharp or else!" She shouted after them. Shikamaru was shaking his head.

"Maa… so troublesome." He muttered tucking his hands into his pockets.

"He wants to impregnate Naruto?" Neji mumbled in a hushed voice walking beside Shikamaru.

Lee blinked. "Is.. Is that possible?" He asked delicately.

Gaara had strapped his gourd on his back and found himself pacing with the other boys. "Yes it is. With Naruto's sexy-no-jutsu and the boost from the kyuubi it's possible." Lee looked as if someone had smashed a pot into the back of his head. Then he looked down at himself and delicately touched his stomach. He visibly shuddered.

"Creepy." He ended up muttering. Green eyes pinned him. "Are you against male pregnancies?" Gaara demanded harshly.

"No. I… I've just never heard of it happening before." Was Lee's shaky reply. Gaara gently rested a hand on his shoulder as if to comfort and leant in close to whisper something to the smaller boy. Shikamaru caught the gesture and quirked an eyebrow at the red head. His reply was a smug smirk. Shikamaru shook his head feeling tired. This was waaay too much for him to handle in one day. What he needed was a long rest. A vacation. Yes, a vacation would be nice. Some where far away where the word shin obi didn't exist or was unknown. Where he could just lay down and stare at the clouds without any interruptions.



"W-would you mind if I stay over at your house tonight?"

"Eh?" I pried an eye open halfway to peer at the usually stoic boy.

"The Hyuuga House is hosting the family gathering this year and…" He trailed off cheeks tinting pink almost reluctantly.

Shikamaru took in the dark gray kimono with silver swirls and the long black hair rolled neatly into a bun. "Eh, sure." He replied with a careless shrug. Neji sighed in relief thought it was only done mentally. He nodded good bye to Lee and Gaara though the two seemed a bit preoccupied.

Lee was feeling a bit… overwhelmed. Gaara was standing a bit too close with his scent of deserts and amazingly lime. Lee wanted to lean in and take a deep breath of that tantalizing scent but instead found himself flushing wildly hoping against hope that Gaara would back up a little. And that hand on his shoulder… Lee suppressed a shudder and hastily stepped back. "U-uh.. Let's go." He stuttered looking any where but at Gaara. Instead he focused on Shikamaru and Neji's back as they shuffled ahead also heading home.

"Tell me a little of Naruto's disappearance would you? The Hokage didn't have time to fill me in." Gaara's eyes narrowed as he watched Lee lick and bite his lips while thinking. Heat spiraled down to pool in his neither regions.

"Truthfully, I myself don't know much. They're making a big effort to keep Naruto's disappearance quiet." Lee replied. "Never figured it had anything to do with Sasuke." He muttered almost as an after thought. It almost startled him to hear a lowered voice ahead. He watched as Neji leaned closer to Shikamaru to catch what the lazy ANBU was saying. There was a barely visible nod and the smaller shin obi. In the blink of an eye, the two vanished. Lee had stopped walking without even realizing so. It wasn't until the red head beside him gently prodded his side that he snapped back to attention with his trademark grin in place.

"Shall we proceed?" Gaara suggested. Lee's grin turned sheepish.

"Uh yeah. Sorry. This way." Lee shuffled forward lost in thought. Gaara observed the smaller boy with a barely perceptible smile. Taking a chance, he hesitantly reached out and gently settled a pale hand on a green shoulder. Unknown to the youngster in green, he shifted just so that the warm hand on his shoulder settled more comfortably within the dip where his neck met shoulder. The barely perceptible smile bloomed into a full blown grin softening the expressionless mask the kazekage often wore. Of course in the dark, Lee never noticed as he lead them both home.

One Week Before

Uzumaki Naruto was hungry.

Uzumaki Naruto had no money.

Uzumaki Naruto found his two good friends, Choji and Shikamaru coming down the streets towards him. With a large vulpine grin, Naruto went bounding off towards his two current best friends in the world. "HELLO Shikamaru! HELLO Choji!" The two froze in their tracks blinking like ninjas being told they were the tooth fairy or something. Naruto mentally laughed the thought. He slung an arm over each shoulder vulpine grin still in place.

An hour later Naruto gave a satisfied burp and patted his softly rounded stomach. Shikamaru looked like he wanted to complain and whine.. But at the same time, deemed it too troublesome to do so. Naruto merely waved and shot off towards home now a few minutes late to his meeting with Ero-Sennin. Even after so many years had passed, Naruto still lived in the same apartment he had had as a genin. Though after growing up with Iruka-sensei acting as a 'parent' of sorts, Naruto had become cleaner in regards to his house. It was mostly empty yet comforting at the same time. Random posters littered the wall including that funky ramen one hanging next to his small twin sized bed. With a muttered, "I'm home," to an empty room, Naruto toed of his shoes and shuffled to the kitchen to check his food supply. The reason why he often found himself eating so much before training and after training is quite simple, energy. He often burned off any energy obtained before hand and needed to obtain more energy after training. Sadly, his food supply needed major replenishing as well.

