A Modern Day Jack and Elizabeth

Summary: Set in 2005, Jack Sparrow (son of corporate mogul Tony Sparrow and his wife Jocylen) and Elizabeth Swann (daughter of the Governor of New York) find themselves in a modern day 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean in anyway or the story 'Romeo and Juliet.' They are owned by the respective people. Disney and Shakespeare.

Author: Stephanie aka Datakenobi05

Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth


Romeo - Jack Sparrow (Montague)

Juliet - Elizabeth Swann (Capulet)

Samson - Himself (Capulet)

Gregory - Himself (Capulet)

Abraham - Himself (Montague)

Balthasar - Simon (Montague)

Benvolio - Thomas (Montague)

Tybalt - Nathen (Capulet)

Capulet - Governor Swann

Lady Capulet - Joan Swann

Montague - Anthony Sparrow

Lady Montague - Jocylen Sparrow

Prince Escalus - President of the U.S.

Rosaline - Anamaria (Montague)

Paris - Norrington (Capulet)

Clown - Himself (Capulet)

Nurse - Herself (Capulet)

Mercutio - Brett (Montague)

Friar Laurence - Gibbs

Brad - Will (Capulet) (Original Character)

Authors Note: This story will not follow the story "Romeo and Juliet" Word for word (obviously) and it will not follow the plot line exactly either. I also had to create a character for Will.

"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

William Shakespeare


Chapter 1 - Early Sunday Morning

The light from the morning sun bled through the curtains of the Sparrow House which sat on Wall Street in New York City. Tony Sparrow was already up calling to his servants for the morning report on his company called Captain of the Caribbean. He was a corporate millionaire at the age of twenty and a billionaire at the age of twenty-five. His company was all about travel and marketing. He would buy houses, condos, hotels, and apartments in the Caribbean then rent or sell them off. His ambitions were leading him farther out to sea and he hoped to buy in Europe and Africa.

Abraham entered the study and handed Tony the newspaper, rather reluctantly.

"Let's see what the world is like today Abe. Stocks are good, my bonds are secure, more dishonest cops," He chuckled "You gotta love those NYPD good bodies. Well, what do we have here?" He said and looked at the picture in 'Private Affairs.' It was a picture of Elizabeth Swann, she was crying and her father, the governor, was beside her looking depressed.

"It was a tragity last night when Joan Swann was killed in a car accident." Tony read and a grin formed on his face as he finished with "Her death will be mourned by all, even more so by her daughter and only child Elizabeth who lost her fiance only last month."

Abraham watched wearily as his boss almost started to laugh at the misfortunes of his enemies. When Swann was elected governor of New York Tony almost lost it. He ranted and raved about how his empire was going to suffer and he would lock himself in his study for hours on end. When his son Jack was engaged he wouldn't even come out to meet her, and she was a beauty.

"Well nothing could ruin this day. Go get my son up, he needs to stop wallowing in his room and get back in the game. Oh Abraham make sure he gets married by the end of this year to someone respectabe please. I need more heirs to keep the family name going. I suppose it was foolish for Jocylen and I to have only one child. Oh well, can't do much about it now, she's too old."

Abraham nodded and bowed to excuse humself, then he headed for Jack's bedroom where the young heir would be sleeping.


Samson stood at the back door of the Swann mansion and read the article featuring the late Mrs. Swann. Elizabeth's picture was on the cover and he shook his head. "It's bad enough that she died. I don't know why they feel the need to print it all over the papers while a family is mourning."

Gregory nodded, "I agree, but what people think is news is news. Everyone wants to know, even if they're not the least bit affected."

"I know the ways of the world have changed since I was young, but this is one of the oldest family's in America and it's about to die out. The name will at least, but when Elizabeth gets married and has children of her oun the blood line will survive." Samson said and rolled up the paper to throw it out.

"Well with the way she's been acting toward men she might as well never get married." Gregory said and went over to the kitchen to prepare a late breakfast for the Swann's.

"Now you know she has been devistated after the death of young William. He was a nice young man and would have made a very respectable husband. Now I only hope James will just give her the time she needs."

"You mean Norrington? Oh come now Samson, she's not the least bit interested in him. Not to mention that the press will have a field day. She's at least fifteen years younger than him. I know it wasn't a lot in the good old days but it's quite a lot now. She can have any man she wanted."

The older man nodded, "Yes, but what respectable young men are there left?"

Gregory shrugged, "I'm not sure, but she's a smart girl."

"I do hope you're talking about my daughter."

The two servants stood sharply and bowed slightly. It was Samson who spoke. "Of couce Governor. We were just discussing her future and what a bright girl she is, she will make the right decision in choosing a husband."

"Oh I do hope so. She does have strange ideas and dreams, but I hope this time in her life she will settle down and after properly mourning her mother, get a husband in good time."

Gregory nodded and started to chop the cucumbers for Miss Swann's salad.

"Please go and wake her Samson, she needs to go out and get some sun."

After watching his apprentice for a while Samson did go up the large staircase to the young Miss Swann's bedroom.


Tell me what you think. I have just started to read some Jack/Elizabeth stories set in the 21st century and I thought I would give it a shot. I'm also adding a little Shakespeare for fun. Happy reading.

Also, if you were wondering about the title, Shakespeare had a specific time for this story unlike his other works. "Romeo and Juliet" Starts out a little before 9:00 am on a Sunday afternoon in the middle of July, just a little background from this Literature Minor.