Title: May We Never Be
Author: Seoinage
Pairing: Sawada Shin x Yamaguchi Kumiko
Fandom: Gokusen
Genre: Romance/Humor/Drama
Theme: #26 – If Only I Could Make You Mine: ぼくのものになれば良いのに
Disclaimer: Gokusen © Morimoto Kozueko and various companies with rights to it.

5 of 30 Kisses:








"What? Don't you have a key?" she whispered.

At least, she meant it to come out as a whisper. Yankumi found herself panting as she wiped her forehead clear of sweat with the back of a hand. Morning found no respite from the heat and humidity of this typical summer day.

"Why would I have a key, idiot?" The droll tone of voice matched the look he managed to produce even though his own face shone with sweat. "It's Kuma's restaurant, not mine. Anyways, maybe it's not locked if he's here."

The white t-shirt and tracksuit pants she'd hurriedly put on over forty minutes ago stuck uncomfortably to her all over. After not finding Kuma in his neighborhood, the journey from their house to Kuma's turned into one to the restaurant. Determined, the two pressed on, hoping to see their friend in his white-collared shirt and apron outside on the sidewalk sweeping as he did every morning in preparations for the day. Then they'd beat him up some for scaring them with that early morning phone call to Shin, the call that'd gotten cut off so abruptly that Kuma's labored voice haunted Shin still. If Kuma had done is as a lark to cost them much beloved sleep and making them go out in this already sweltering weather, it wasn't a very nice one. Still, a lark would be better than the alternative.

So both Yankumi and Shin kept in the back of their minds that maybe this was just a lark, that they'd find the instigator laughing at them as they ran up to meet him just outside the restaurant.

No such luck. Though a few people were out and about, the familiar face of Kuma couldn't been seen. After trying the (locked) front door and not wanting to cause a scene by pounding it in, Shin had motioned for Yankumi to follow and now they were in the back alley of the restaurant, hoping to gain access and maybe some clues.

She wanted to find Kuma. She wanted to take a shower. Instead, when the redhead in front of her turned around to peer in through one of the side windows, Yankumi settled for taking off her glasses (they'd been slipping down the bridge of her nose anyways), and placed them into a pants pocket. Hands freed, she then executed her plan with the precision of long practice earned in a house full of men and their hunger at mealtimes. She grabbed the hem of the back of his t-shirt (the dry part, of course), and used that to wipe her face. Quick, efficient, and now a bit drier.

Yankumi missed the fact that she'd exposed his lower back and a bit of his abdomen to the world in her quest to used his shirt as a face cloth. She didn't, however, miss how he'd stiffened instantly as muggy air met naked skin.

Even as Shin spun back around to face her, sputtering like an outraged shopper denied their bargain, she grinned while sliding past him to try the back door to the restaurant. The doorknob turned underneath her hand, and so, with a jaunty wave and a "Hey, thanks," she disappeared inside.

Gritting his teeth, he could only stand there for a moment, feeling not only his own sweat drenching his shirt, but now hers as well. If under other circumstances, he wouldn't mind. The slight flush on his cheeks deepened. Wouldn't mind at all. This though…just didn't fit the bill.

With the sigh of the ill-used, Shin trudged inside after her.

The metal countertops gleamed with the morning sunlight and reflected the care of those who polished them every day. Some ingredients already sat prepared, others still waiting for knowledgeable hands to tend to them. The kitchen, where the majority of the prep work occurred and ingredients were stored, seemed half-asleep, waiting for someone to finish waking it up. As Shin passed through the doorway into the dining area (where his errant partner should be as well), the quiet tick-tock-tick-tock of the clock on the wall faded behind him.

Yankumi crouched down on the floor, back facing the front door. One hand steadied her as she stretched with the other, fingers splayed. After inadvertently brushing against something on the counter and causing it to fall behind the stool, she found herself in this position of trying to set it back to rights. Muttering to herself as searching fingers felt the crisp smoothness, she got hold of one of its edges and a sound of triumph issued from her throat instead. Pulling it towards her, she turned it over face up and realized its significance.

