A/N Here is Chapter 11. Isn't it funny that it was 11 pages? It might be a little limey but depends on how you look at it. Sooo w/e lol. There's going to be a battle scene in this chapter but I'm not that good at battle scenes. I'm trying :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters because if I did Sesshomaru would have married a character named Kim and they would have millions of kids (kim is my name! smiles!). God I wish I owned sesshy. Enough of my whining.


"I love you Monica," he whispered in her ear making her smile.

"I love you too, Sesshomaru," she whispered back blinking away tears. Those simple words, his fingers through her hair, his body against hers, and his strong heartbeat slowly lulled her into a peaceful slumber, which she hadn't had in a while.

"Sleep love," he said quietly kissing her again. When he said he'd give her his life he'd meant every word of it. He tightened his hold on her and closed his eyes slipping into a deep sleep with his love.

Chapter 11: The Battle


Sesshomaru eyes were fixed on Monica's sleeping form. He wanted to wake her up so he could see those beautiful eyes but decided against it. She needed the peaceful sleep that she hadn't had in a while. It took a moment for Sesshomaru to realize that Monica was mumbling. So she talks in her sleep, this should be interesting, he thought.

"Mmm, Sesshy please, more!" she mumbled. O so she's dreaming about me, he thought with a smirk. "Take me, make me yours," she moaned.

After about 3 minutes of her moaning and groaning for him, Sesshomaru was hard and very curious as to what his dream self was doing to her that was making her make those delicious sounds.

"Monica," Sesshomaru whispered softly. "Monica wake up," he whispered again in her ear.

Tired hazel eyes opened to meet smiling gold ones which were so unique yet so similar to each other.

"Good morning beautiful," he whispered softly nipping at her ear.

"Morning love," she responded suppressing a moan as he continued his assault on her ear.

"You where talking in your sleep," he said with a smirk.

"O," she responded blushing as she remembered her dream.

"You must have had a good dream. Care to share?" he asked. Monica mumbled something incoherent and blushed deeper. Then she closed her eyes. After a few seconds of silence Sesshomaru was confused.

"Open your mind, let me in," she whispered. Monica, being a mix of sayain and demon, had gained powers from both species. She had also gained powers that neither species had. One of them was telepathy. She rarely used it because it took to much focus. If she ever tried to use it in battle she'd be cut down before she could even enter the persons mind. In addition the person had to be willing to connect with her. Now she was planning to show Sesshomaru her dream hoping it would save her some embarrassment.

When the dream ended Monica let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding and opened her eyes. To her surprise she was now staring into golden eyes that were darkened with lust.

"You know, that could be arranged," he whispered in her ear, his voice laden with lust. Monica's whole body tingled when she heard his tone.

"Really?" she asked playing along, her tone matching his own. She moaned as his mouth latched onto her ear again nipping and sucking.

"So I take it you slept well," he said in-between sucks.

"Yes wonderfully best sleep I've had since-" she said stopping abruptly, which made Sesshomaru stop his assault on her ear.

"Since what?" he asked in a tone that demanded an answer.

"Since…the incident," she said avoiding his questioning gaze.

"What incident?" he asked trying to hold in the anger that was threatening to seep into his voice.

" I am not supposed to speak of it," she said her voice cracking.

Sesshomaru had had enough. Why wouldn't she tell him? He grabbed her chin, not enough to hurt her, but enough to make her flinch in surprise and forced her to look him in the eye.

"I love you Monica. Nothing you tell me will ever change that. I will never judge you because of your experiences," he said.

Then he swooped down at caught her lips in a kiss that held so much tenderness and love that it brought tears to her eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I was raped when I was 8," she said softly eyes downcast.

"Who!" Sesshomaru growled. He wanted to track down that person and rip of his head. She met his fiery gaze for a moment before bursting into more tears.

"It was so long ago…and I was so young I-I-I DON'T REMEMBER!" she exclaimed through her sobs.

Sesshomaru held her trembling form as close to him as possible and ran his fingers through her hair in a successful attempt to calm her down.

"You must think I'm impure. Robbed of my innocence at 8," she mumbled into his chest.

"You are as pure as an angel. You were taken advantage of, it is not your fault," he said kissing the star on her forehead which made her shudder because it was very sensitive.

"Thank you," she whispered while he sucked on her neck drawing a moan from her.

He buried his head in her neck and breathed in her spicy, sweet, and intoxicating scent that reminded him of peppermint candy. (A/N idk if they had those in that time but who cares!) He smiled and nuzzled her neck sitting up slightly so that her legs were now wrapped around his waist. (A/N she already changed out of what she was wearing in the last chapter. Now she has the capris and the belly shirt on.) She smiled back and nuzzled his neck too taking in his strong masculine scent. Sesshomaru leaned up for a kiss, teasing her lips with his tongue so that she would open her mouth for him. She moaned as their tongues rubbed together leaving a pool in her stomach, which grew when Sesshomaru grinded into her making them both moan.


