Hey, everybody! Long time no post. Ying is finally back to normal and is helping me with this Sequel of Going Up? which is going to be about Ryou getting revenge on Yugi! Whee!

Disclaimer: you know we don't own it.

Couple: mainly going to be Y/Y, B/R, M/M but there will be some XXX-somes and lots of make outs in groups. heh.

This would be a 2-shot so hold your suspense.


Going Down?

Ryou moaned as he felt the rays of light blinding him to awaken. Not wanting to wake up, but can't do anything to prevent it, Ryou stirred and force himself to open his eyes.

Slowly, blinking the sleep away. Ryou focuses his sleep-fogged eyes to a pair of blurry violet eyes.

"Hmm? yu-gi?" he murmured in a soft tone. But as he continue to blink into focus, he slowly notice the change the picture of his friend is turning. "Huh?"

Even though the violet eyes stay, it has a different light in them. Not the innocent wide eyes of his young friend teen, but of a strangers. Also, the image of his friend's face starts to fade and morph into a more mature face, with long platinum blonde hair that's spiky and that the milky, young skin has darken into a nice tan. And for some strange reason, the face is very, very, VERY close to his.

Feeling an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his tummy, he knows something was wrong with this picture.

Snapping his eyes open, fully awake now, he stared up into the face of, not his friend Yugi, but of a really hot Egyptian teen. Who's apparently straddling him on the waist...and is staring VERY closely into his face, their noses just micro-meters apart. Ryou held his breath, his eyes wide as saucers, sweat dripping down his body and face.

"Uhh..." Ryou squeaked, unable to form any words.

The other, who's one top, suddenly broke into a very wide, happy grin.

"Marik! Get in here quick! He woke up! He woke up!" the Egyptian shouted over his shoulder, excitedly.

"Really? I'm coming!" another voice yelled back and them some running steps were heard and another teen, who looks suspiciously like the first guy but more darker. And crazier.

"Oh my fucking Ra! He does look like Baku in light mode." The very-crazy-looking one called Marik said, leaning his close from behind the less-crazy -looking one. "Very cute, huh, Malik?"

"Very VERY cute, Marik." the one called Malik said in a seductive way, licking his lips.

All the blood drained out of Ryou's face in an instant.

'They're CRAZY!' he screamed in his mind and looked frantically around to see if there was any way out but then notice how Malik is straddling on his waist, pinning down half his lower body, he can't move.

Sweat drops starts to appear all over his body and sliding down his skin. skin?

Ryou carefully lifted up the sheets and peeked down and to his horror finds that his chest was bare, meaning he is naked under the sheet! With a guy on top of him!


"Hey, since Baku isn't here, do you think he wouldn't mind us having a little fun?" Marik ask, a creepy grin forming.

"I dunno." the other one shrug. "You know how Baku is when we touch his things."

"But what he doesn't know, won't hurt us, right?"

"Hmm." he thought about that, then gave a matching wicked grin as his look-alike. "Good point. See, that's what I love about you."

"I know. Let's play!"

They turn their lust-filled eyes to the terrified Ryou then together jumped on him. Ryou shrieked in a high pitch as he felt Malik ripped the sheet out of his clutches and starts exploring his bare chest with his mouth, his wet tongue roughly licking his sweat-covered skin.

Ryou tries to open his mouth to scream for help but Marik quickly attached his mouth over his and thrust his tongue down his throat. Ryou only managed a quick gasp before he was trapped with the mouth again, the blonde raked his fingers on hid white hair, pulling him even more deeper into the kiss.

The poor albino try all his might to push away at least one of the Egyptians off him, but his effort was waisted as the pleasure they were bringing to his body weaken his strength.

He moan into the mouth as he felt the other tongue flick his right nipple while a hand tweaked his left, both growing hard instantly. Then the mouth traveled down to his throat, giving him a chance to breathe but only in short pants as the mouth starts to nibble on his neck, taking tiny bites.

"No...Mmmgh...Ah..no..stop...!" he whined then shrieked again when Malik grinded their hips. "Please!"

But they ignored his pleading.

"Mmm, he's so tasty!" Malik said, lifting his head from the chest, licking his lips.

"Yeah. Like cream." Marik agreed, pulling Malik into a deep kiss. "And it's all for us."

Ryou tries to catch his breath, but stop breathing again as he watch the two identical blondes making out like mad, lifting each other's shirts off. When they both pull away from each other, they were already shirtless. Then they continue with their battle of the tongues and Ryou was too distracted with them, that he didn't thought about escaping now. It's like watching free porn and he was getting turned on!