Just then, Shin stepped through into the dining area, and Yankumi smiled, getting ready to wave it in his face. And just then, as she already committed herself to the motion of standing up, the sound of the lock releasing the front door could be heard, and then more light streamed in from the opening to the jingle of bells.

"Oi, Kuma!" She spun around without looking, her fist raised.

Shin spoke when Yankumi did, only to raise his voice to emphasize who he addressed. "Ah, good morning, Kumai-baasan..."

A pause. A freeze.

Yankumi realized her error instantly, the slip of paper crumpling in the fist that she immediately lowered and hid behind her. "Ahahaha…I meant, oh, Kuma's mom! Of course I meant that! I couldn't have meant anything else! Certainly not just, 'Oi, Kuma' because I thought it might be him!"

Mrs. Kumai stood blinking in the open doorway, startled by the sight of her son's high school teacher along with her son's best friend so early in the morning in the ramen shop unexpected. She recovered quickly, closing the door behind her and smiling in delight. "Ah, good morning, Sensei! It's been a while; I hope you're doing well. Did that son of mine properly deliver the calcium pills to you last night? You know how he gets sometimes." The older woman laughed quietly over Kumai Teruo, her only son, known as Kuma amongst his friends. "Like now, I can't believe he left two guests by themselves while he's off in the kitchen! And Shin-kun, you've gotten more handsome again!"

It was a natural assumption on her part. How, and why else, would two known friends (with one the former teacher) of Kuma be in the restaurant so early in the morning?

Yankumi saw Shin begin an intercept course as Kuma's mother set down her parcels on a nearby table and got ever closer to figuring out that her son wasn't here. She understood Shin's intent. Now he needed to understand hers.

On her best behavior, Yankumi surreptitiously tucked the note inside a pant's pocket even as she smiled brilliantly and replied sincerely with, "Yes, thank you for such a kind and thoughtful gift. I've never taken calcium pills before, but I'll try to now. Kuma told me that you've been interested in health recently, and you're really looking very cheerful today!" All the while she'd been walking towards the other woman, intentionally cutting Shin off. As she got in range, Yankumi gently steered Mrs. Kumai towards the window, using that opportunity to shoot a look at him that said silently, Get to the door. She didn't wait to see if he did, instead turning back to look out the window alongside Mrs. Kumai, stationing herself for a quick getaway.

"Do you go to that store right across that way? It must be very convenient, being so close! And Kuma's a good kid; I'm sure he's helping as much as he can with the shop since he's graduated." Unspoken was the fact that Kuma had felt the need to carrying on in place of his father, who'd passed away earlier in the year. The sadness still lingered, and it would be cruel to bring it to the surface. "Like right now! He wanted us to tell you that he's out shopping and having problems finding a few things. Since we were jogging in the area anyways, it was no problem for us to stop by! I'm really glad I got to thank you in person!" Yankumi made as to look at her wrist where her watch would have sat, if she'd had time to put it on this morning. "Oops, look at that. Maybe we can go help Kuma before we head back. We'll talk to you later, Mrs. Kumai!"

And with that, Yankumi ushered Shin out as he made his farewells, the little bell over the door jingling in their wake.

The abrupt departure left Mrs. Kumai with a puzzled question of, "…Shin-kun…jogging?"

Only a few moments later the bell once again rang when Yankumi reappeared in a flash of white and red, the door thrust wide open as she shouted to Kuma's mother, "And make sure the back door is locked!" before she disappeared again.

This time, the older woman could only blink.



"So, Kuma did go to buy groceries?"

"Yes, probably before he made the call to you. I found that note to his mom on the floor."

"He called about forty five minutes ago." Shin shifted his worried gaze from the watch face to Yankumi's own. "He should have been done and back by now."