It was the next morning and Inuyasha was frantic as to why his sister had not returned from her practice last night.

"What if Naraku got to her…damn that bastard!" he exclaimed in panic.

"Inuyasha calm down. Monica can handle herself she's very powerful, we went through this." Kagome reminded him.

"Well she's still my little sister and I'm going to find her and make sure she knows that!" (A/n in human years Monica is 17, Inuyasha is 19, Kagome is 16 idk how old Monica and Inuyasha would be in demon years) he yelled running towards her scent followed by an annoyed Kagome and the rest of the group.

Somewhere along the way he began to smell two scents. He new one was Monica's but the other…

"Sesshomaru!" he growled running even faster.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled trying to keep up. "Inuyasha, SIT!" she finally yelled huffing and puffing. (A/N I tried not to make her sit him that much b/c I get so mad the way that ho uses her powers for EVIL!)

Inuyasha was instantly planted face first in the ground. Miroku twitched in the background. That had to hurt,he thought to himself. Inuyasha got up and began throwing curses at Kagome who only yelled back and sat him more.

Not too far away Sesshomaru and Monica were beginning to hear the yelling. Recognizing the familiar sounds Monica let out a laugh. She climbed of Sesshomaru and walked towards the sounds gesturing for him to follow. He complied, eyes fixed on her ass she walked away. (A/N Sesshy, Sesshy, Sesshy, you never seize to amaze me)

When they finally reached the group Sesshomaru quickly regained his composure fixing his cold mask back in place.

"Kaggs, give my poor puppy a break!" Monica exclaimed in amusement drawing all eyes on her.

"Mo!" Kagome cried embracing her cousin.

"Sis?" Inuyasha managed to mumble from his place in the dirt.

He leaped up and ran to hug her ignoring Sesshomarus' possessive growl.

"Sis, we were looking for you!" he finally said letting her go. Sis, Sesshomaru pondered in silence. Maybe they have developed a sibling like relationship. Hmm judging from the pack bite on her shoulder.

Inuyasha, who had just noticed his brothers' presence, turned towards him and glared daggers receiving a cold glare in response. Monica simply rolled her eyes at their childishness. Suddenly, Inuyasha leaned in and sniffed her. He smelt Sesshomaru all over her so he could guess they were together all night but he did not smell sex. Thank the gods! He thought looking up to the sky. There was nothing worse than knowing your little sister just had sex with your older brother. He opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut when he noticed Monica's pleading gaze. She too took that moment to thank Kami that Inuyasha had kept his mouth shut. She smiled appreciatively at him and tackled him in a bear hug, attacking him with tickles. He tried to stifle his laughter but to no avail.

Everyone was surprised to her the deep laugh coming from the almost always angry Inuyasha. Surprisingly enough no one had ever heard him laugh. Even Sesshomaru raised an elegant eyebrow. Kagome let a smile spread across her face as she watched. She couldn't remember ever seeing him this happy. Monica was good for him and she was glad she brought her.

"I know your ticklish puppy!" she exclaimed laughing as he burst into a fit of giggles and writhed around trying to escaped her hands.

"Sis common, this is embarrassing, STOOP!" he cried.

Finally she stopped but not before kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair affectionately. Then she winked at him and blew him a kiss. O yea the gods were definitely out to get him today. He rolled his eyes trying to hide his blush as all eyes fell on him. He glared at all of them daring them to laugh or say a word. They were all smart enough to keep their mouths shut. He stood up with Monica's help. Monica set to work brushing of his haori and muttering things about always having to take care of him. Inuyasha simply rolled his eyes and marched up to Sesshomaru.

"If you ever, ever hurt her in anyway shape or form, I will hunt you down like the dog you are and kill you myself," he growled which made everyone but Sesshomaru cower in fear. Sesshomaru stared at him for a couple of moments before walking past him and towards Monica with a slight nod of his head.

Standing in front of Monica he whispered, "Are you going to travel with Rin and I?"

She sighed deeply. "Hun, you have no idea how much I want to, but I can't leave Kagome or Inuyasha or anyone else. They're my friends," she replied laying her head on his chest. "But you should travel with us-" she stopped when she heard him growl. "Please…for me love, I'm scared Naraku will come get me," she whispered childishly fidgeting with his robes. She beamed up at him when she heard his deep chuckle.

"Alright, I will accompany you to insure your safety. I would not give him the satisfaction," he said which made her giggle and kiss him.

