A/N: So, this is my final pre-HBP canon fic. Even if I do try to work with some of the other story ideas I had, I will still be adding at least some of the new canon to them. This has gone unchanged, despite the addition of a new canon name for Lucius's father, and also the definitive ages of the Black sisters. The facts I decided on for my story were already woven into the plot by the time I read HBP, and would change some aspects of the story a bit too much. So, as it is, there are absolutely no HBP spoilers to be found in this fic.

This is a slash story, so be forewarned. If you do not like slash, this is not for you. And also, this is my take on the Malfoy Veela. I tried to make the idea my own, and to be honest, the Veela bit is only a minor part of the true story. If those sorts of stories annoy you, please avoid. And a final warning: this story involves MPreg. I will not apologize for that, as I quite like the idea, but if you don't, you probably won't enjoy this fic. The MPreg details are vague, as they are not the true purpose of the plot, but they are there, and I know there are many who do not like that sort of thing. If you read my story, Snapshots, and the MPreg in that didn't bother you, you should be okay with this, otherwise, this is probably not for you.

There are two ships in this story, one of which is obvious, and on which is not, but will become more so as you read the story. I have been a Harry/Draco shipper since I started reading slash, and so they form the bulk of my stories. However, the other ship in this, which will remain nameless until you discover it, has quite drawn my interest. It is not an unknown ship, but it is considerably rare, and I would love to hear people's opinions on it, and how well you think it worked. This is the first time I have ever written this ship, and I worked very hard on trying to get the balance just right. I hope you all agree.

Any comments would be gladly appreciated, as I have been working on this fic almost as long as Finding Harry, and had I not been publishing FH, it might have been done much sooner. If you would like to email me, my address is elfflame at hotmail dot com.

Thank you to so many people who helped me with this story. The first is Foodie, who read large chunks of this story for character purposes, and is always a doll when it comes to encouraging me to write. The second is to Dark Angel, who was particularly a major influence on the Lucius in this story. Without her, this Lucius would have been much wimpier. And the final thank you goes to my lovely Turtle Avenger, who tells me that she'd read the phone book if I wrote it. :D Love you, hon.

Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. They belong to a lovely lady who seems to enjoy making us suffer. Hopefully the ending will turn out this nice… ;)

I hope you all enjoy.

What's Done Is Done

By Elf Flame

1 The Beginning

Lord Voldemort was truly gone at last. The forces of light had won. The parties had gone on for nearly a week. Next week, the funerals would begin, but for now, the Wizarding World would celebrate the fall of the Dark Lord.

The party at Malfoy Manor was one of the most exclusive of the parties to celebrate his fall, second only to the soirée that had been thrown by the new headmistress at Hogwarts for the surviving students and their families. Lucius Malfoy, long believed to be the Dark Lord's greatest supporter, had suddenly switched sides in the final battle that had taken place on the grounds of his son's school. Many speculated on why he had done so. Some believed that his son had been threatened by the Dark Lord, and since, to a Malfoy, family was everything, he had turned on his master to save the boy. Others swore that Lucius had been spying for Dumbledore all along, and that the animosity between the two men had always been an act. But whatever the reason, the Malfoys had come out of the war smelling of roses once more.

All of the surviving heroes of the war had been invited to the Manor, along with the cream of society, and even a handful of reporters, who would have exclusive rights to the story. Snape strutted about the place, showing everyone who would look his Order of Merlin, First Class, and telling them how he had been the one to drag the Great Harry Potter from the Dark Lord's smoldering corpse shortly before it had exploded. Remus Lupin stood near the fireplace, watching him fondly as he moved from group to group, every so often catching his gaze and winking, at which Snape would pale, then turn and move in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

Seamus Finnegan and Dean Tomas were standing near the punchbowl, along with Hannah Abbot and Ernie MacMillan. They were a jovial lot, their amusement obviously helped on by the alcohol that Seamus kept pouring into the bowl at random intervals. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood had wandered off some time before, to Susan Bones's distress, which had lasted right up until the moment Justin Finch-Fletchly took her arm and lead her to the gardens. Padma and Parvati Patil, along with their best friends Morag MacDougall and Lavender Brown, had latched onto the arms of several of their male classmates, and steered them onto the dance floor, where they had remained for most of the night. The Weasleys, along with Hermione Granger, now Ron Weasley's fiancée, stood in a large clump together, looking rather uncomfortable in brand new dress robes, and talking only with those who approached them.

The Great Harry Potter, on the other hand, seemed quite comfortable schmoozing among the crowd of friends and well-wishers. Even at Malfoy Manor. His smile seemed quite genuine, and as Draco Malfoy watched him work his way across the room, he could feel his heart flip each time Harry laughed. He wanted that laugh all to himself.