They continued to search, sometimes splitting up on side streets only to meet up again empty-handed. Most clerks and shop-keeps disavowed seeing Kuma, but every so often someone would remember seeing him riding his bike, headed that way. Another twenty minutes passed by and the area turned more industrial.

A memory stirred in Shin. "Hey, aren't we getting near where Uchi lives and works?"

"Hmm…," Yankumi pursed her lips. "I think you're right. Maybe we should ask Uchi if he's seen Kuma."

They sped up their pace, and would have missed the shadows deep within the alleyway they were just passing if not for that minute gleaming of light off of metal. That caught Yankumi's attention enough for her to dimly make out an abandoned bicycle, making her think of Kuma. She immediately snagged the back of Shin's collar, causing him to come to an unpleasantly quick stop. Just as immediately, she released the hold on him, saying, "Come on."

He gagged a little even as she rushed forward into the unknown, her sneakers making short distance of the pavement, her eyes scanning for any danger.

"Oi, Yankumi!" He followed soon after, recovered, senses alert. The shadows cast by the two tall buildings forming the alleyway made no noticeable difference to the mugginess of the air. However, they were deep enough to cast a grey-black haze over the length of the long alley. Even after passing the bike, the white of Kuma's shirt was barely visible where he lay further down still, amongst the scattered bags of garbage and empty boxes not yet attended to.

"Kuma! Are you ok?" Her voice roughed with concern and then anger as Yankumi took in his battered and dirtied appearance, dropping to both knees to the ground in order to reach him.

Shin reached the two of them, breathing a sigh of relief at seeing Kuma, even in this shape. He bent down to pick up the cell phone next to its owner, gently placing it into Kuma's hand. "Hey."

Kuma's eyes fluttered open slowly, as if bracing against a headache, hand tightening around the phone. "Y-yo, Shin-chan…Yan…kumi…," greeted Kuma, a blossom of black and blue starting to making its mottled appearance high on his left cheekbone even against his tan. "Uchi is…over there."

"Sorry we're late." Shin swallowed against the lump in his throat, "I'll go check on Uchi."


She listened to Shin hurry over to their other friend, heard a fourth voice faintly quip, "Took you long enough."

Slightly relieved, Yankumi turned back to Kuma. "How are you feeling?"

"Not…so bad, now. Had some…time to rest."

"Hang in there, Kuma. And Shin's check on Uchi right now. We'll get you back home soon" Yankumi reassured. "Do you know who did this?"

"Naw…I don't know…Maybe Uchi does."

Yankumi filed that away to be asked later. Priorities first.

Kuma nodded, eyes closing a little They reopened as he sighed out, "Didn't mean…to get you and Shin-chan out of...bed…"

Yankumi ignored any possible payback to that little jibe when Kuma lightly chuckled at the insinuation that they'd been in bed together. Instead, she chose to think positively, that if he can joke, then at least he's still here and conscious. She assessed her former student, asking him questions and listening to him breath. Good, no broken ribs or any other bones here. The other worry was concussion.

She peered over at the other two. "How's Uchi?"

"Don't worry," Shin reassured. "Uchi's fine. He's too stubborn not to be."

"This stubborn guy…agrees," groaned Uchi, struggling to sit up, one hand pressed against the rising knot on the back of his head, the other acting as anchor. He frowned away Shin's attempts to help, muttering about how he wasn't a little kid anymore, but was ignored and got the help anyways. Shin was like that.

The background noise of the two bickering seemed to release a tight band of tension inside her. "Hey, your time on the garbage bed is over," she joked to Kuma. "Let's get you sitting up if you can."

It took some time, but finally they arrived safely at Uchi's apartment. With his mom's schedule firmly in mind, Uchi knew no one would be home to question the state the two males were in.

Well, too much questioning.

After cleaning up, Uchi called his boss and Kuma phoned his mom. Both got another hour of leeway before needing to go to their respective jobs. Then the four of them sat down around the low table in the living room and the two who were injured explained what they remembered.