In the background Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "O.K love birds!" he yelled. "Are you comin' or what we've got ground to cover and Kagome senses a shard!" he exclaimed picking Kagome up too fast for her taste, which got him, sat. (A/N That bitch is evil!)

Inuyasha got up annoyed. "Fine bitch you can walk!" he growled taking off in the general direction of the demonic aura, which may have held a jewel shard.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled after him but he didn't turn back.

"Awe common Yashie!" Monica shouted also. Still no response. "Well Kaggs I think you went too far this time," she said matter-of-factly. Kagome sighed and nodded her agreement hanging her head. "Common," She said bending over.

"What?" Kagome asked confused.

"Get on! Chop Chop! Time is jewel shards!" Monica exclaimed.

"O right," she said hopping on Monica's back. Kilala had already taken off after Inuyasha with Shippou, Miroku, and Sango. Monica leaped up and had to decide whether to fly or just jump from treetop to treetop. Flying took to much energy so jumping it was. She followed Kilala with Sesshomaru right behind her.

When they landed Monica growled and let Kagome off her back. The smell of Naraku was undeniable.

Inuyasha was already engaged in a battle. Well actually it looked like just play for Naraku, who was evading every swing of Inuyasha's sword. They came in time to see the backlash wave hurled back at him. Inuyasha barely missed it but not in time to dodge one of Naraku's tentacles to the head. It sent him straight back into a tree almost knocking him out.

"Puppy!" Monica cried running to cradle his head followed by an even more panicked Kagome. "Puppy? Koi speak to me!" Monica yelled shaking him.

"He should be fine Mo! I think he just got the wind knocked out of him." Kagome said, her voice quivering.

"Mo!" he gasped needing air.

"Yes koi, I'm here!" she whispered holding him tighter and stroking his hair, not caring as the blood that was pouring from the back of his head stained her hand.

"Don't let him take you from us, sis!" he whispered before taking a deep breath and passing out.

Monica gasped what did her puppy mean? Then it hit her like a ton of bricks…well actually he hit her along with the meaning of Inuyasha's words. Naraku hit her too sending her spiraling back into Sesshomaru's arms.

"Are you alright?" he asked worry laced in his voice.

"Yea, just stunned," she said shaking her head and standing up. She closed her eyes and focused her energy taping into her battle form. What looked like red flames engulfed her and when they died down there stood Monica, the element of fire. Blood red eyes snapped open and glared daggers at Naraku. Flaming red hair surrounded her. Her markings glowed, her clothes changed, claws and fangs extended. Naraku was now staring at a beautiful full-blooded demon.

"Hmm," he said out loud. She growled and shuddered at the lust in his voice. She miscalculated his movements when he charged at her barely giving her enough time to jump back. And she certainly miscalculated his movements when he slapped her with a tentacle knocking her off her feet. In pure rage she yelled "FLAMES OF FURY!" setting his baboon pelt on fire, forcing him to rip it of in fear of being burned alive. He had quite an urge to stop drop and roll but settled for ripping it off instead. (A/N How funny would that have been the most evil being alive stop dropping a rolling lmao, what a visually! on with the story)

Monica gasped. This was no puppet, it was the real deal. Naraku the one who had done so much evil to her friends was standing in front of her. Needless to say she was speechless. How could someone so evil be so beautiful? His long black wavy hair framed his face and scarlet eyes burned into her soul. Snap out of it. She told her self. He may be gorgeous but he is evil. Nodding her head in agreement she got to her feet.

"FIRE WHIP!" she yelled holding out her hand. In seconds a whip purely made of fire was in her hands. She charged, whipping it at Naraku many times. Naraku dodged it every time except for one, which set a tentacle on fire. Angrily he ripped it off.

Meanwhile Sesshomaru was near by ready to jump in at anytime if he was needed. Why would Naraku come all the way here in person just to fight? Unless Inuyasha was right and he really does want to take Monica. I will die before I let that happen. Sesshomaru thought, turning back to the battle when Naraku began to speak.

"I underestimated you Monica," he said in a deep baritone. "I should have known you had powers the likes of which I had never seen before," he added.

"Thanks for the compliment but you haven't seen anything yet," she shouted tossing away her fire whip. Again she focused her energy and a new weapon formed in her hands. "I call this one my fire sword!" she shouted. "ENJOY!" she added charging at him yet again. She liked the fire sword more, it was more precise than the fire whip. How much damage could a sword made of fire possible do? More than you would ever think that's for sure.

Naraku was getting tired of this. All he was doing was dodging her attacks. He knocked her back with a tentacle making her drop the fire sword.

"Grrr, THAT'S IT!" she cried. "DISC OF DEATH!" she yelled as it formed in her hand. With a graceful back flip she hurled it in his direction. He ducked but was surprised when it came back cutting him in half.