Between the kiss, Malik felt a light probing on his leg and so he moved his eyes to the side to see Ryou staring at them like a lost little child who wasn't invited to play. Malik nudged Marik to get his attention, shifting his eyes back to Ryou. Marik groaned in annoyance but when he spotted Ryou, he grinned and broke the kiss to face him.

"Hey there, little bunny. Feeling lonely, don't you?" he said in a mocking tone.

"Eep!" Ryou squeak and blush as he was caught watching.

"Oh, don't worry, you can join us too."

Then in one swift move, Marik lifted Ryou, slide to a lying position on his back, then set Ryou comfortably on top of him. Ryou gasp when he felt both Malik and Marik grinding him from his from and back, on top and bottom.

"Ahh! Please...no..Ah..Don't..oh...stop...ooh!" Ryou moaned out as they start kissing his neck and ear.

"Did you hear that, Marik? He told us to don't stop!" Malik laughed.

"Then we won't!" Marik snicker wickedly and bite him lightly on the shoulder, earning him a cry.

"No! Stop it...no..more..quit-ah!" Ryou try to say, but it came out as a loud moan when Marik slip his hands to his inner thighs, rubbing around the area around his hard cock.

Malik pulled Ryou into a deep kiss, tasting all of him very thoroughly with his tongue. "Yum. You do taste like cream. Mixed with a little...peach."

Ryou wasn't paying any attention to what they were saying since his mind was too fogged up with the pleasure he was feeling from them.

"When will Bakura get back?" Malik ask, still kissing.

"Who cares?" Marik groan out, lifting his hips up, lifting Ryou and Malik.

"Oh! Marik! We don't want him to catch us!" Malik said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, we'll have our fun with the bunny before he gets on the elevator."

'Elevator?'Ryou heard, then memories of the incident on the elevator with a white-haired sex-god flashed through his mind and smack him back to reality. His eyes widen in horror as he remember what has happen and what's happening to him now. 'I got to get out of here!'

With that in his mind, he jolted straight up, surprising the Egyptians in a momentary shock. Using this opportunity for escape, Ryou pushed Malik off him and rolled off of Marik, dashing to the open door, not caring about his buck-nakedism. (new word, awesome huh?)

It only took a few seconds for the two to realize that their prey has just escaped and is now on the run. Then they jumped out of the bed themselves and run after him.

"Hey! Get back here!" Marik yelled out.

"Marik, grab him!" Malik yelled out as Ryou ran down the short hallway.

Ryou run out of the hall, to the huge living room and jump behind the round couches.

"He's over there." Malik pointed to Ryou who was huddled behind the couch like a scared little rabbit.

"Come here, little bunny." Marik said in a sweet voice holding, out his hand. "We won't hurt you."

But Ryou peeked out to see his wolfish grin and knows he has other ideas and that he was crazy, or even more crazy to think that he would believe that.

"No!" Ryou called out from behind.

Marik cursed under his breath when his plan didn't work. "Then I guess we'll have to do it the hard way. Malik."

"I'll take the left, you take the right."

Then Ryou found then on either side of him, trapping him in the middle. Again.

"uh-oh." he said quietly to himself.


They made a dive at him. Ryou squeaked and jumped over the couch, dodging them. Panting, Ryou ran to the end of the room, away from the couple. Then he spotted a balcony through the sliding window doors. His freedom!

Maneuvering around the blondes, Ryou ran towards the window. Sliding open the glass door, he was greeted with a cold morning breeze, but ignored it. He closed the door and was about to jump over the balcony but was stopped short when he looked down.

He'd thought he was maybe one or two feet off the ground but instead, it was more like 10-20 stories high.

"Oh. My. God." he gasp and he clutch his beating heart. "I. Almost. Jumped."

"Yeah, it's pretty high, huh?" Marik commented casually behind him.

"Ugh. Gives me he creeps looking down." Malik shuddered.

"Uh-huh." Ryou nodded in agreement.

Then something hits him.

"Aah!" he screamed and jumped back inside the living room, just as they were about to grab him again.

They run around, tossing and turn some of the furniture around, knocking things over an d about. The chase lasted for another 10 minutes before they began to tire out and Ryou is pushed to a corner. The corner to the door entrance to be exact. Right next to a wide flower pot.

Marik and Malik slowly close in on him, advancing with a predator's patient.

