Wolves in the Walls

This is a very fun/horror filled chapter!

And it is full of screams and hands in the head


The things that you do to fulfill your redemption

This is so fun

I've been wanting to do this for a while yet

And now this fic gives me the chance to!

But you'll find it our soon

And it is evil

And a very scary thought




The reality is broken…

Let the games begin


Wolves in the Walls

Drowning Madness

The monster you're feeding, your lack of perception
The things you will do to fulfill your addictions
The light at the end of your tunnel is closing
What is it that your so afraid of exposing
You'd give it all up for what there for the taking
Whatever it takes to keep your hands from shaking
The same things you're thinking might make you feel better
The same things that probably got you here


Link woke to darkness. He tried to sit up, but couldn't. Wherever he was, there was limited mobility and no light. He knew that he was on his back. His hand traced along the cloth-lined walls on either side of him, but stopped when he hit the roof. He froze before he screamed and pounded on the wood, hoping someone would hear him.

In Vain

Link frantically clawed at the wood, splinters stabbing into his hands with such ad force that he bled. He didn't notice. He slowly breached to wood, still oblivious to the pain of the blood. His eyes still saw darkness. There were breaking and splintering sounds as he breached the barrier.


Cool, damp soil poured onto Link's face. He ripped away more pieces of the coffin he had been in and tried desperately to reach the surface.


Link frantically clawed his way upwards through his premature grave. Dirt fell into his eyes and almost every other exposed opening to his body. His wounds were soon infected, but Link had not noticed his pain. He was growing weak and was desperately trying to live.


Link tore at the dirt around him and above him, trying to reach the surface. He heard Ganondorf's voice inside his head, but could not bring himself to scream. Every minute he remained was another minute he could die.


Link's hand broke the surface. He frantically scratched and scraped at the loose soil around him, slowly crawling his way out of the grave. Wounds that had closed had reopened as Link pulled himself onto the grass. He collapsed, eyes wide and breathing heavy. The grass around him turned red with blood, and Link wasn't going to try and move anytime soon.

Can't Escape

"Better than I thought."


Link didn't need to turn to know who it was, and he was too weak and injured to fight back. He couldn't even speak. One strong hand grabbed him by the back of his neck and set him on his feet, but Link collapsed to his knees. Ganondorf grabbed a fistful of Link's hair and dragged him over to a slanted gravestone.

Liquid Flows

Blood ran in rivers down the smooth surface of the stone. Ganondorf mildly kicked Link in the stomach. Blood flew from Link's mouth and dribbled down his chin. The King of Evil laughed. Link tried to sit up, but one strong hand forced him onto his back once more. Link cringed in pain before his mind clicked and realized what was happening.

Don't Rape Me!

Link struggled to get away, but another kick to the stomach made him rethink that option. Ganondorf grinned, and then laughed at the fairy-boy. Link felt hands in his head once more, and he tried to scream, but only blood came from his mouth. One more blow came from the Evil King before Link's strength left him and he couldn't move.

Don't Let Me Die Here

Roots sprang up from the ground and bound Link to the gravestone. Fearful tears gathered in Link's eyes. The Evil King laughed and wiped them away, their eyes never leaving the each other's. Link blocked everything out to concentrate on those eyes.


White hot pain stabbed its way up Link's spine. Link broke his focus and his body arced backwards. He screamed as the pain grew more and more. Link truly though that he would lose it and die here. White spots danced before the black curtain of closed eyes. Ganondorf laughed, but it was hidden behind the screaming.


But as soon as it had started, it seemed, it ended. The roots released Link and he curled up, hugging himself for security. Silence fell over him like a shroud. The Evil King had left, left Link broken, abused, and alone.


Link's eyes began spilling tears, like blood from a wound that would never heal. Almost on cue, rain began to fall. Link tried to push himself up, but stabbing pain raced up his spine. He crumpled back onto the gravestone, losing his balance and tumbling onto the grass dyed red by his blood. He curled up, trying to feel safe and warm. His mind spun with a vague mix of pain and fear and anger. Then…inside his head…


I didn't expect your mind to be weak as well. You see, fairy-boy, nothing happened to you. Your mind assumed the worse and my magic created your pain…

Can You Hear Me?

Link screamed and clutched his head in his hands. Blood oozed from his wounds as the rain pelted him from above. Link's screams ebbed away to sobs as thunder rolled above. He cursed himself for being so weak and stupid, for falling for this. He forced himself to his feet, eyes streaming angry tears. He gathered the two freagments of the Master Sword and slowly left the town. He set the pieces of the blade down and just stared at them in the rain. His mind drifted away, and he slumped over, lost in his dreams.


chapter end!

More bad to come!