Disclaimer-I own nadda.

A/N- And this is my pathetic excuse for a chapter that will take you all of three minutes to read, if that. It's little over 500 words, but I figured I had to give you something. At least this way I know you'll come back for more (hopefully)! Enjoy, and don't kill me for length.

"Ah, yes," Juro sighed, a pleasant expression momentarily softening his gruff features. "Those were the good ol' days, eh?"

"For you, maybe," Koenma growled. "I thought it was more like hell myself."

"Always optimistic."

"Only for you Juro."

"They sound like an old married couple," Yusuke groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yeesh."

"That seems familiar enough," Kurama stated, casting Kuwabara and Yusuke sidelong glances. Botan covered her snicker with her hand.

"Well, then," Juro interrupted, cutting off any retort the former detectives might have had. "I believe that's enough of memory lane for one sitting. Let's get to training. That is what you're here for, right? I hear the bad guys are mighty strong this time around."

"But what's world domination without freaky strength and super powers?" Yusuke muttered, standing and stretching along with everyone else. Not quite sure what to expect from the strange demon, they kept their distance, Koenma being the only one to step up.

"It's been a while; you sure you remember what to do?" Juro asked, looking rather surprised at the idea of Koenma knowing what he was doing.

"There's only one way to find out," Koenma retorted.

"As you wish."

It happened so fast, Yusuke wasn't quite sure it had happened at all until Koenma let out a loud groan. He lay on his back, arms pinned to his sides by Juro whom, even in his old age, was quite fast. "You need to be faster!"

"Don't think I know that? It's been a good thousand years, I think I have a right to be a little rusty."

"Never use excuses with me."

"My sincerest apologies, then."

"Let's try again. This time don't react so slowly." Juro stood and walked several paces away from the demi-god whom too got to his feet and prepared himself. Again Juro attacked and again Koenma was knocked back to the ground. It seemed that in the thousand years he was absent of Detective duties, Koenma had forgotten nearly everything he had been taught. Would training be enough? Yusuke didn't seem to think so, wincing as Koenma hit the ground for the fifth time.

The sixth trial, however, was somewhat more eventful. Juro moved with the same speed as before, though after watching the same thing over and over even Kuwabara had no trouble keeping up.

For the most part it was exactly the same, though this time Juro removed a sword hidden beneath his cloak and, after getting Koenma on the ground, made to chop off his head. Kuwabara blinked, sure that when he opened his eyes again, he'd find Koenma's head rolling away. Instead he was greeted with the clash of swords.

Wait a minute. Since when did Koenma use a sword? Unable to believe his eyes, Kuwabara closed them and shook his head. When he opened them again, however, Koenma still held his parry with his former master.

It seemed Kuwabara wasn't the only wielder of the Spirit Sword.