Author's Note: Here is a totally different spin on the SetoxJou pairing for me. Vampires in the age of Van Helsing. I hope you all like it. I also need to thank daughterofanubis, she is the reason that I started this story and the very person I asked help of. She is also responsible for a lot of the ideas within this story, when it comes time for those ideas to appear you will see her get the credit she deserves. Thank you daughterofanubis. Now…on to the story….

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh but one day I will own my own anime cartoon, just you wait and see.

War Of The Night

Chapter One: The Legendary War Of The Night

A war of two clans…

A heated dispute of two families…

Two star-crossed lovers…

One War, one love…

For a thousand years two vampire clans' worlds have collided and their leaders have butted heads. From day one there was cruelty and bloodshed, never was a good word exchanged between them, though they are not the only fighting clans, there were in fact hundreds more that sought great power and full control over the land of Transylvania, but they were in fact the most violent. At least one vampire a night died from one of the clans, and it didn't matter the age. Child, teenager, adult, or elder, there was always one who fell. Being the children of Dracula, the vampire lord was unimpressed by the behavior of these two clans. It was on his words alone that stopped the deaths but never stopped the war. What was their motivation? What was their anger toward? Why had this whole fight begun? The answer no matter the question was always…power.

These two clans have been linked back to two legendary dragons of old, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. In tales it is said that these creatures were equal in power but sought to bring down one another. Again, power was an issue. These vampires have taken oath to protect their dragon lords of old and hold up their power in good pride. The Ivory Dragon clan has claimed themselves to be most powerful of all the vampires but their first mistake was bragging to a leader of the Ebonique (1) Dragon clan. Ever since a power struggle has been behind the start of this old war and neither of the clans seem to be giving into the other. Their oath was to fight until the end of each clan, and it seemed that they were holding true to their words. Countless plots have been made and countless times have these creatures taken vengeance on one another. But this was a thousand years ago…

It is hard to say the war has stopped because in truth it hasn't, it has just merely come to a stand still, for Dracula was tired of the meaningless battle for land. The vampire lord established two small kingdoms on both halves of the country. The Ivory Dragon Clan controls the west and the Ebonique Dragon Clan controls the east. This seemed to please the vampires and now they live in peace though still spiteful of each other. It is the golden rule that no one of the opposite clan shall speak or even look at another vampire of the opposing clan. But for how long would the golden rule stand for…?

"I am the shadow on the moonlit night filling your dreams to the brim with fright (2)…" A dark figure amongst the black branches of a dead willow tree hummed to himself. He loved being amongst his tree and staring at the silver radiance of the moon. It gave him a sense of freedom from the inner walls of his castle. At night he would sneak out and ponder what adventures laid about the outer walls of his kingdom, this night was no different. "Seth!" Well almost. "Seth! What in the world are you doing up there? You are supposed to be inside with your guests." The young vampire rolled his midnight blue eyes and huffed angrily. Why? Why did he need to take such interest in such creatures as female vampires? Oh, maybe because he was the prince of the clan and he was to take over the leadership in three years on his 21st birthday and needed a bride in order to do so.

"Are you going to answer my question or are you going to ignore your mother?"

"I was doing what I do every night mother, staring at the moon wondering if I'll ever see the rest of the land its beams grace."

"Well stop starring at your name sake and come inside and entertain these lovely females." The prince's mother ordered. "None of them interest me mother, they are all too…eager for me."

"Is that all? You haven't taken interest in several hundred females, perhaps you seek not but a female but a male?" The queen asked her son. A slight pink blush crept over Seth's cheeks and he was glad his head was turned so his mother couldn't see. "Of course not, that's ridiculous." He spoke icily.

"Then why the resistance to their lovely appearance?"

"They don't love me mother they're simply in lust with me. Besides, my heart tells me that my life mate is beyond these castle walls and I crave to find them." Queen Nataani (3) gazed up to the moon and then back to her son, "Come down here now Seth Of Moon or find your only sanctuary as good as gone." With a low growl, the young vampire jumped from his spot and landed firmly on his feet.

"Ahh, here comes my dear son now." Lord Kosan (4) said proudly to his guest. Seth's eyes lit up with excitement. "My dear child. Seth Of Moon, my you have grown into a handsome young vampire." Lord Dracula spoke as he stood. The young vampire bowed to the dark lord. "Come child don't bow to me, we are family." The lord said while taking Seth into a firm hug. "Come, take a walk with me young Seth." The brunette nodded and took to the dark lord's side as they exited through the front of the castle.

"So, do tell me why all those lovely guests of yours never had an entertainer." The young vampire struggled with another blush but managed to hide it. "I was uninterested, they were too eager to have me and like I told my mother earlier I feel…"

"Like your true happiness is outside your castle walls." Dracula finished for him. "Yes, exactly."

"Not only that, you have no interest for the female vampires, you seek love from another like yourself." The lord of the land stated to his stunned young friend. "I suppose I cannot hide such things from you my lord." Seth admitted while turning away in shame. "Do not feel embarrassed about this sort of thing, I have seen it for many years. I do not find you repulsive this is very much who you are. Do not be ashamed of that." Seth turned and thanked the lord by bowing to him. "Do not bow to me, that is an order young one. I may have a way to help you find what you seek." Dracula spoke intelligently. "Really! How? Do tell me." Seth's voice was full of excitement. The dark lord handed the young vampire an invitation. "What is this?"

"I have a masquerade ball coming up soon and I would be pleased if you, and just you, showed up. Now if you excuse me, I have another friend I have to visit. See you soon young one." Seth watched as the vampire lord sprouted his wings and took to flight into the night sky. The blue-eyed vampire placed the invitation into a pocket on the inside of his trench coat and went to join his parents.

