Disclaimer: In the span of the whole minute between posting the finale and posting this, I miraculously won complete ownership of Squaresoft… not.

The Finale and Epilogue were posted at the same time, so if you jumped right to this chapter, don't forget to read chapter 29 first! The idea for this came while listening to "Into the West" by Annie Lennox, used in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Admittedly, the time frame between the last chapter and the events in this epilogue is questionable.


"Come on! Hurry up!"

The Returners quickened their pace to try to keep up with Relm, but the child had an easier time navigating the thick overgrowth, fallen logs, and low-hanging branches of the forest. At Strago's suggestion, the gang had rushed to Phantom Forest for the chance to see their comrades one last time.

Through the maze of trees, they could see the mystic lake that passing spirits had to cross, and the narrow path finally opened into the clearing. The water and the air itself had an unearthly glimmer, and the opposite shore was bathed in a white glow.

Sabin's eyes alighted on a familiar figure. "Guys…"

The others looked to where the prince pointed. Standing at the water's edge, surrounded by an ethereal radiance, a woman with green hair stared calmly across the lake's mirrored surface.


As if hearing Edgar's whisper, the woman lifted her head and turned. Her face broke into a bright smile at seeing her friends, and she waved to them happily. The warriors chuckled fondly at the child-like quality of the action, then fell into silent awe as a new form came into view, putting her hand on Terra's shoulder. Locke's breath caught in his throat. As the mage looked up at the blonde, Celes turned her gaze to the Returners and raised a hand in greeting.

Celes then caught Terra's eye and nodded towards the lake. The green-haired woman followed the blonde's gesture and saw the ferryman arrive to carry them across. Beyond the boat, on the opposite shore, yet another familiar form stood waiting. Terra waved emphatically, nearly jumping up and down in glee. Leo returned the gesture, and the young woman darted over to the ferry. With a final small wave to the others, Celes slowly turned to follow.

Locke bit his lip, then whispered his goodbye. "I love you."

Celes paused mid-stride and turned her head slightly towards him. A soft smile graced her face as she closed her eyes and bowed her head.

I know.

The gentle echo in the thief's mind managed to soothe his grief as the woman stepped onto the awaiting boat. The ferryman dug his pole into the lake floor and pushed off from shore. As the two women were carried across the lake, several pairs of eyes brimmed with tears.

Relm sniffed and looked up at her grandfather. "We shouldn't be sad…right?"

"It's all right to be sad, but we shouldn't grieve." The old man watched the ferry for a moment before continuing. "They are moving on to a higher realm, and we will see them again someday."

As soon as the ferry just barely touched land, Terra jumped off and threw her arms around Leo, nearly knocking him over. The small woman hugged her friend fiercely, and when she broke from him, she mirrored his cheerful grin. When the mage glanced into the realm beyond, Leo gave her an encouraging nod.

His smile turned softer as he watched the other woman debark from the ferry. Celes touched an affectionate palm to Leo's cheek when she passed by, letting her fingers trail along his jawline. Giving a final wave to the Returners, Leo turned to follow Celes, placing a reassuring hand on the small of her back.

Abruptly, the blonde stopped and looked over her shoulder for one last glimpse, and her eyes met Locke's. After a moment, Celes quirked a tiny smile and turned into the light.