According to Uchi, who insisted on giving them context, it started out with little things at the construction company where he worked at. Things like material orders mixed up, project deadlines unexpectedly changed, employees moving on and new ones hired for training. Normal, run of the mill kind of situations.

It became a bit more costly when trying to reorder specific types of material that shouldn't have run out during the middle of a project, but did anyways. They would then find out that everyone in the area were sold out, no longer carried it, or didn't know when more would come in. That forced the boss to buy further away, increasing overhead costs and slowing things down.

Some quit after minor accidents kept plaguing their assigned sites. Rumors of it being haunted made the rounds and more believed it by the day. A few more quit after claiming that the ghosts now prevented them from sleeping at night.

"I don't believe any of it, of course," Uchi snorted, nursing his throbbing head with an ice pack. "Ghosts don't exist."

"Really?" Shin cocked an eyebrow. "What about the time you claimed that Tomie–"

"I didn't say that! I just said that maybe I might have seen someone who might look like Tomie!"

"Who's Tomoe?" interjected Yankumi.

"Tomie," stressed Kuma, looking around as if half expecting the beautiful vision of the girl to appear, even though she was just a fictional character from a horror manga.

"Someone with a lot more looks and boobs than you–"

"OW!" Uchi lay with his back flat on the floor, head facing away from the low table where the four of them sat at, cold compress still clutched in his hand. As he levered himself back up, the ice went to nursing the new knot forming on his head. He glowered. "Don't hurt an already hurt man, Yankumi! That's cold!"

"If you're a man, don't start what you can't finish." She flexed her hand and found everything in good working order.

"Oh, come on, Shin!" whined Uchi. "How can you stand to be with such a manly…man? I could introduce you to some – whoa!" Just in time, he dodged, but the maneuver put him flat on his back again anyway.

Sitting cross-legged, leaning on one arm with his free hand tapping against the floor, Shin's demeanor suggested that Uchi definitely filled the textbook definition of "idiot."

Kuma latched onto the almost-promise of pretty girls. He wouldn't stop bugging Uchi about it for the next month.

Uchi decided to stay down during the rest of his telling of the story.

"Err…anyway, so after the ghost bit, more stupid gossip about how it wasn't just that one site, but the entire company that was haunted. Heck, I think even some of those who don't believe it ended up staying away because of that stuff. I mean, sure, who am I to know what's going on with 'em-but me, I think they believed it. That's why they didn't have the balls to come in person to resign. Did it over the phone. I mean, now that's pansy."

When Kuma frowned, it made the band-aids dotting his face contort some. He frowned now. "How come you didn't say anything last night to us about all this?"

"Why worry you guys? We were all there to have fun. 'Sides, it'll clear up. Summer's the busiest time for us in the construction business! Sure, it's been almost two months now and the boss sure is getting anxious about that permit coming through, and my hours have been cut back some so I've been thinking about picking up a second job, but…" Uchi trailed off, doubt re-entering his mind.

The three remained silent as speculations about possible ghosts or other more earthly interferences were cast aside with the last reveal. They knew how excited he'd been in getting the first real job that would allow him to help out his mom.

Yankumi had her fingers laced in front of her on the table, little furrow lines appearing on her brow. "So what happened this morning?"

Kuma shifted uncomfortably on his cushion as the memories came back.

"I was just going to get to that," grumped Uchi. "I was on my way out the door to work when Kuma got here–""Yeah, since I forgot to return the video game I'd been borrowing from him when we met up last night, I figured I could do it this morning since I was out and the shop wouldn't be opening right away–"

"We started talking about the game and since I had to get to work, we decided to just head to the main road together. I guess we didn't realize how far we'd walked till all of a sudden some dudes jumped us from behind, saying that we were bad luck since we probably worked for the company. Even though there were two of us, there were three of them…It was all a bunch of bull."

"Were they trying to get you to quit?" queried Shin, a contemplative look edging his gaze.

Uchi sat back up to look at Kuma questioningly. "Do you remember if they said anything else, Kuma?"