"Come on Jahi, share your singing talents with us!" Yunith (5) said while bounding around his blonde friend. "Yeah come on!" Damien shouted to his friend. "Alright, I shall give you a sneak peak of what I can do but no more, I only do this for when my parents are trying to impress females." Jahi stood up from his position on a cement bench and stood in the middle of the circle his friends made around him.

"My hopes were running high, left me like the morning tide. Everything I do is up to you. How can I still pretend, all good things must end. Emotions are so easy to crush, like a junkie I traded everything for love. You were all I ever wanted right from the start. You were all I ever needed. Crucify my heart."

An enjoyable applause came from his audience and a familiar voice cheered him on. "Good show Jahi, you really have gotten better over the years." Quickly, the blonde spun around and faced the dark lord of the land. "Lord Dracula!" He cried while running up to the elder vampire and being embraced. "How are you my child?"

"I guess I couldn't complain. I just wish something exciting would happen." Jahi spoke as he looked up to Dracula. "Well, I guess your wish shall be granted, this is for you." The lord said while handing the young blonde vampire an invitation as well. The young vamp looked at the paper quizzically. "Come to my masquerade ball, I won't let you down. If excitement is what you seek then you shall have it Jahi Of Eve." The blonde smiled but then looked over to his friend Yunith, they did everything together why should this be any different? "My lord, if you don't mind my asking but, do you think Yunith may have permission to come along as well?"

"Why of course, anything for you Jahi, but if you would have looked at the note you would have seen his name is already present." Dracula said with a grin on his face, baring his long canines. Jahi nodded his head and thanked his over lord. "I hope to see you soon Jahi."

"You will, make no mistake."

"Seth, you seem rather happy, what's going on?" A small figure asked from the prince's doorway. "Nothing Mokuba, I just had a peaceful night tonight at the tree." The raven-haired vampling (6) knew his brother well and also knew that something was going on. He stepped into his brother's room and shut the door behind him. "Come on brother tell me. Did you finally take a liking to one of the females?"

"The walls have ears Mokuba and what I have to tell those ears cannot hear." Seth spoke while striding over to his window and seating himself on the ceil, once again locking his eyes on the moon. "Well, if it cannot be said then write it to me."

"I cannot little brother, I cannot chance this one opportunity I have at true happiness."

"True happiness? What rubbish are you talking about?" Seth just merely shook his head, saying nothing that would in turn jeopardize his plan. Mokuba huffed, "Maybe if I tell mother you plan on doing something drastic then you will speak." The vampling threatened. "You wouldn't rat out your favorite brother." Seth was right, Mokuba didn't have the heart to tell on his brother and he wouldn't interfere if it meant true happiness for him. "Alright big brother, I won't tell. Just know that I'm here for you if you ever need me." Seth turned his head and smiled to the vampling.

"Wow, I can't believe we are actually going to Dracula's ball, this is so exciting!" Yunith said while looking at the invitation Jahi had received. "Yeah, it's gonna be so exhilarating." Jahi spoke happily. Suddenly a great noise brought their happy mood to a halt. "My father is on another rampage." Jahi said while getting up from his bed and vanishing out the door.

"This is an outrage, by laws I should have killed you the moment I spotted your face. Your half of the land is on the east! What exactly are you doing here on my land?" Lord Jadian (7) yelled to the vampire in his grasp. "Father what is going on here?"

"The scum of the world decided to spy on us, wanted to know if they could break our defenses and shatter what Lord Dracula has given us." Jahi watched as his angry father took up a sharp dagger and held it to the vamp's throat menacingly. "Father don't! Let him go, we don't need any trouble from the Ivory Dragon Clan! If we kill one of their own there will surely be one of our own dead come sunset tomorrow." Jadian dropped the vampire and watched as he took flight to his own land. "You should have let me kill him Jahi."

"I spared you trouble and this is the thanks I get?" The prince growled. "Your son is right Jadian. Don't take what he did for granted." Queen Tiesa (8) spoke softly while placing a hand on her son's shoulder. The lord sighed and smiled weakly, "I suppose you're right, he seems to be surpassing my strength. It won't be long until you take the lead my son." Jahi smiled. "But first we need to find you a bride." His mother spoke. The prince sighed, how was he going to tell his parents his secret?

"My Lord Kosan. I bring news from the land of the Ebonique Dragon Clan." A vampire called to his lord. "Speak then."

"It seems the clan also has a prince. He looks about Seth Of Moon's age." The Ivory Dragon leader turned to face his messenger. "A prince? I thought they only had a princess."

"It's seems not sir, the vampire was calling Lord Jadian father."

"What a weak move, my Seth is strong and will one day conquer this land and we will control all!"

Seth POV

Another Prince? Another century of fighting? This is ridiculous and childish. I believe all vampires should live together under the control of Dracula. He is wise and intelligent. He knows how to keep us creatures in line. He was the one who stopped the fighting between werewolves and the vampires two thousand years ago, why can't he stop this fight? I guess we're all just too damn stubborn for our own good. This other prince has probably already made up his mind that he will be the sworn enemy of our clan. I pity him; no one is a match for my dragon ancestors and me. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get.

End Seth POV

Ebonique is the Egyptian word for black.

A borrowed line from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Nataani means leader.

Kosan is another word for leader.

Yunith is the name of Yugi's past self from Run Away Puppy 1 and 2. I just decided to use that name in this story as well.

Vampling is my word for young vampire, one who is not a teenager yet.

Jadian means supernatural creature.

8) Tiesa means truth.

Author's Note: So what did you think? Was it bad? Was it good? Please tell me. Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to review!