"Yes!" she exclaimed thinking it was over. Wrong again. Naraku's body reattached again. It was like nothing ever happened.

"Wh-What are you!" she shouted.

"Indestructible. To kill me you'd have to destroy my heart. My heart is not in my body." he responded coolly.

"Fine then." She stood up. Now it was time for an energy attack. "FIRE BALLS!" she yelled. In second's balls of fire revolved around her. She leaped in the air and hurled many at him. There were too many and he couldn't dodge them all. He focused his power and put up a shield. When the smoke cleared her eyes widened.

Meanwhile Inuyasha had just regained consciousness. Kagome was desperately trying to stop him from charging into battle again.

"Inuyasha you can't you don't have enough energy!" she cried in panic. "Please don't." she whispered choking on a sob.

Inuyasha heard the desperation in her voice. He turned around and met her tearful eyes and then quickly looked elsewhere. There was too much emotion in her eyes for him to bear.

"I have to help her," he said with determination. "I made a promise to her, I made a promise to myself, and I made a promise to your mom," he added a little quieter.

"What?" Kagome asked obviously confused.

"It was the day I came to get you after you left," Inuyasha said. "When I got there…"


It had been almost two days and the group hadn't traveled at all. They couldn't without Kagome. She had missed her family and friends so she left to spend time at home. She also hated sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag and not being able to bathe for more than one day. Monica, however, wanted to stay. She was a nature freak, the kind that loved sleeping on the ground surrounded by trees and bathing out in the open.

"When is that girl planning on coming back," Inuyasha growled in annoyance.

"If you want her back so bad go get her," Monica said with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"I don't want her back all she'll do is sit. But we need her if we wanna go anywhere," Inuyasha protested.

"Yashie, just go get her my goodness. I wanna travel as much as you," she said annoyance slipping into he tone.

"You go."

"No, I wanna stay here, you go."

"It's your house," Inuyasha whined.

"But you always go get her, she's expecting you not me," Monica exclaimed.

"I don't wanna."

"Fine we'll shoot for it."


"It's a game from my era. It's called rock, paper, scissors," she said and began explaining the game to him. "Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. Easy right?" she said and Inuyasha nodded. "Best 2/3 wins." And so they played.

"Rock, paper, scissors shoot. Paper beats rock," Monica said. "Rock paper scissors shoot. Rock beats scissors, I win go get her," she exclaimed triumphantly.

"You suck," Inuyasha growled.

"I love you too, puppy," she stated with a smile. And with that Inuyasha jumped through the well to bring Kagome back.

He walked into the house and was greeted with the smell of dinner. His stomach instantly growled but he ignored it. Walking into the kitchen he saw Kagome's mother.

"Good evening Mrs. Higurashi," Inuyasha greeted her with a bow.

"Hello Inuyasha, how are you?" she asked smiling brightly.

"I'm fine and you?"

"Wonderful thank you for asking. Kagome should be down in about 15 minutes she's enjoying a shower right now," she said gesturing for him to sit.

"All right."

"How is Monica?"

"She's fine she wanted me to tell you she loves you and she misses you."

"Well you tell her the same. You know I worry a lot about her. Her being 1/3 sayain, 1/2 demon, and 1/6 human, she is an odd mix and is always sought after. Whether it is to kill her because she is a mutt, if you will, or to study her because she is such a powerful mix," she said with a sigh.

"I understand. I am a half-breed too so people are always trying to get rid of me because they see me as an abomination. You don't need to worry though because I vow to protect her no matter what. She is like a sister to me," he said placing a hand over hers.

"Thank you Inuyasha. That puts me at ease," she said. Smiling she placed her other hand over his and gave it a squeeze. "It means a lot."

End Flashback

"Now do you see why I have to do this?" he asked Kagome who nodded in response. Kneeling before her he placed a hand on her cheek and brushed away her tears. He placed a gentle kiss on her blush-stained cheek and then picked up his sword and charged at Naraku. "WIND SCAR!" he yelled. Naraku did not see that coming and was blown back. He managed to leap up and wrap a tentacle around Monica's neck.

After about 5 seconds darkness enveloped her and she slipped into unconsciousness oblivious to the cries of her friends.


Sesshy: O O

Inu: O O

Kim: I'm sorry but it had to be done

Sesshy: How could you!?

Kim: Who asked you? shut your mouth

Sesshy: touché

Kim: glares at him Do you remember what I said last time

Sesshy: thinks really hard…NO

Kim: Corner!

Sesshy: What?

Kim: go to the corner you are in a time out MISTER

Sesshy: For what

Kim: for making me feel bad

Sesshy: this is ridiculous

Kim: I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that you want to repeat it

Sesshy: the corners good.

Walks off to the corner

Kim: Yashie, you know what to do!

Inuyasha: Make sure you review view view!