Title: Thoughts

Author: Slashyme

E-mail: [email protected]

Disclaimer: All the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm making no money

of this, I never have, I never will.

Parings: Fred/George/Other (Others implied)

Rating: I'm not sure... R I think.

Warning: This is mild slash. No sex, but it involves two guys kissing. *Twincest/Slash/Yaoi*

Spoilers: None

Feedback: Yes, please!

Summary: The twins think about their friends and lovers.

Author's Note: In my little universe almost everyone is gay so if that

offends you, don't read this. This is the first story I've ever finished, so please

tell me what you think. Thanks to my beta-reader Taleyana, you're the best!


It had been a hard day for Fred and George Weasley. They had earned

themselves three hours of detention for playing a prank on the Slytherins,

and now they were tired as hell. As if three hours of detention wasn't enough

they had been forced to help Filch by cleaning all the trophies, something they

had done often. After the trophy cleaning they had gone straight to bed.

Fred snuggled a little closer to his twin and sighed. It had been a hard

day, indeed.

"Have you heard about the newest couple at Hogwarts?" George asked just as

silence filled the room.

Fred looked up and answered; "No, who is it? Someone from Gryffindor?"

The other boy nodded "Yep, it's Dean and Seamus from Ron's room."

"It's about time their relationship became official, they've been together

for ages... Who told you, anyway?" In the time he had spoken, he had cuddled

even closer to George, who didn't mind at all.

George slipped his arm around his twins waist. "Neville did."

Neville and Percy had been seeing each other officially for three months

now, and people were getting used to the fact a prefect and the most clumsy boy

at Hogwarts were a couple. Normally Neville was the shy boy nobody expected

anything from, but in bed he was totally different. The twins had

experienced that for themselves a long time ago.

"How are Ron and Harry doing?" George asked thinking of their youngest

brother. Ron and Harry had been going steady for quite some time now.

"There are some problems in paradise, Snape does everything he can to slit

them up in Poison." Fred answered. Snape seemed to hate Harry even more

now that he had found happiness with Ron.

George smirked. "Well, he definitely hasn't been succeeding. The last time I

saw the happy couple, they couldn't keep their hands of each other." //Just

like me and Fred// he thought, as he sought his twins lips.

The kiss deepened and Fred didn't resist as the other boy slipped his tongue

in his mouth, and rolled him over on his back. A moan escaped his lips, as

George stroked his hip. He felt an erection growing between his legs, hot

and breathtaking. Fred's hands ran through his brother thick red hair, the

trademark of the Weasley family, and looked into a pair of eyes that were

identical to his. They kissed again, this time even deeper...

"What the fuck are you to doing?!"

The twins looked up at the same time. It was their best friend, Lee Jordan.

Slowly he moved closer. "Haven't I told you not to play without me?" He

said and smiled.

"We were just doing a little foreplay," Fred said innocently and both twins grinned

mischievously at their lover.  "We wouldn't do *anything* without


"I'm not sure about that." Lee commented, as he stripped most of his


Two identical faces send him innocent glances. "We would never do that..."

"No, of course not" Lee said as he crawled into the bed. He looked at

Fred... or was that George? It didn't' matter anyway, he loved both of them. "You

would never kiss your twin brother, let alone have sex with him, is that


"Of course!" The red head said "I'm as innocent as a... ah... a very

innocent person!"

Lee smirked; "A very innocent person who has sex with his twin brother."

"Well," Fred said with a sigh, "We have to say you're right on this one." he

learned forward and kissed his twin. Their tongues tangled together and a

moan came from George.

Lee looked at the twins with intense passion. Before he had met the twins,

he hadn't know what the word perfect really meant. Now he knew.

He grinned. "I don't hear any of you complaining."

Both boys looked at him, smiles plastered on their faces, and he leaned down

to catch their lips.


So, what do you think? I really, really want to know. English is not my

native tongue, so please be gentle.