"We got you now, little bunny." Marik grinned with a malicious look in his deep violet eyes. "You have been very naughty. You know what that means."

"Punishment time." Malik finished.

Ryou whimper and scrunched up into a ball, squeezing his eyes tightly as tears slide down.

'This is it. My doom.' he cry in his head as he thought up his will. 'And I still didn't get my revenge on Yugi yet!'

Just as they were about to make their attack, the door knob turn and the door open. All eyes turn to the person walking in.

"Hey, Bakura called me to come over here so you idiots better not do anything stupid..." the person was saying then stop short as he caught sight on the room. "Shit. Too late now."

Ryou stop his shaking to look up at the person and what he saw was either an illusion or a miracle. Standing at the door was another guy, who looks exactly like a mature version of Yugi with dark ruby-red eyes, golden tan skin, cad in skin tight black leather and buckles.

The red-eyed Yugi look down to see the terrified albino and can't help but notice the young teen is nude with a helpless and pleading face. Then he look up to the two shirtless Egyptian blondes, the terrorized room, back to Ryou and put two and two together.

Ryou watch as the older teen close his eyes and murmur something to himself as he reach behind his back to pull out what looks like...a long leather whip. "yugi?"

"N-Now Yami, i-it's not what it looks like." Malik said holding up his hands, his voice cracking in a panic as he saw the whip.

"Y-Yeah. W-We can e-explain. D-D-on't do anything crazy with that, ok?" Marik pleaded as he slowly backs away.

"What" the Yugi look-alike, Yami said in a low, deep superior tone. "did I told you before about messing up the room and kidnapping boys?"

"B-But Yami, W-We Didn't k-kidnapped him!"

"Even if that's true, you were going to do something wrong to him." they wince when he snaps his whip. "And you know how I hate cleaning up your messes."

There was a short silence before the two took off in a run to the living room to hide, but Yami was right behind them with his whip handy. Ryou could see the whole thing but he heard some thumps and thuds, then there were some snaps of the whips and followed but painful screams and howls.










Ryou winced at each snaps and curses. Suddenly there were silence. Then he heard some foot steps.

"Damn idiots. Why Kaiba let them have a pent house here is beyond me." Yami mutters in annoyance as he walk back to the hall in the entrance, to where Ryou is still hiding.

Ryou watch him walk closer to him and start shaking again as he think of the whip and how it might be inflicted to him next!

Yami stopped right in front of Ryou. Ryou shut his eyes again as he braced for an attack. But he was surprised when he felt something warm around him.

He open his eyes to see Yami kneeling in font of him, wrapping him around with his leather jacket. Then he look up into his eyes.

"Are you ok? Can you stand?" he ask in a kind, gentle voice, not like the threatening one eariler.

Ryou nod mutely as Yami helped him up and lead him to the living room couch. He gently set Ryou down on the soft cushions.

"I'll go find some clothes for you to wear." Yami said and turn back to the bedrooms.

Ryou nodded and watch him leave. Alone, he let his eyes wander around the room, not getting a chance to check out the place while he was being chased.

The whole room is fresh and clean, the walls are painted in pearl white with a light blue trim. The floor is covered with a thick white carpet that spread to the living room, to the hallway connected to the bedrooms, and stops at the connected kitchen that's faced to the living room.

In front of him has got to be one of the biggest TV screen he has ever seen with a DVD, VCR, PS2, GameCube, XBox and there is a, what looks to be like a black laptop. All the top technology, of course. And surrounding the whole thing is a wide, white, leather soft, couch that's shaped of a circle. In front of the couch is a circle, ebony marble table.

In short, it's all very impressive. But he should of expected it since Yami did say it was a pent house. And Ryou got first-hand of how high the pent house was. shudders.

"You're shivering. This should keep you warm."Yami said walking in, a armful of clothes. "Here, try them on. They might be a little big but should fit."

"T-Thank you." Ryou said in a soft tone, gratefully accepting the clothes.

He was handed a long-sleeved shirt that's two sizes bigger than him, the sleeves dangling over his hands and the hem of the shirt reached to his mid-thighs. He also got a pair of faded jeans that fit but was a little baggy and hang loosely to the of his hip.

Then the noticed something was missing.

"Um, excuse me, uh, where's the, er underwear?" Ryou asked quietly and quickly, his face blooming red with embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry about that but there's a sort of a thing in this place and one of it is that there are no underwears here." Yami said casually, with a bored look on hi s face, as he flip on the TV.

"You don't wear any underwear!" Ryou blurted out aloud in astonishment.

