Chapter 1 Dreams and Nightmares

A/N- We're going to pretend that book 6 never came out and that Snape is still the potion's master, Harry is still at school, and he and Ginny are still going out. Also Ginny got outstanding on all of her OWL's and she got pushed up a year.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. They are all owned by J. K. Rowling.


"I love you Hermione," exclaimed Ron as they were walking along the lake.

"Oh, Ron! I love you too!" Hermione was so happy that he had finally expressed his true feelings toward her.

She turned to tell him that she had loved him since the first time that she had seen him. That was on the Hogwarts Express in their first year, but before she could tell him he kissed her. It was a passionate, deep, loving kiss. She had been waiting for this moment for so many years. He started to slide his hands up her shirt when she awoke with a start.

"Come on Hermione, it's time to get up! You're gonna miss breakfast." Ginny was starting to get annoyed that Hermione wasn't getting up, so she decided to throw a pillow at her.

"Hey! Ginny stop it! I'm getting up, ok, see I'm up!" She said as she jumped out of bed and threw the pillow back at Ginny.

"What were you dreaming about, that lover of yours again?" asked Ginny with a smile on her face.

"What are you talking about, I don't have a lover." said Hermione as she started to blush.

The truth was that ever since school had started half a month ago Hermione had been having these passionate dreams about Ron every night. She sometimes had dreams where she was just standing there and watching him shower. She thought that they were odd, but none the less they turned her on.

"Of course you do, you told me yesterday!" Said Ginny almost positive that Hermione had told her and that she herself was not dreaming it.

"Oh, well, I forgot that I told you, but yes, it was about him again." "But who.." Ginny started to say, but Hermione cut her off, "I already told you that I can't tell you who it is yet, but don't worry, I promise you that it isn't Harry."

"Oh, alright, well we better get down to breakfast before all the food is gone, oh, and I heard that at the end of breakfast Dumbledore is going to make an announcement, so we better get going before we miss it." She told Hermione as she went into the bathroom to get dressed.


Meanwhile in the boys dorm Ron was also having dreams about Hermione, his were more like nightmares though. Just like Hermione it had been love at first sight when he first saw her on the train in their first year.

Ron's dreams always started out with the two of them in a romantic situation that had not been planned. He would turn to kiss her but she would push him away. Or in other ones he would tell her how he really felt, but she would then tell him that she was seeing someone else.

The problem was that Ron and Hermione did not know that the other one felt the same as they did, and they were both too scared to make the first move.


Just a short while later Hermione and Ginny were entering the Great Hall for breakfast. They went over to where they always sit with Harry, Ron, and Neville. Ginny pecked Harry on the cheek, and Hermione blushed as she sat down next to Ron. Ginny noticed Hermione's cheeks slightly pinken and she knew at once that Hermione's dreams were about Ron. She was a little bit disturbed with him being her brother and all, but she knew that Ron secretly liked her too.

"May I have your attention please?" Dumbledore began and waited for the students to quiet down before he went on.

"I would like to inform you all that since tomorrow is Friday the faculty has decided to cancel all classes and send each year on a different trip for relaxation." Dumbledore paused because the students started to chatter excitedly.

"Oh my! That sounds like fun! I wonder where we will be going!" exclaimed Hermione.

"We have decided," continued Dumbledore, "to magically transform 7 islands for the day and to send each year to a different island. The 1st year's island will be an island full of fun and games. Somewhat like a carnival. The 2nd years will have an island that is full of sports. There will be a full list of the sports that will be played in your common rooms by the end of today's classes. The 3rd years will have a snow covered island for skiing and snowboarding all day. The 4th years will have an island that is like a day spa where you can just relax all day. The fifth, sixth, and seventh years will all have islands that are transformed to be like beaches in the middle of the summer. I assure you that you will all have a good time, and remember to dress accordingly to your island. Incase you forgot what your island will be there will also be lists that will describe everything that you need to know. Once again, these lists will be posted in all common rooms at the end of today's classes."

As Dumbledore finished everyone was once again chatting excitedly and discussing what they would wear and who they would go with.

The rest of the day was a blur. Classes went by extremely fast and everyone was excited about the next day's events.

At the end of the day when the trio got to the common room they all rushed over to see the new announcement that had been posted.

The 7 Islands of Relaxation

All students are asked to be at breakfast at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. We have gotten boats that will bring you from the lake to your islands in the morning. The boats will be departing at 8 a.m. We are to inform you that if you miss the boats there is no other way for you to get to the islands and you will have to remain at the school with a few teachers who will be staying back, as there are bound to be students that will miss the boats. The trip will take about 30 minutes and you will be at your islands at about 8:30 a.m. You are to dress accordingly to your environments. Here is a list of where you will be going and what you are to wear or bring.

1st years: Fun and Games. There will be a carnival with food, games, and fun for all. The skies will be clear and it will be about 70 degrees. We advise that you wear pants and a t-shirt and bring a sweater because it is bound to get colder as the night goes on.

2nd years: Your island is one of sports and games that take strength. You will have the option to choose from the muggle games of soccer, football, baseball, softball, and tennis. These games will all be explained to you when you arrive. You will also have the option of playing Quidditch and rock climbing. Temperatures will be the same as the 1st years, but we advise wearing shorts as you will be active all day.

3rd years: Your island will be snow covered and only about 30 degrees. We advise that you wear snow gear and heavy winter cloaks. You will be provided with skiing and snowboarding equipment and there will also be a few ski lodges.

4th years: You will be at a day spa where there will be massages, mud baths, facials, and other spa type activities which will be explained to you upon arrival. It will not matter what you are wearing as you will be given bath robes and comfortable clothes to wear while you are present on the island.

5th, 6th, & 7th years: You will be on a beach for the day and the temperatures will vary between 85 and 90 degrees throughout the day. You are advised to wear bathing suits and sandals. You should bring shorts and t-shirts incase you get chilly at night. The island will provide you with sunscreen and towels for the day.

A note to all students - your Island's will turn to night at about 8 o'clock and there will be fireworks that last until 8:30 when we will be returning to the school. We will be back around 9 o'clock and we strongly advise that you do not miss your boats back to the school because at 9:30 the islands will once again become deserted islands. Thank you, Hogwarts Faculty.

A/N: This is my first fan fiction. Tell me what you think. So far I have about 13 chapters planned, but there will probably be about 20 when I am done. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll update soon, if not tonight. I'm about halfway done with chapter 2.