Though they were still far from friends, Draco and Harry had spent a great deal of time together in the last few months while they had prepared to fight Voldemort. And Draco had enjoyed every minute of it. There had even been a particular evening shortly before the end where the two had commiserated over the fact that they would be unable to finish their Quidditch rivalry completely, as all Quidditch that year had been cancelled due to the fact that attacks had increased, and many had happened in Hogsmeade itself. The two had speculated about who might have won, each, of course, backing his own house, and his own skills. But it had been a surprisingly friendly debate. Draco had almost begun to forget that they had ever been enemies that night.

The truth was, now that everything was over, Draco was loath to share him with this crowd. He wanted Harry to himself. Surely his admirers and clingers-on had had enough of him by now. Surely Draco was allowed a few minutes of his own with the boy wonder.

Harry was not the only one schmoozing, though. Lucius had approached Draco several times over the night with people for him to meet. However, Draco was easily distracted by that laugh each time he heard it. He had heard it little enough in the last year. Draco's conversations with those his father introduced him to never lasted much beyond a few sentences before his attention was dragged back to the Hero of the Wizarding World.

Lucius had raised Draco to believe that he would eventually receive the Dark Mark. It had been such a basic belief in his life that he had been surprised at his father's words the night before his final year at Hogwarts. "Listen to Severus. He will keep you safe. And once the others are called, stay inside the school at all times. I don't want you taking risks, Draco. Do you understand?"

Draco had nodded, uncertain why he would remain unmarked, but, as always, following his father's orders to the letter. So, when the time had arrived and the others began to leave the night of the Halloween feast, Crabbe and Goyle turned to him waiting for him to make his move, and when he did not leave, they stayed as well. By the next morning, most of the Slytherin girls in the upper years had left as well. And so Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, along with Pansy were all that remained of their year. It was a sobering thought. Even the lower years were severely decimated.

Because of this, Draco had been spending a great deal of time with his few remaining housemates. Particularly tonight. Pansy had been especially aggressive in trying to get his attention since their "defection," and tonight Draco had had to duck out of the room several times to avoid her before finally sending Crabbe to go and dance with her.

When Harry finally approached Draco, that lovely green gaze directed only at him made him feel faint. This was what he had been waiting for all night. Doing his best to regain his composure, Draco stood straighter and waved Goyle away before turning to speak to Harry. "Enjoying the adulation, Potter?" he smirked, trying to distract himself from the feelings Harry's presence caused.

"I see my charms have already worn off you, Draco. Last week at this time, I couldn't turn around without bumping into you. Jealous much?"

It was true that Draco had often found himself gravitating towards the Gryffindor in the past several months as they prepared for the Death Eater siege, but damned if he was going to let on that it had been anything more than inadvertent. "Jealous? Of all this? You must be joking. I've attended parties far bigger than this many times in my life. And a few of those were in my honour. What would I have to be jealous about?"

Harry simply smiled. "Oh, I don't know, Draco. You always seemed to be upset about something when we were in school. But maybe that was just my imagination?"

Draco's eyes narrowed. "You're delusional, Potter."

"Am I?" Harry moved closer to Draco, nearly brushing their sides together as he moved to stand next to him so that he was looking out at the dance floor. "Too bad. You know, there were times this past year when you seemed almost nice. What happened to that Draco? I would have liked to get to know him better."

Draco looked at him out of the corner of his eye. As difficult as it was, he had to control himself. This didn't necessarily mean what he wanted it to. "He doesn't come out in public. It's not a very Malfoy trait to be…civil."

"Even to Heroes?"

Draco snorted. "Particularly to Heroes. Wouldn't do to be shown up, you know." He raised his chin and watched as Terry Boot guided Parvati through a particularly difficult turn out on the floor.

Draco might have been able to hold his disinterested poise had Harry not then leaned towards his ear and whispered, "So, what if I wanted to meet that Draco again, hm? How would I go about that, Draco?" The name rolled off his tongue like the smoothest silk.

A shiver slid down Draco's back, and he turned to look into those green eyes. He tried desperately to keep hold of his composure. "Won't your little fan-club miss you?" he twitched his head in the direction of the Weasleys, who were now talking quietly with Remus near the fireplace.

Harry didn't even glance in their direction. "They're fine. They don't need me. Is there someplace we could go? Maybe talk?"

That was the last straw. He'd been holding back for far too long. Not a year had gone by since second year that he hadn't wanted to hear those words. All control was lost. He grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him from the room. They sped through the hallway, guests' eyes following as they passed. They went up several staircases, and down a long hallway before Draco found himself at the door to his room. "Bet you've always wanted to see this, Potter, hm? My inner sanctum?"

Harry smiled, and his eyes glowed. Draco paused for a second to catch his breath at the sight. Finally, he opened the door and ushered Harry in, and watched as Harry walked into the room, stunned. "Wow."