Then two voices from the bedrooms yelled out "HELL YEAH!".

Ryou blushed again and quickly put on the clothes. When he was done, he looked back at Yami.

"So, what's you're name?" Yami asked, turning his eyes away

"R-Ryou." he answered hesitantly.

"My name's Yami. Nice to meet you, Ryou." he said politely, extending a friendly hand.

Ryou slowly took the hand and shook it. "Y-You too, Yami."

"So tell me, Ryou," he said, crossing his arms. "How did you get here? Did the Insane Twins drugged you and dragged you here?"

Ryou blushed and quickly shook his head. "No, no! They didn't do anything like that."

"See! We told you, Yami!" Malik yelled angrily at him, hiding in the hallways, peeking out the corner with Marik behind him, glaring daggers. "We didn't do anything bad! And you WHIPPED us! THAT'S BAD!"

Yami sigh and scratch his head. "Ok. I guess that's wrong on my part. Sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough." Malik huffed.

"Ok, how 'bout you lie down here and I'll massage your backs?" he offered.

Ryou watch the two huddle together, muttering some sort of agreement. Then they nodded and walk to the wide couch.

Yami scooted over to give them room to lie face down on their belly and grab the hand-lotion that was on the small night stool on the end of the couch.

"I'm gonna do Malik first ok?" Yami said, squirting two dollops on his palm then rub his hands together. Then he, to Ryou's surprise, straddle Malik on the waist, his crotch forced to Malik's ass. He started to work slowly on his back, soothing the muscles and careful with the slash marks from the whip that's starting to appear in long red lines on the tan skin.

Ryou winced when he heard Malik hissing in light pain when Yami touched the slashes. he turn his eyes to Marik's back, who has the same slashes and is closing his eyes as he waits patiently for his turn.

Ryou kind of felt guilty for getting them hurt. Then he took the hand lotion on the table and ask, "Can...can I help?"

Yami stopped what he was doing to stare at him, Malik did the same, and Marik look up to stare at him. Ryou gave them an almost pleading helpless look.

"I. It's kind of my fault and I...don't want you to be...hurt." he said the last part in a whisper, hiding his face under his hair in embarrassment.

"Ok." Marik answered simply.

Ryou shot his head up in surprise to see Marik grinning at him. "R-Really?"

"I'd liked that." he said and nodded.

"Ok." Ryou smiled a little in relief. He rolled up his long sleeves to his elbows and squirt some lotion on his hand, trying to mimic Yami earlier.

Then he look at his back and carefully position himself on Marik as he straddle his waist like Yami, blushing the whole time, of course. (grin) Yami and Malik were watching him prepare himself and thought it was so cute and sexy at the same time. Even Marik was grinning wickedly at his shy actions.

Finally comfortable on Marik's fanny, he look up at Yami for guidance.

"Ok, now rub your palm slowly and lightly on his shoulder blades like this. Go up to the shoulders then down to his back." he instruct, demonstrating on Malik, getting a relaxed moan from him.

Ryou nodded and try to follow his action, his hands hesitantly rubbing the back. His hands moved slowly and a little awkwardly but soon began comfortable to the texture of the shin and start working of the muscles.

Marik hissed out a breath feeling the pain from the whip but also pleasure from the pain with Ryou's soothing.

"Oh! Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!" Ryou gasp when he heard him hiss.

"No, no. It's good. Really good. Keep going." he groaned, closing his eyes in bliss.

Malik was the same, almost purring under Yami's expert hands. The twins just moan and sigh in pleasure and relaxation as they're being massaged, listening to the soft music from the TV.

Ryou smiled to himself as he hear Marik's little happy sounds. It makes him feel happy and proud to make someone happy.

They continue this for about another half an hour until the whip slashes starts to fade and almost disappear.

"Ok. Done." Yami said, rolling his shoulder as he get off of Malik.

"MMMM, that was SO good, Yami!" Malik mewl happily in a sigh as he stretch his back like a satisfied cat.

"Your welcome." Yami said, settling down on the couch and flip the channels again.

"Was is good for you?" Ryou ask Marik, eager to know his grade.

"It was good. Better than good." Marik complimented. "If you like, you can do me again next time."

Ryou glowed happily under the praise and nodded. Then he try to get off of Marik but Marik had something in his mind and smirk as he lifted his hips up, rubbing his ass to Ryou's crotch, causing him to gasp and blushed at contact. He slipped his hands, forcing to lean closer to Marik back, their hips touching closer.

