I leaned against Hunter as he held me up in the circle. At the edge of the room my family sat uncomfortably, and my befuddled brain filled with love for them, they were doing this for me. "Love you," I thought, and I saw my mother stiffen, and her eyes widen as she realised I had spoken in her head.

I heard the people around me; people from my life, settle, and Hunter turned my face towards him so I could look into his eyes. I saw a world of pain and love reflected there. We both knew I was dying; this spell would help determine who was doing this to me, and how we could stop them. If we could stop them. I was so weak I couldn't speak, and my brain was shutting down. "My love" Hunter whispered, his voice blurring as it entered my brain, "Are you ready?" I squeezed his hand weakly, and he brushed a kiss across my cheek. I closed my eyes as I felt him lie me down on the cushions behind me, and waited for the ritual to begin. If I had been able to open my eyes, I would have seen myself surrounded by people I loved, all here to help me. Blood Witches, Witches, and non-witches alike, all here. I felt their concern and love pulsing around me, and it gave me strength to send out my last message, "Love you all", to all who could hear. I felt non-witches, my parents and Mary K. and those without out the blood, Bree, Robbie and my Coven, hear my message, and received replies of love, strength and hope came back to me from Hunter, Alice, Sky and other Blood Witches.

Soon I became aware of a drumbeat pulsing through the room, and energy pushed against my skull, I automatically resisted, although I knew I had to let the energy in. It increased, and I finally managed to drop my defences. My last conscious thoughts were "I am Morgan Rowland from Willows Vale, I am Morgan Riordan of Belwicket. This is my life."