A/N. Here is my newest story. I hope you all like it. Please read and review it. On with the story.


By Puffin

"Dad….don't…stop!" cried a 16-year-old blonde-haired brown-eyed teenage boy. He was lying on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. He was staring in shock at his own father. The older man had the same blonde hair but had green eyes. He was well built and was right now drunk.

"Shut up you fag. I'll not have a fag for a son." The older Wheeler said. He had beaten his son, Joey, almost to death. Joey's blonde hair was plastered to his head with blood and it was running down the side of his face and from his broken noise. He also had a split lip and a black eye that was starting to swell shut. Both legs where broken from where he was unmercifully hit with a metal bat. Joey's right arm lay limp at his side and he wasn't sure what was wrong with it. 'It must have popped out a shock when he jerked me around.' Joey thought to himself as he used his left hand and arm to sit up. He had other burses all over his body and a huge gash across his chest.

Joey sat there looking wide-eyed at his father when he saw him throw the bat down and pull out his gun. "This is the end of you, you fag." He said as he shot at him. Joey was able to dodge it by turning and twisting his waste to the right. He looked at the chair and started to reach under it to see if there was anything he could use. As he was doing that he had his back to his dad. "You son of a bitch." followed by the sound of a gun shoot. Joey's eyes went wide as he realized his was shot in the back of the head. The over stuffed blood red chair was the last thing Joey saw as everything went black.

When Joey started to wake up he noticed that he was in a different room and was lying in a bed. He also heard voices around him. They sounded like his friends, Kaiba and someone he didn't recognize. "He might end up blind. When the bullet hit, it did some damage to the area of the brain that deals with the eye," the person that Joey didn't recognize but figured was a doctor said. "He'll need someone to help get around until he can on his own." That one sounded like Ryou. That's when Joey decided to let them know he was awake.

As Joey let out a groan, he heard them all stop talking and would have swore that he heard them turn as if to look at him. "Joey…" That time it sounded like Yugi. "Are you ok?" Joey slowly opens his eyes and blinks them a few times before speaking. "Well, and I'm assuming that I'm in a hospital and that there is a doctor in the room, the doctor is right…..I can't see. I'm blind." Joey said as he closed his eyes again. No sence in opening them if he couldn't see, or so he figured.

Joey heard them all gasp and the doctor asked his friends to wait outside. The doctor ran some test and said he was going to talk to his friends and then let them back in.

About thirty minutes later his friends walked back in. "Well, we talked it over and we think that you should stay with Kaiba," Yugi said. Joey could feel him standing next to him and could hear the nervousness in his voice. Joey turned his head towards the voice and made it seem he was looking at Yugi. "Why Kaiba?"

"Well Yami and I will be running the shop while Grandpa is gone on his latest trip to Egypt."

"I can't….well it won't be good to have you there with Bakura," which was followed by a soft "damn it." Then Joey heard Bakura moan in pain and assumed Ryou hurt him somehow.

Duke then said he couldn't because of his business and Tea said she'd be leaving for America soon. Joey knew she was leaving around the middle of the school year so she was out of the question. Tristan was having some family problems so he was also out. Joey let out a sigh and nodded. "It looks like you're it, Kaiba," he said as he heard a grunt. "I'm only doing it because if I don't, Mokuba will nag me to death over it." Joey shortly heard the door open and close. "Going to be so much fun living with moneybags," Joey said sarcastically.

Joey's friends stayed for a few more hours until a nurse came in and shooed them home. "Let Mr. Wheeler have some rest," she said with a kind voice. His friends said their goodbyes and said they will be back as soon as they could tomorrow. Once they were gone, Joey asked the nurse how bad he was. "I tried asking my friends but they wouldn't say, and seeing how I can't see…" he trailed off. The nurse walked over to Joey and took what felt like soft young hands and put them on one of Joey's and moved it to his legs. "Both legs are broken in two places each." She said as she laid his hand on each cast and where the brakes were.

Taking his hand again she moved it away from the cast. "You had a good size gash on your chest. We stitched it close." Joey's fingers brushed over the bandage they put over the stitches. Then moved his hand to the top of his head where he could feel the bandage around his head. "We had to shave your hair to stitch the couple of open wounds we found there." She said as she let go of his hand.