The other shrugged. "Nope. I think they went straight into hitting us."

"Why, you think that's what they wanted, Shin?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Need to know more first." A noncommittal reply. "Let's meet up tonight…"

Uchi repeatedly made the 'X' sign with his arms as if to ward off Shin. "No way. Not ever. I've got a seriously hot date tonight that I'm going to make even if I'm dead. My time is up. Need to get to work. We'll talk later, but not tonight."

Hopefully the hot date liked the roughed up kind of looks that Uchi currently sported.

Shin made as to open his mouth to say something, only Uchi beat him to it. "And no, I don't need you guys to walk me there. This ain't kindergarten." So he proceeded to push everyone out of the apartment, locked up, and headed off to his job, part deux.

Yankumi, Shin, and Kuma stood watching for a few minutes until he disappeared around the corner. Then Kuma embraced the two of them in a bear hug in thanks for finding him and Uchi. Wordlessly, he released his hold while grinning sheepishly all the while. Yankumi beamed, glad to see him safe. Embarrassed yet touched by the contact, Shin looked away as he scuffed the tip of his shoe, hands thrusting into pants pockets.

Backing away, Kuma turned and retrieved his bike from where it'd sat while the four were upstairs (Shin and Yankumi somehow managed to help support both boys back while wheeling the bike at the same time–it was one lucky bike). Assuring them that he'd be fine on the way to the restaurant, he got on, readied himself to take off, and then solemnly promised he wouldn't ask them when they're going to make him an uncle for 'some time'. And he was gone, grinning and laughing as he high-tailed it out of there.

Yankumi uselessly kicked some dirt after the bike, looking tousled, sweat-matted, and full of plotting, vengeful ire. Yup, also definitely pouting.

"Come on, Tomie, let's go back."

"Who the hell's Tomie? Are you cheating on me, Shin? If you are, I'm gonna beat you down!"

"Ah," he smiled. "That's my Tomie."

It was worth it when she started chasing after him.



That night after dinner, after they finished with preparations for their own return to their respective schools, the two of them sat out on the porch under the moonlight. A slight breeze alleviated the still warm night air some, and having no one else around helped with the mood.

Or it should have. Shin eyed the two feet of space between them. Hmm.

He took that opportunity to look at her, objectively noticing the tapered smoothness of her feet (that could execute a perfect heel kick), the slim and well muscled legs in those shorts of hers (with the ability to outrun so many), the curved hips and trim waist (he was glad the guys don't see her like this), the gentle slope of her breasts (ok, so she's not endowed – not a big deal…err…no entendre intended), the suppleness of her back (German Suplex anyone?), the strength of her hands and arms (definitely put to not-so-gentle uses at times), the graceful neck and collarbones, the shape of her jaw, her lips…

Shin jumped inwardly when he finally noticed that she'd noticed that he'd been looking at her.

"Are you going to mention that Tomoe gal again or something? If you do, I'm–"

"Tomie." He wondered if she'd enjoy reading the manga bearing that name. Probably. "And no, I'm not."

"Tomie, Momie, whatever." She dismissed her error with a negligent wave of a hand. "More importantly, what do you think is happening with Uchi and that company?"

He looked out into the garden. "I don't know yet. But we'll find out."

She nodded, firm in her resolve. "Yes, we will."

Shin breathed in, feeling his chest expand to hold in all the air as his lungs worked to get oxygen into him. And out. And in again. Usually no conscious thought made that happen-life took care of itself as with the beating of the heart. Today, this morning, just over twelve hours ago, Shin felt his breath catch and heart clench when the raspy sound of Kuma's voice cut through his sleep-muddled mind. But they'd found him along with Uchi. Luckily, thankfully. And then another mystery appeared with Uchi's story.

He muddled over it for a bit as the two of them sat in silence, the wood underneath them comforting. Then he carefully stored the mystery away to a place where it could easily be recalled to be analyzed, and switched his attention back to the woman sitting next to him. The pitch of Shin's voice reached out to her, low yet light and all the while soft, as he said, "How about make tonight memorable to?"

