Author's Note: the disclaimer is in my profile. Also the potions and the crup are real in the Harry Potter universe.

Lily's Plot

The sky was dark and cloudy over Hogwarts, but the sun could still be seen setting. On the cold stone steps a lone sixth year boy sat and watched the heavens as the wind blew against his long greasy hair. He could hear footsteps in the distance, and turned to see who lurked in the shadows. A girl with green eyes and dark red hair went and sat besides him.

"What do you want, you Mudblood," sneered Severus. Even though he disliked the fact that she wasn't a pure-blood, and that she dated James, he still felt a warm feeling inside whenever she was near him.

"I came to see where you went after dinner," she replied, ignoring that he called her a Mudblood. "I'm sorry that James and his friends hexed you again."

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it. They're always going to torment me."

"Why don't you get them back?"

"I've tried, but they out number me. I can't get them all at once."

"What if you had help?"

"I don't have any friends." Silence filled the air as Severus thought a moment. "Wait, I thought you liked James and his cronies."

"I do, but they really need to get a taste of their own medicine. Don't you think?" He nodded. "You could make some potions that could really mess them up."

"I'm really not that good at potions."

"Yes you are; I've seen your Potions book, Half-Blood Prince." He looked at her alarmed. "What are you afraid of Severus?"

"I don't want to get expelled."

"James and Sirius haven't been expelled, so I'm sure you won't. I could give them the potions, and they won't suspect a thing." She let a little giggle and Severus grinned.

"Lily, what are you doing?" They both turned to see a dark haired boy with glasses running to them. "What are you doing here with Snivelly, alone?"

"Nothing James, we were just talking."

"Remus said you left, and I didn't think much about it. Then I noticed Snivelly was gone too. What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing important." The two boys glared at one another.

"Well, come on then Lily. Let's go somewhere and snog." James started to leave and Lily got up to go after him, but not before winking at Severus. Then he blushed, checked her out as she left, and then when Lily was out of sight continued to watch the skies.


A couple of days after their talk Lily and Severus met in an abandoned classroom late at night to brew some potions. He could only work on two at a time, so Lily helped him by brewing others.

"We don't have any knotgrass. You'll have to wait until I can get some." He grunted with frustration and she put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Why are you making Polyjuice Potion though?"

"That's for James. I want him to turn into me for an hour, and then I'll turn into James so I can torture him like he does to me."

"Which potions are you planning to give each of them?"

"I've got Hair-Raising Potion for Peter, Confusing Concoction for Sirius, Forgetfulness Potion for Remus, and Babbling Beverage for James."

"How long will the effects last?"

"Not too long, maybe a couple of hours." They continued to work in silence.

"I'll keep the potions with me," she said, "and give it to them tomorrow." Severus nodded and helped her take the cauldrons to theGryffindor common room. On his way out he ran into a pale looking boy with light brown hair.

"What are you doing here," Remus asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to sleep, so get out of my way." Remus pushed Severus out of the way, almost knocking him over, and went into the common room.

"You're going to get yours," Severus uttered quietly.


The next day the Marauders slept in, and Lily used that opportunity to go into the Great Hall and slip the potions into the goblets they usually drank from. From across the crowded room Severus looked over to the Gryffindor table and could see her pouring the potions. Lily caught his glance and smiled at him. He waved at her and then turned away so she wouldn't see him blush.

Later as other people were exiting the hall the four friends stormed in and sat with Lily at the end of the table. She was smiling while they ate and James noticed.

"What's up with you," he asked her.

"Oh, nothing."

"Come on, don't lie."

"It's just a nice day, don't you think?"

"I don't get what's so special about it. It's just an ordinary day, right Sirius?"

"What are you two talking about," Padfoot replied.

"About the day not being special."

"What am I doing here?" Sirius got up and started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Why are you talking to me?" With a puzzled look on is face the black haired boy walked to the door, double took for a moment, and then left.

"What's his deal," asked Peter. James looked at Wormtail and started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing's funny, mister hair-is-sticking-up. Mister I-need-a-hair-cut. Mister looks-like-a-fur-ball." Wormtail then ran out of the room too.

"Ok, that's enough James," yelled Remus. "Why did he leave again?"

"Because mister hairy looks like something the cat dragged in. He looked liked he saw a ghost. He had a major chill. He…"

"Shut up! Stop jabbering! What class do we have first again," he quickly put a hand over James' open mouth, "Lily?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Oh yeah, where is it again?"

Severus started laughing at the scene he witnessed. Soon he saw Lily get up and he decided to walk out of the Great Hall with her. They were both chuckling as they walked up the stone steps.

"That was a great show," said Severus. "James was babbling like a moron, Peter looked like a crup, and Remus and Sirius were all disoriented. This was a perfect idea you had Lily." She continued to giggle.

"Well, if we both weren't such great potion makers then none of that would've been possible." He smiled at her. "I've never seen you smile before. You look nice when you smile."

Suddenly they could hear rapid footsteps and then saw Sirius run towards them. They stopped walking and then Padfoot grabbed Lily's shoulders.

"I'm lost! Where am I supposed to be?"

"Uh… uh…," she stuttered. "You're supposed to go to the common room."

"Ok… Where's that?" Lily told him and he ran up the stairs, headed for the seventh floor when he was supposed to be going to another place. She and Severus shook their heads and continued to laugh.

"That was only part one of our wrath. In a month the Polyjuice Potion will be ready to use."……