DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha

Hey guys! I'm sorry to say that this is the last chapter for Inuyasha Peer Pressure. Inuyasha Peer Pressure 2 is yet still undecided. I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter and I thank you reviewers for the never-ending support.

anime-lover-forever2007, pandabear1415, Punk Rock Miko2, MCR rocker, Gothik Princess, Rupali-m, Amaya Mitama, sesshy's numba1 gurl, Inuyasha's Chic, demonpriestess07, Inu-Yasha's1gurl16, Angels Strawberry Kiss, xXxBrOkEnAnGeLxXx, InuyashaForever14, Ivy Darklight, blackwings89, lilmercenarygirl, yashaloves69, bleh, Cherry-Dragon-Heart, dreamer 1010, PrincessKeylolo

Chapter 17: Forget the Past & Move On


Kagome stood silently in front of Kouga's tombstone holding a bundle of flowers. She knelt down in front of the tombstone and put the flowers in front of it.

"You didn't deserve to die like this…" she muttered eyes half closed. "You were truly a good person Kouga…honestly you really were" she unconsciously let out a half smile. "I don't understand why you had to go out and become someone you're not…because I know the real you would have never ever done those horrible things…" she sighed. "You were my first love…and I'll never forget you…" she kissed her two fingers and tapped them lightly on the tombstone.

"Hey" she heard a voice from behind her. Kagome was startled a bit even though she recognized the familiar voice. She turned around.


Inuyasha walked towards her and placed an arm around her.

"You okay?"

Kagome sighed and continued to stare at his grave. She smiled.


"Sorry but I still think he's an ass" Inuyasha muttered. Kagome smiled at him.

"Yeah it's okay I know. Thanks for coming though" she gave him a peck on the cheek.


The next day…

"Hey Kagome!" Sango called out to her friend while Kagome and Inuyasha were walking up the steps.

"Oh, Ohayo Sango-chan"

"Hey…are you okay?" Sango asked hugging Kagome.

"Yeah…I'm fine…really…."

"Keh. Kinda sucks for Kouga though…he would have graduated this year" Inuyasha said looking somewhat disinterested.

"Oh right Inuyasha, you're graduating this year" Kagome said suddenly frowning.

"Eh? Yeah finally I can get out of this hell hole"

"Hey!" Kagome smacked him on the arm. "What are you gonna do about me?" she asked pouting at him. Inuyasha smirked and gripped her chin lightly.

"Don't worry about it Kags. I'll still come visit you" he said kissing her lips. Sango rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Wait…oh crap! Miroku! He's graduating too…he better not be planning on hitting on other girls while he's in college!" Sango zoomed away in search of her perverted boyfriend.


After school Sango dragged Miroku outside of the school.

"O-oi Sango hold up!" Miroku said as he almost tripped along the stairs.

"We need to talk Miroku" Sango dragged him to their usual meeting spot. Apparently Kagome and Inuyasha haven't arrived yet.

"Sure thing! What's up?"

"Miroku…we need to talk…about college" Sango said crossing her arms.

"College?" Miroku asked curiously. It wasn't like Sango to drag him out and get serious right away. Something was up. "Sango, I really don't get what you're trying to say" Sango sighed.

"Miroku, what concerns me is that you're going to college next year and well, yeah that's great! But there are…" Why were the words so hard to get out? Miroku was trustworthy right? She could trust him…right?


"Miroku…there are going to be a lot of…girls…" she said finally getting the G word out. They were both silent. Sango looked away and looked back to see a laughing Miroku. Sango started to twitch like mad. "MIROKU THIS IS NOT A LAUGHING MATTER!" she said as her cheeks started to turn to a shade of red.

"Hahahaha Sango! Hahahaha oh man you are too cute!" Sango began to blush.

"T-That's not funny at all!"

"Sango…" Miroku finally calmed down a bit. "Did you really think that I would ditch you and go for another girl? Does this relationship not mean as much to you as it does to me?" Sango stared at him in shock. Was this Miroku speaking? No…he had to be possessed…or something. Miroku smiled at her, for once being serious. Sango continued to stare at him, and then suddenly, she started to pull on his cheeks.

"Ow! H-hey hey what was that for!"

"Oh my god you are Miroku!" Sango said smiling happily as some tears spilled from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and embraced him tight. She couldn't be any more happier. This was the man that she loved. And he promised her that he wouldn't ever go for any other girl other than her.

A half-month went by, and it was finally summer. Inuyasha and Miroku were excepted to NYU, so they were going to head off to New York for college. Kagome walked into Inuyasha's room, finding Inuyasha sitting on his bed. He looked really cute, looking around in his room. Kagome giggled softly to herself.

"Hey" she plopped down onto the bed next to him.

"Hey…" Inuyasha said still in a daze. Kagome snuck a glance at him and smiled.

"Gonna miss home?" she said lightly punching his arm. Inuyasha sighed.

"Hate to say it, but…yeah"

"Well you're gonna have to be sure to write and keep in touch with me, or I'm going to have to fly to New York and drag you back here" she kidded. Inuyasha looked at her and a smirk took over his face.

"Oh really? Why don't I see you try it then?" he leaned closer to her and captured her lips into a deep kiss. After a couple of seconds Kagome broke away.

"In-Inuyasha!" she exclaimed standing up.

"Keh. Don't lie I know you liked it" Inuyasha said arrogantly looking to the side. Kagome smiled.

"Yeah well don't have TOO much fun over there…especially with the girls"

"Huh? Do you really think I would leave you for a bunch of hot college girls!" Inuyasha asked playing with her.

"INUYASHA! I'm warning you!" Kagome said pointing at him. "Promise me" she said sticking her pinky out at him.

"Don't be such a child" Inuyasha scoffed and looked the other way.





"INUYASHA" Kagome said more sternly. Inuyasha looked at her and could see the seriousness in her eyes.

"Fine" he hooked his pinky to hers. Kagome smiled.

"That's a good doggie" she patted him on the head.


Well that's the end of Peer Pressure. Sorry I sort of left y'all hanging x.x

The action continues in Peer Pressure 2 where Inuyasha, Miroku and Kikyou are in the same college. If you guys were wondering what Kikyou is doing in NYU, she still has not given up on Inuyasha yet and she plans on taking her plans to the next level. Inuyasha and Miroku are going to fight off their tempting surroundings of the college environment (since they already have high school girlfriends). Will they succeed? That's up to them to decide. Back at high school Sango and Kagome will have to fight off their urges as well. Just because their boyfriends are in college doesn't mean that they're single…or are they? And what will Kagome do about Kikyou and Inuyasha being in the same college when she is more than 3,000 miles apart from him? Find out in Peer Pressure 2: When Temptation Goes Too Far

Oh my gawd that is such a korny title…any suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me!