She looked at him consideringly. "How so?"

He smiled. "Let's spar."

Did he see her deflate a little just then? He inwardly crowed with delight.

"But we've already showered."

He got up and held out a hand towards her. "Then we'll just have to shower again after."

She smirked, the light of battle lighting up her gaze. "Time to see how your training's been going then."



Later in the evening, when most of the household had already retired to bed, the two lay side by side on the grass, exhilaration coursing through them, panting breaths released into the sky above.

He turned his head towards her, looked at her, saw her. He smiled so softly that it flitted on his lips like an illusion, his eyes matching.

She wriggled her cool toes against his ankle, her gaze up on the stars. If either of them moved their hands an inch toward the other, they would have touched.

"You know we've got to wake up in the morning. I've got class to attend and you've one to teach."


"You're not much of a morning person."

"Neither are you."

"But I'm not a teacher."

"And I'm not a student."

"No, you're not," he laughed quietly. "At least I'm not your student anymore."

"Yes." A hint of exasperation entered her voice. "You really were too much those last few months before you graduated."

"Too bad we didn't do more things back then." He mourned a little, but only a bit. The endgame turned out in his –their– favor anyways.

The grass rustled. She turned her head to look at him, her hair spilling loosing around her.

He mirrored her, staring right back and not wanting to look away. Could she see that he was smiling? That being beside her made him happy?

"Stop that. I think we did more than enough." reproved Yankumi. "Teacher-student relationships should be nurturing and educational so that students always know they can rely on their teachers. The youth of today need someone who believes in them, who'll fight for them. To be good people who will go out into the world knowing that they can achieve happiness, that's what I hope!"

Her passion warmed him now, as it did then when he was still her student and the barrier between them greater with that distinction. Not that he let that get in his way. Not that he let it get in her way for long either.

"Hmm," he responded, teasing her.

Her belief caught her up like a huge wave. For some time, she proceeded to expound upon the wonders of the teaching profession, hands gesturing to make a point, excitement and conviction in every word. She loved what she did, and it showed.

He listened to the rise and fall of her voice, to where she placed added emphasis, to when she had to pause to take a breath, only to continue on.

For all her prior objections, she chose to be with him.

As she wound down, as they went back to looking at stars as silence descended upon them and they lay there luxuriating in each other's company, the sound of the cicadas took over the conversation. Neither of them had moved from their positions on the grass, bodies still slightly apart. Then her hand touched his, first palm to palm and then fingertips alone to do the exploring, lingering here and there like the finest kiss. Up and down his arm she went. Shin closed his eyes at the sensations radiating out into his body from those butterfly touches, a slow languor that also burned.

They caught each other's gaze as he gently took her wandering hand into his loose grip. He twined their fingers together, palm to palm, his thumb playing over hers in a caress until her lips parted soundlessly, tongue flickering out to wet dry lips. His grip tightened at the sight, and then he slid his hand free so that his palm lifted up from hers and fingers untwining to explore her palm, her arm. He could feel the fluttering of her heartbeat when his fingers smoothed over the inside of her wrist. He imagined many things and saw some of them reflected in her eyes as his hand dragged up her arm, the touch light and deliberate, to her inner elbow. He learned how sensitive she was there, learned how that fed back into him and made him ache to map her, elsewhere.

Her foot had stilled against his leg by that time. Her eyes had closed. Tension wound through her body as it focused on his. And even though there was more, still more of her he wanted, he would wait. Because he never wanted this to end.



"There are very few moments in life as good as this. Let's remember it. To each of us and all of us, never have we been more close, may we never be farther apart." – Lloyd Richards, All About Eve







A/N: To all those reviewers of chapter 4 and before, thank you for your continued messages and patience. It really helped pull this chapter through. Hope you guys enjoyed this one! (sneaks off)

Constructive comments and critiques welcomed.