The Chosen One's Battle

By: Neen

Author's Note:

This is merely my prediction and theories…please do not criticize me if you do not believe any of these…as I said before, these are most likely NOT going to be correct!

Please do not give me a long explanation of how you think that so-and-so shouldn't be like that…this is my story that I think is how the seventh Harry Potter novel will turn out vaguely like.

Please read this story with an unbiased (even if you pretend and still call me crazy on the side) view! Thanks.

Please be gentle (like, 'This needs some work' or something of the sort) because this is my first Harry Potter crew story…I've mostly concentrated on Lily and James (Marauder's Era) stuff…but I felt the need to post up this story because I have so many theories and thoughts…Thank you.

Chapter Seven: The Battle

"Harry…Harry. How noble of you to suggest this wizard's duel—a true Gryffindor as Dumbledore would have said…But alas for you, we will find out who's more powerful, won't we?" Voldemort smiled as Harry grimaced.

"I won't let you hurt anyone I love," Harry said quietly, but determined. Voldemort's smile quickly vanished.

"How moving. Just like your useless Mudblood mother…"

"Do NOT call my mum a Mudblood!" Harry shouted angrily, glaring at Voldemort.

"I will do as I want, Harry," Voldemort said dangerously and raised his wand, flicking it casually. "Crucio." The Death Eaters had begun attacking Snape, who was quickly blocking all their spells and shot out numerous bright lights from his wand. Many Death Eaters had fallen, sprawled on the cold, grassy ground.

Harry quickly dodged the red light shot out of Voldemort's wand and cried, "Expelliarmus!"

Voldemort vanished, escaping the spell Harry had cast, and reappeared next to Harry in mere seconds. "You are no match for me, Harry." He slashed open Harry's arm with a rapid whip of his wand and blood began blossoming through Harry's shirt. Harry bent over slightly, holding onto his arm as the Godric Gryffindor sword clung next to him most uncomfortably.

"Harry!" Ginny called out, her eyes widening. She struggled wildly against the ropes. If only she had her wand…

Harry Apparted to two feet away and mentally thought, "Levicorpus."

Voldemort was swept up, but before he was turned upside down, Voldemort immediately took the charm off of himself. "Is that all you can do?" he taunted, throwing another jet of light at Harry.

Harry began panicking as he barely managed to dodge the curse. "No."

Suddenly, to his right, Snape had fallen, his face displayed with great hatred as he fell. He had gone on. The Death Eater that had muttered the Killing Curse behind Snape's back laughed openly. Harry began to feel a sense of dread. "This is it…the end," he thought to himself, his heart sinking. "Voldemort's quite right…no one can die and save me this time…"

The Death Eaters were now rounding up on Harry, and Voldemort smiled. "Twenty to one…I wonder who might win?"

"Not you!" Harry shouted defiantly.

Voldemort smirked. "The day I've been longing for such a very long time…You've deprived of it till now, Harry…I am eager—so eager…Avada Kedavra!"

A body fell, but it was not Harry's.

It was Wormtail's. He had managed to Apparate in at the very last second.

"He owes you his life." Snape's words repeated in Harry's head and Harry finally understood, looking down at Wormtail's blank face.

"A useless servant, nonetheless," Voldemort said casually, meeting Harry in the eyes, and raised his wand again.


This time, the spell hit him with full force, as Harry was too stunned at Wormtail's death to move. Harry gritted his teeth in pain, not wanting to give Voldemort the satisfaction of getting to him. His arm hurt even more, but the thought of his friends and Ginny let him be quiet. Ginny gave a horrified gasp as she closed her eyes, blinking away tears.

The spell stopped.

"Why can I not look into your mind?" Voldemort suddenly asked, his eyes flashing. "Your mind is weak—you are not an accomplished Legilimens from what I know…how indeed?"

Harry stared at him, not fully understanding himself. Then he shouted without warning, "Petrificus Totalus!" as Voldemort looked occupied in his thoughts.