"Great." Naruto muttered shoving empty boxes and overdue cans aside. Something sparkled at him from behind all those uselessly overdue food. It was… it was… the short blond squinted, it was… "YAAAH! RAAAAMEN!" He cried diving into the cupboard for the sparkling cupped package. To his intense pleasure, two more packages were revealed after he had pulled out the first. He did a little dance in happiness.

"Only you would dance over ramen, dobe." Came a quiet voice from the entrance to the kitchen. Naruto's head shot up and he froze. For a second his heart stopped as bright blue eyes caught liquid black. The moment was suddenly broken and Naruto stumbled back a step. After almost seven years, SEVEN GOD DAMN FREAKING YEARS, the bastard DARED come back! "SASUKEEEE!" He screamed suddenly launching himself at the taller boy. "TEME!" Sasuke ducked but not fast enough as Naruto's punch just about clipped the side of his chin sending him sliding back. He scowled at the smaller boy. Naruto stood braced with hands clutched into tight little fists on his side. "What are you doing here, bastard!"

Sasuke smirked leering openly at the blond haired blue eyed kistune. "You know why I'm here." Naruto faltered. Then scoffed to cover his slip.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

His smirk merely widened. "I distinctively remember you saying that I can't impregnate you unless I had the courage to come and kidnap you."

Naruto instantly flushed and started to sputter. "W-what… Sasuke-teme! I-I said no…" Naruto suddenly screamed and took off. Black eyes narrowed and in the blink of an eye he had an arm wrapped around the struggling smaller boy's waist. "I-I'M NOT HAVING YOUR BABIES YOU BASTARD!" He screamed.

"Ah, you see, that's where you're wrong." There was a dull thunk. Pain shot up the back of Naruto's head and his vision began to swim. The last thing he thought he felt was gentle cool hands running through his hair and then darkness swiftly took him.

Sasuke couldn't believe his luck. It had been ridiculously to sneak into the village and into Naruto's room. Of course it wasn't as if many could recognize him anyway. A lot had changed in six-seven years. He stood well over six foot; slender with chakra just humming beneath the skin. What was once raven black hair now had fat silver streaks running through. His pale complexion had settled into an almost creamy smooth look. He had no forehead protector of any kind claiming no village after killing Itachi and Orochimaru. Though he had taken over Sound. But Sasuke found that after his brother's death along with snake-face, he now only had one goal to accomplish. Restore the Uchiha clan. Of course the thought of females disgusted him and when considering children of any kind, the only mother he could image them coming from was one loud mouth blond dobe. He smirked adjusting the wrapped body slung over his shoulder.

To his pleasure, Naruto had also changed during his time away. No longer scrawny, the short blond had filled up though he was still slender compared to most. Unfortunately for Naruto, Sasuke was still taller. His blond hair gleamed instead of looking limp and oily and his blue eyes were even brighter then before. To Sasuke's horror, Naruto still sported the same loud orange jumpsuit he had worn as a genin.

It had started roughly a month after their fight in the Valley of the End. He had dreamed of Naruto. Not so special of left just at that, but it was. Every night afterwards he had dreamed of the younger boy. And Naruto too had dreamed of him. They had met, fought, argued, and finally came to forgiving each other. Oddly it wasn't until a year later that they had both admitted to each other that it was by no means a normal dream considering every night for that whole year that had dreamed of nothing but each other And in that way, life went on. They encouraged each other, talked, asked for advice and supported the other when it was needed. And thus, six years passed on with neither having seen each other but in dreams.

It wasn't until Itachi's defeat a year ago that Sasuke had seriously began considering starting up his clan again. And it wasn't until two months ago that he had dragged up the courage to approach Naruto about it. To his surprise and delight, although the boy had outright told him no, Naruto continued to hedge and yell at him whenever he kept bringing it up. His smirk grew when he remembered the exact moment Naruto had given in.

"Naruto. You will have my babies and help me restore my clan."

"The hell I will, you bastard! When I have your babies is when… when… Lee and Gaara gets married!"

"Dobe, that'll never happen."

"Exactly! HA! Too bad for you, Sasuke-teme! As if you would come here anyway!"

"Is that a challenge, Urusatonkachi?"

"Che. Whatever, bastard. I'm leaving. I'm not talking to you any more, and just in case you haven't heard me the last million times, boys can't have babies, Sasuke!"

"Would you like me to prove that, Naru-chan?"