Joey dropped his hand as his head lowered until he heard her start to speak again. "I'm surprised Mr. Kaiba left." Joey's head snapped up. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he was here with you all weekend and wouldn't leave even when school started."

"How long was I out for?"

"Three days. It's Tuesday evening," she said in her soft and gentle voice. Joey sat there in shock that he had been out for so long but was even in bigger shock that Kaiba had stayed with him. Him…Joey Wheeler…the mutt….the third rate duelist….his rival….and Kaiba stayed with him. Mr. Ceo….the original ice prince….stick that was top far up his ass to see, had stayed with him. Joey just couldn't seem to get his mind around that.

"No that's ok," he said when the nurse asked if he need anything. He lay back in his bed and closed his eyes. He was trying to let it all sink in. He fell asleep with a smile on his face knowing that Kaiba had stayed with him and there might be a hope for him yet.

A Week later

Joey hadn't heard from Kaiba but when it was time for him to leave Kaiba was there to pick him up. Once all the paperwork was signed, Joey was wheeled out to the limo. "With you legs broken you'll have to stay downstairs….most of the time. I'll have someone help you up to your room at night and bring back down in the mornings," Kaiba said on the drive to Joey's place. "Thanks, Kaiba," Joey said after few moments of silent.

Kaiba looked across at Joey. He had the seat in front of Kaiba so he could keep his legs straight. Kaiba smiled a small smile knowing he can look at Joey and not have to worry about Joey finding out about it. 'He does look cute and I feel…..no no no. This is the mutt. His not cute and I definitely do not feel sorry for him.' "Whatever." Kaiba said to Joey, looking away.

About thirty minutes later Kaiba saw that they were in the slums. They pulled up to a run down house. The yard was trashed with beer cans and bottles. The grass was yellow and dead or dying. The porch looked old and falling apart with a broken porch swing. The chain on the swing was rusty and old. The house was white with a door in the middle with a window on either side. It was two stories with a window in the middle on the top. There were curtains that looked old and moth-eaten. The paint was dirty and old-looking. Some was pealing off and could use a new coat. The door was a very faded blue, and like the house, was pealing and could use a new coat. 'Or two,' Kaiba thought. "Stay here. I'll be back," he said to Joey, who nodded and handed him a front door key. After Kaiba got out and closed the door, Joey lean against the window. 'I hope dad doesn't come home,' Joey thought.

Kaiba walked into the living room and looked around. The room was small and a mess with more beer cans and bottles. Next to the door, up against the window, was a couch. It was small, old, and worn out. It was a dirty grey color with stains of what looked like blood. The chair that Joey last saw was by the wall across from it. The wall and floor also had blood on them. It looked like no one had even tried to clean the place up. Kaiba narrowed his eyes as fire came to his normal cold blue eyes. 'No one hurts what's mine,' he thought as he headed up the stairs that were at the end of the living room, not realizing what he had just thought.

At the end of the small flight of stairs was a small hallway. The floor was hardwood and in need of a good sweeping and mopping. Joey's door was the first door on the right. It was very neat. Across the door was Joey's bed. It was just a mattress on the floor. The once white sheets were now stained with his blood and some spots looked wetter and darker then other spots. The floor was also hardwood, with dried brown spots that might have been more blood.

Against the wall next to the door was a small dresser. On top were Joey book bag, his text books, and a small framed picture of his sister, Serenity. The wall next to that was the closet. That is where Joey said he had a small duffle bag. Kaiba walked over to it, picked it up, and put Joey's clothes, dueling cards, disk, cds and player in it. He then put Joey's text books and the picture of his sister into his backpack, and walked out of his room. The longer he stayed there, the madder he got.

Kaiba had the duffle back over one shoulder and the book bag over the other and had just stepped off the last step, when he saw the door opening up and Joey's dad walking in. They stayed there looking at each other for a moment before Kaiba just narrowed his eyes and started to walk passed him. Just as he passed him, Mr. Wheeler's hand snaked out and grabbed Kaiba's arm. "You tell my good-for-nothing son that when he's healed to get his lazy ass back here."

"Your son will be staying with me where I know he will be taken care of and not have to worry about a thing," Kaiba said, as he jerked his arm away from the man and walked out, leaving Joey's house key on the floor. Kaiba didn't see Joey ever needing that again.