Voldemort quickly muttered a spell and the two spells met in the air, quite like how it was three years ago after the Triwizard Tournament.

Voldemort smirked. "Dear Ollivander told me of this Reverse-Spell Effect. It seems that if I just let go—" Voldemort broke the golden light and it shivered slightly before fading away, "—nothing happens. Nothing. Your tricks are failing you…anything else before I dispose of you? An unworthy opponent…I am clearly wasting my time.."

Harry was thrown to the ground with a heavy thud from the blow Voldemort had given him by wrenching his wand away, breaking the bond. His wand was gone, hurtled into a nearby bush, too far away to be in his reach, and he had landed on his injured arm, cracking it. "Acci—"


He clutched his arm in great pain, the curse making it feel like it split over again and again. The cut on his arm was bleeding rather profusely and had formed a large rose of blood on his cotton shirt, seeping through the thin material. Voldemort looked dominant, as he stood with his wand raised, pointing it towards Harry's chest while Harry was on the ground, wandless, and in terrible pain.

Out of thin air, Fawkes appeared, a few long scarlet and gold feathers plummeting to the ground, singing a soft phoenix song. He flew over to Harry's side and dropped a few pearl-shaped tears and Harry could feel his arm mending. He stroked Fawkes and suddenly smiled. "…my darkest hour…" The phoenix had reminded him of his greatest—and last weapon to use against the Dark wizard.

"Voldemort—Tom—I understand now. You're wrong…completely wrong—evil is not the most powerful thing—there is something better—more wonderful than that—something you do not—and will not—understand. It is love, Tom. Something Dumbledore's been saying all these years but you would not listen. You see, evil is all about gain while love—love is the exact opposite. Love is making sacrifices. However, you are scared of death—scared of making sacrifices—scared of love. You will not prevail, Tom." Harry, then clutching Godric Gryffindor's treasured sword, sunk it in his chest without hesitation. He turned his head at the last moment, glancing one last time at Ginny, making sure that Ginny was the last memory he would ever have.

Ginny's eyes widened and she momentarily stopped struggling against her ropes. Her scream seemed to echo around. "HARRY!"

Hermione and Ron stared at him, not daring to believe what Harry had just done, as they too went suddenly limp.

A few seconds later, Harry's body began to float—higher and higher up. It suddenly disappeared, turning into a shower of miniscule sparkles, floating themselves onto everyone. Ginny stared at the sparkles that landed on her and watched intently as they sank in.

Voldemort threw his head back and laughed. "That—that—is the so-called power of love! It is powerless against the Dark side. A pity—he could have been great if he would come to our side." Voldemort stared at the space Harry was before and smiled maliciously in triumph. "How touching. A foolish sacrifice that has done, however, nothing. I still prevail like I said I would before. We shall leave now." His fellow Death Eaters smirked as well and swished their cloaks, leaving.

Suddenly Voldemort's face was wretched in pain as he tried to leave. Fawkes had landed on his shoulder. "What? Dumbledore's bird! What's happening?—" Voldemort was suddenly swallowed in flames. Fawkes had burst into flames while sitting there on his shoulder. Voldemort could not press the fire down, no matter what he tried—if he Apparated to a spot five feet away, the fire went with him. The fire roared with rage, fighting Voldemort's will to survive—it would not be conquered by him. His whole body burned—the fire snaking its way up and his skin charring black and becoming decayed. "NO! I cannot die—I am immortal! My horcruxes! This—is—NOT—possible!" With a final scream that slowly died away, Voldemort disappeared to be gone forever.

An ugly baby phoenix popped out of the ashes Voldemort had left behind and blinked. It flew clumsily to Ginny's feet and glanced at her.

"He—he did it," Ron said weakly after a moment, hardly believing his eyes. The ropes had automatically released themselves.

Hermione burst into tears, throwing herself on Ron. "Oh, he was so—so stupid—so brave and noble."

Ginny did not make a sound, staring stony-faced at the place Harry disappeared. Harry's gone. Fawkes pecked slightly at Ginny's leg, but she gave no notice.