"YAAaaahhh! DON'T CALL ME THAT BASTARD! You want me to kick your ass!"

"What's wrong, Naru-chan?"

"AAARGH!………………………...Let me go, TEME!"

"I advise you to watch your back, Naru-chan. I just might be around the corner."

"Let. Me. Go!……..eeeeeeeeeeh! Stop! Why are you so-mmmmph!"


"……………………………... Mmmmph-haa, haa, haa. T-Teme. What was that for!"

"That, Naru-chan, is what I'm going to do to you as soon as I get my hands on you."

"HA! I'd like to see you try! Short of being kidnapped, there is no way I'm going to give you babies!"

"Oh? I'll hold you to that then."

"Yea- wait, what? Hold me to what? Sasukeeeeeeeeee, come back here!"

Sasuke fondly patted the blondes bottom giving in to the urge to fondle it a little. Oh yes, he couldn't wait to get started. All he had to do was return to his home and get the dobe ready to carry a baby. He already had everything prepared. Naruto didn't even have to use his sexy no jutsu.

"Don't worry, Naruto. I'll very gentle." He murmured giving Naruto's bottom one last pat. He hefted the blond up a little into a more comfortable position. Sasuke then brought a hand around Naruto's waist and quickly made some seals. A second later, a brown haired chuunin with a scar across his nose stared in confusion standing in the exact spot Sasuke had just been. He could have sworn he'd felt Naruto's chakra here. And.. There was another chakra as well though he didn't recognize it.

"Iruka-sensei?" He gave a start and swung around. The Jounin standing a few paces away smiled the one visible eye turning into an upside down U.

"Kakashi-sensei. Can I help you?"

"Aa. Hokage-sama wants to see you." The copy-nin replied still beaming.

"T-thank you. I'll be there immediately." There was a soft poof before Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Iruka stood there for a few more seconds then with a confused scratch of his head, he too vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Present Time

Inuzuka Kiba was worried. To the point where if some one were to ask, he'd even admit it. And he knew he wasn't the only one. Something was going on and he knew there were people that knew what it was too. He decided that Hokage-sama, Shikamaru, Neji, Sakura, and even Lee were in on it. It wasn't until he caught sight of Gaara in town that he realized with a start that it involved Naruto. And that's when he remembered that Naruto hadn't been around the past few days. He had a sneaking suspicion that something had happened to Naruto… but no one was going to say anything…..


"Eh? Shino? What are you doing out so late?" Akamaru yipped happily when the tall boy stepped out from the shadows.

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Naruto has been kidnapped." Kiba froze unintentionally gripping Akamaru tighter. "What?" He breathed in disbelief.

"Hokage-sama thinks Uchiha did it." Shino replied softly.

"Sasuke!" Kiba sputtered. "But how? And why?" Shino shrugged walking past Kiba to head for home. Kiba didn't bother to stop the other shin obi. This was something he had to think about. And maybe… maybe tomorrow morning he would have a little chat with Shikamaru… or maybe even Neji because Lee looked a bit clueless. He stared at where Lee and Gaara had disappeared from sight. Akamaru gave a soft yet sharp bark reminding Kiba of why he was currently outside in the now deserted streets.

"I didn't forget you." He crooned to his partner and long time friend. The small white dog yipped and wagged its shaggy tail. Kiba grinned trying to put his worries aside for at least this moment.

Iruka waited until the boy and his dog had disappeared from sight before leaping down from the roof of a small shop Kiba had been standing in front of. There was a slight swirl of wind and another person appeared. "Keeping an eye on them?" The copy-nin inquired. Iruka sighed rubbing a hand tiredly over the scar bridging his nose. Moonlight lit up the night bathing the two in a soft silver glow. The white haired older man came up to the younger and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll find him."

Worried brown eyes lifted to meet one similar colored eye. "What do you think Sasuke is going to do with Naruto if it really is Sasuke that took him?" Kakashi shrugged keeping his hand on the chuunin's shoulder.

"Who knows? Sasuke is too unstable to second guess him, but we'll find them."

Iruka sighed before dragging up the corner of his lips in a thankful smile. Kakashi was right, they'll just have to wait until they found Naruto and Sasuke. Until then…. Iruka smirked sneaking a peak at the other man. "Would you like to stop by for some tea, Kakashi-sensei?" The single eye blinked at him, then arched up as Kakashi smiled.

"That would be great, Iruka-sensei." Iruka smiled in return and they both turned to head towards the younger man's house. Tonight, there was nothing else they could do… but tomorrow, yes tomorrow was the start of a new day bringing a whole new set of options.


Yay! first chapter done. please have patience for the next chapter since I want to really REALLY try for longer chapters. Thank you and do remember to REVIEW ! Don't just lurk, REVIEW so that I have incentive to continued!