Draco hadn't truly imagined what effect seeing the boy in his room would have on his own body. He took a deep breath to control himself. Just a few more minutes. He turned quickly and shut the door behind him, murmuring a few charms to keep away any unwanted distractions, then turned back and watched as Harry wandered about the room. Harry's fingers ran across the top of his dresser, then stood back to admire the great armoire next to it. "You live like this all the time, Malfoy? I can't imagine living with all this luxury…"

Heart in his throat, he moved to Harry's side. "That's because you're not looking in the right places, Harry," he whispered as he leaned over his shoulder.

Harry, turned to look at him, and he seemed surprised. "What?"

"The thing you really need to see, the thing that makes this room worthwhile," Draco said as he pulled him across the room, "Is my bed." Draco loved his bed. He spent much of his time at home when he was alone sitting in it. Reading, doing homework, writing in his journal. It all happened in his bed. And now…

Harry's eyes widened as they past the divider hiding Draco's sleeping area from the rest of the room, and approached the most magnificent bed he had ever seen. "Damn, Draco, I knew you were spoiled, but jeez!" Harry looked at the monstrosity in front of him, dark wood posts covered in carvings of dragons of every shape and size, huge panels of silver and green cloth suspended above it, immense stacks of dark green pillows and the largest comforter he'd ever seen in his life, that looked like it would have covered the entire floor of his dorm at Hogwarts.

Draco smiled to himself. It was now or never. He might never get another chance. "Harry…"

"Hmm?" Harry was still gazing the bed, amazed.

Draco began to take off his robe, and threw it aside. Harry heard the rustle, and turned to look. Draco smiled as he continued to disrobe.

"Uh, Draco, what…" Harry said as he backed up, and found himself against the bed, tumbling onto it when it hit the back of his legs. He squeaked, and Draco's smile grew broader.

"Relax, Harry. I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to have a bit of fun before the Hero of the Wizarding World disappears into the sunset." By now, he was totally naked, standing in front of Harry in all his glory.

"L…look, M…Draco, really, I…I don't…"

Draco began to crawl onto the bed next to him. "What, Harry? You don't swing 'that way?' Well, that's okay, I'll do all the work. You just lay back and enjoy."

Draco watched Harry's Adam's apple bob up and down as he gulped. He had to restrain himself from leaning forward and licking it. Wouldn't do to scare him off. "But…"

"But what, Harry?" Draco breathed into his ear.

"I…thought you hated me?"

"Do you really think that would stop me?" He sat up, pulling at Harry's tie as he did so.

Harry's eyes closed. He took a deep breath, as though letting something go. "Okay."

Draco smiled. He settled onto Harry's lap, and removed his glasses. "You won't need these for this." He placed them on his bedside table, then leaned into Harry's body, rubbing his naked skin against the cloth and feeling the planes of Harry's body fit against his own. "Oh, you feel so good, Harry…" Draco closed his eyes for a moment, just reveling in the feeling of being on Harry's lap and against his body.

When he opened his eyes, he was caught by Harry's gaze. He leaned forward, ran his lips along Harry's cheek, feeling the exhalation of air on his neck when Harry gasped at the contact. Unable to resist any longer, Draco pulled back and captured Harry's lips. They were so warm. So soft. And then they moved, opening beneath the tip of his tongue, and he plunged in, no longer aware of anything but Harry. The taste of Harry on his tongue, Harry's breath in his mouth, Harry's tongue battling with his, Harry's moans of pleasure as he rubbed against Draco, obviously enjoying the contact as well, the feel of Harry's skin beneath his fingers. They separated, both gasping for breath.

Harry looked at the boy in his arms. "Draco…"

Draco placed a long, slender finger against the lips he had ravaged only moments before. "Shhh. We can talk later." He began to pull at Harry's robes, standing over Harry as he pulled them off over Harry's head. His jumper was next, and the shirt underneath. Had he really had to wear all these layers tonight? When he got to Harry's pants, his breath caught. He looked up at his lover, and received a simple nod. It was more than enough. He undid the pants slowly, as though unwrapping a present that he was anticipating, but was not quite ready for that anticipation to end. He slowly pulled them off, taking off Harry's shoes and socks before letting the pants fall to the floor completely, then straddled his now-naked lover, who was now laying back on the bed, gazing up at him.

Harry's breath was coming in soft gasps as Draco brushed his hands across his skin, and Draco felt he could melt just from the joy of it. But it wasn't enough. And tonight, he wanted everything. Their joining was quick, Draco not allowing Harry more than a moment to respond before he took Harry inside him, and they soon found their bliss together. It was everything Draco had always hoped for.

Once their need had been sated, Draco sprawled across his lover. "Thank you, Harry."

Harry took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "Draco…"

"Hmm?" Draco murmured, sleepily.

"What…Why…what was this about?"