Ryou moan in a high pitch, closing his tight, his face heat up in embarrassment and shame for feeling turned on in this position. He didn't want to look up to their faces, for fear of what he might see and cursing his body. He was close to tears now.

"Aww, Marik! Quit teasing him like that, can't you see you're torturing him!" Malik chided him with a glare.

When Marik turn to see Ryou almost about to cry, he quickly turn his body around and held Ryou to his bare chest.

"Ooh, I'm sorry, little bunny. Don't cry, I didn't mean anything bad." he whispered in Ryou's hair, planting small kisses on his forehead as he rub his back. "There, no more tears now."

Ryou was still sniffing as he hiccup his tears away and look up at him with his wide doe-brown eyes.

"Y-you're not m-mad?" he ask in a tremble.

"Mad? Aww, why would we be mad? Oh, come here." Malik said and wrap his arms around him. "How can anyone get made at a cute thing like you."

Ryou again felt deep relief and hugged them back. "Thank you."

"Oh, if you want to thank us, there is a way we'll take it." Marik said wickedly, then tilt his head up and capture his lips.

He linger his tongue in his mouth for a moment then Ryou felt his head being tilted to the other side, only to meet with another welcoming tongue. He wasn't released until he felt another pair of arms pulling him out of their embrace.

"whew." Ryou sigh, drowsy from the lip-lock.

He look up with half-lids to see Yami holding him protectively in his arms.

"Alright, enough. If you keep doing that, he'll pass out." Yami said with a small glare.

"Aww, Yami, you're no fun." Malik pouted.

"Whatever, just go take a shower." Yami commanded.

"Fine. Come on, Marik." Malik said, walking to the bathroom.

"Right behind you." Marik said and followed.

Before the door closed, there was a squeal and some thumping noise.

"Idiots, I swear." Yami mutter under his breath as he set Ryou to his feet. "You ok?"

"uh-huh. Thank you, Yami." Ryou said.

"Good. Man, now I understand." Yami grumbled and fall on the couch.

"Understand what?" Ryou ask, sitting next to him.

"Why Bakura called me to get over here." he answered. "Waking me up early in the fuckin' morning just to beat up the idiots. Damn, but I guess it's a good thing I came."

"Oh. Bakura." Ryou thought about his dark angel.

"I'm curious, Ryou." Yami eyed Ryou suspiciously. "How did you and the damn Thief met?"

"Huh? Oh! Well, you see..." Ryou blushed a deep red and averted his eyes elsewhere as he remember their meeting in the trapped elevator. "We met last night at the elevator in the mall."

"I know that place. In an elevator, huh?" he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Uh-huh." he nodded. "M-My friend and I had a little bet, and I sort of lost so got a punishment."

"A punishment. What was it?" he ask.

"Um, a list of things." Ryou mutter, turning to another shade of red.

"Like what?" he became curious.

"Uh, just some clothes and...mmgh." he muffled the last part.


"Mmmgh Nnoghi" he muffled.

"What?" Yami lean in.

"SEX TOYS!" Ryou blurted out. Then buried his head in a pillow when he realised how loud he said it. "Oooggghhmmm!"

Yami was surprised for a moment then laugh and pat his head. "Aw. Poor Ryou. heh."

"Grr. I want to get back at him for that." Ryou growled and hit the pillow, pouting cutely.

"Hmm. Revenge." Yami thought about it for a moment then grinned as he came up with a devious plan. "Don't worry, Ryou. Maybe you can."

"Really?" Ryou look up at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah. And we will need everyone's help to pull it off."

"What is it? Tell me." Ryou begged eagerly.

"Not just yet. Want to keep it a surprise until everyone is here." Yami told him.

"Aww. Alright." Ryou pouted again then tilt his head as he look at the cloak. "Hey, Yami? You hungry?"

Yami look kind of surprised by the question but answered. "Yeah, sure. Why?"

"I'm gonna make some lunch for everyone." he said and got up to the kitchen to check what's in the refrigerator. "I'm good at cooking."

"Oh, thanks. I'll help you." Yami said and got up too.

"Thanks, Yami." Ryou smiled innocently, but inside his mind, he was laughing evilly at the upcoming revenge on Yugi.

Hehehehe. Revenge will be sweet.


There's the first part! What you think so far? Too confusing? The REAL action will happen next.

What will be the revenge? What did Yami mean when he said everyone's help? And what's with the whip! Just stay tune for the next part and don't forget to leave a review. If you want to make a guess, feel free to share!