"I can't believe it—Harry—my best mate," Ron stared determinedly at the spot Harry had vanished from as if Harry would pop right back out, saying it was all a big joke. He waited there, Hermione's head on his shoulder, sobbing her heart out. Harry did not come back.

Ginny still did not make a sound. No tears or sobs came to her. She sat there, her body unmoving, staring. She knew he was gone…forever. Fawkes had crawled into her lap.

Ginny sat there for many hours—reliving all the memories she had of Harry—meeting him for the very first time, how she always turned red at the sight of him, him saving her in the Chamber of Secrets, and their short but happy relationship…

"Ginny—let's leave now," Ron said softly, nudging his sister, who did not move.

Hermione shushed him and shook her head at him. Ron was about to protest but Hermione gave him a look. The two Apparated away after saying goodbye to Ginny.

Ginny started crying. Her frame shook violently as she held onto Fawkes, her tears splashing onto the newborn chick.

She could not believe that she would never see him again—his messy black hair, his startlingly green eyes, his nice, warm smile—and most of all—the thing that caused all of this mess in the first place—his lightning bolt-shaped scar.

Author's Note:

That was the most depressing chapter I have ever wrote in my life. This is indeed what I think will happen--Harry will sacrifice himself for the good of the rest of the wizarding community--sad, yes, dreadful, yes--but, a great, noble thing to do...I just hope I'm dead wrong about this one...

Wow, I can't believe I did that! Noo, I wrote Harry's death!

I'm really, really sorry…but please don't flame me…I know that I've disappointed lots of people out there, but I just can't see J K R giving a clichéd, oh-happily-ever-after type ending, so I decided to write that…


But Harry's so brave…I think he will die…and I'm going to be so sad…I'm making a mental note to stash a lot of tissues around the house…

Anyways, sorry about the somewhat abrupt ending…I heard from someplace (might be wrong for all I know) that the last word in the book was going to be 'scar', so I decided to end it like that…

I know it was rushed, but due to certain circumstances (vacation and school starting really soon), I had to…so sorry!

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you so much for being wonderful readers and reviewers!

Till I write again,


congrats to Sylvia Snape for nailing it right on! great job--I'm so predictable, aren't I? Hehe.

FairyLa: hope this was longer...I did fluff out some stuff--added descriptions here and there--and this was the longest chapter I've written...hope you enjoyed it!


For those who read this story and felt somewhat or totally confused with my ending, please look at the following for my explanations:

FairyLa and JMMPotter101 and Kanitai and Pyromytprincess: Okay, clearing things up a bit. The prophecy says (and I quote straight from the US edition on page 841): "And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…"

I understand that you guys think that only one person can be killed according to the prophecy…but what I think is that because of the vague wording, it can also mean that either one of them dies or both can die. The only thing not possible is that they both live.

FairyLa: I think that J K R will sort out all the 'after-Harry's-death' questions…but who knows? Maybe Harry won't die. Good thinking there!

JMMPotter101: Yep, old Voldie's finally gone. Died. Snuffed it. Whatever you want to use.

Kanitai: I'm glad you brought all those points out. Gave me a reason to explain my crazy reasoning. Hehe. Okay, 'either must die at the hand of the other'. I think that the 'hand' part could be meant as figuratively. In The Chosen One's Battle, Harry does kill Voldemort with his love and Fawkes is touched by this, so even if Harry doesn't choke Voldie to death with his bare hands, he still kills him. You could say that Fawkes is the 'hand' that I used to fit it with the prophecy. You have to remember that Dumbledore gave Fawkes to Harry, making it Harry's possession. Hope that made it unconfusing…It probably made it even more confusing, so I'm very sorry!

Pyromytprincess: Where did you find out that J K R said the last word would be 'scar'? Another reviewer has been asking me and I can't seem to find it anymore…Fawkes would not have 'killed' Voldemort if not for Harry's bravery and love. Fawkes is the 'hand' (as in the prophecy) that kills Voldemort.